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suggestion next version for wsn gallery

Title suggestion next version for wsn gallery
Message Text hello, this is my suggestion next version for wsn gallery, and I'm sorry for bad english. i think more useful this option for current suggest image option; current version is (suggest image section); <-- imagesource --> [Browse] [Add button] [Send button] i suggestion for next version wsn gallery is; <-- imagesource --> [Browse] <-- imagesource --> [Browse] <-- imagesource --> [Browse] [Send Button] n etc etc.. this option is more useful and easy, if users want to bulk upload images. (but only user permissions section, attachments per image option value is: 3). or keep current style, add switch [on/off] option control panel for bulk show upload images. again sorry my bad english, but i hope understand me. Thank you. Sincerely.
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Ownership orhan sevki
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Submission Date Oct 25, 2005 - 7:01 PM