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1 not working

Title 1 not working
Description unable to determine whether comment has been read
Message Text First of all my compliments for building this great links engine. Please find below some bugs for which I ask your help. There is a typo in prestart.php causing the Template Variable {LINKCOMMENTSREAD} to not work at all. The typo is still there in version 3.3.4.
--- prestart.php        Sat Jan 28 17:35:16 2006
+++ prestart.php.orig   Sun Oct 30 10:06:49 2005
-// get visitedarray data
+// get vistedarray data

-$visited = explode('[END]', $_COOKIE['commentsread']);
+$visted = explode('[END]', $_COOKIE['commentsread']);
After fixing the typo this variable still does not work the way it should. Viewing a link's comments sets a cookie called "commentsread" containing the link ID. So far so good, the template variable gets set accordingly and is useable again. But when viewing the comments a second time the cookie is deleted. Actually, the cookie "commentsread" is set again but is empty. This only happens when viewing the same link's comments for a second time. The same resetting of cookies happens for the linksread cookie. I assume the commentsread code was copied from there, they use the same mechanism. Thanks for your support.
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Ownership dseron
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Submission Date Jan 28, 2006 - 10:53 AM