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Miss out check box after delete image

Title Miss out check box after delete image
Message Text Hallo Paul, I add new link attach field with name : logoattach and I write to edit template this code:
<input type="file" name="logoattach" size="40"><IF {LINKLOGOATTACHTITLE}><input type="checkbox" name="logoattachdelete" value="1"> Delete: {LINKLOGOATTACHTITLE} ?
and I attach by use this custom attach field image with name: logo.jpg After I use default way for attach files with attach button and I attach image with name picture.jpg. Now I go to edit page and all is o.k. And then I check box by picture.jpg for delete this. I click to button delete checked and after redirect to edit page is picture.jpg deleted. Is o.k. But from edit page miss out check box and name of image logo.jpg (whole code above). Image is in database always. I don't know what is bad !! Thanks for help.
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Submission Date Feb 21, 2006 - 6:05 AM