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Fails in Bulk Edit Categories

Title Fails in Bulk Edit Categories
Message Text If I select any category and 'ignore selections..' I get Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/........./wsnlinks/admin/bulkcategories.php on line 12 If I select 'delete' I get Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/........./wsnlinks/admin/bulkcategories.php on line 12 AND Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/........./wsnlinks/admin/bulkcategories.php on line 46 I get the feeling my whole categroy structure is screwed up right now. Is there any way of easily deleting all the categories and links and starting over?
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Submission Date Oct 01, 2005 - 10:29 PM