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database.php sql errors

Title database.php sql errors
Message Text These errors occured on index.php after restoring the database. Admin is unreachable. Please help. Thanks.
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jo/public_html/classes/database.php:230) in /home/jo/public_html/prestart.php on line 115

Warning: mysql_list_fields(): Unable to save MySQL query result in /home/jo/public_html/classes/database.php on line 29

Warning: mysql_num_fields(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/jo/public_html/classes/database.php on line 31

Getting field list for table wsnlinks_sessions 

Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT name,value FROM wsnlinks_switches WHERE id>0 ;

Number of rows is 23 for Resource id #30

Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 ;

Number of rows is 610 for Resource id #31

Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,title,caneditown,caneditall,canvote,isadmin,canpost,canemail,validatecats,validatecomments,validatelinks,validateedits,cansubmitlinks,cansubmitcategories,cansubmitcomments,caneditownlinks,caneditowncategories,caneditowncomments,caneditownprofile,caneditalllinks,caneditallcategories,caneditallcomments,caneditallprofiles,candownloadfiles,canupload,canviewip,limitlinks,canemailmembers,canusehtml,limitlinksdaily,canalias,cancopy,candeleteown,candeleteall,candofulledit,candeletecategories,candeletecomments,candeleteowncategories,candeleteowncomments,candeletemembers,candeleteownmembers,canaliascategories,canviewpages,caneditvotes,numaliases,canviewvotes,canhideownlinks,canhideowncategories,canhideowncomments,canhidealllinks,canhideallcategories,canhideallcomments,canratecomments,bytespermem FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE id>0 ;

Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,links,comments,time,usergroup,password,ip,totalhits,totalhitsin,email,validated,template,language,lastattempt,allowemail,signature,avatarname,stylesheet,allowuseremail,albumid,failedattempts,totalbytes,funds,notifyoflinks,lastvisit,timezone,rating,pmfolders,notifyofpms,acceptpms,cookieduration,banned FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE id=1 AND validated=1 ;

Load time so far: 0.1 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 ;

Number of rows is 610 for Resource id #36

Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
Performing query: LOCK TABLES wsnlinks_email WRITE, wsnlinks_links WRITE, wsnlinks_categories WRITE, wsnlinks_members WRITE;

Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,`to`,subject,message,headers,replacement,mime FROM wsnlinks_email WHERE timesent=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10;

Table '
jo_wsnlinks.wsnlinks_email' doesn't exist

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/jo/public_html/classes/database.php on line 82

Number of rows is for Table 'jo_wsnlinks.wsnlinks_email' doesn't exist

Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
Performing query: UNLOCK TABLES;

Table 'jo_wsnlinks.wsnlinks_email' doesn't exist

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jo/public_html/classes/database.php:230) in /home/jo/public_html/commonfuncs.php on line 317

Load time so far: 0.2 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent=0 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND isalbum=0 ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 0,300;

Number of rows is 15 for Resource id #39

Load time so far: 0.2 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent=0 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 ;

Number of rows is 15 for Resource id #40

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jo/public_html/classes/database.php:230) in /home/jo/public_html/commonfuncs.php on line 317

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jo/public_html/classes/database.php:230) in /home/jo/public_html/end.php on line 29

Load time so far: 0.66 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid>0 ;

Number of rows is 1 for Resource id #42

Load time so far: 0.66 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=0 ;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #43

Load time so far: 0.76 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 AND inhidden=0 AND alias=0 AND inalbum=0 ;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #44

Load time so far: 0.76 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,title,url,description,rating,votes,validated,catid,sumofvotes,email,time,hits,numcomments,hide,ownerid,voterips,voterids,lastedit,type,filename,filetitle,notify,suspect,downloads,pendingedit,funds,suspended,alias,expire,ip,inalbum,typeorder,recipurl,hitsin,recipwith,hitsinips,hitsoutips,lastcomment,related,inhidden,viewers,threadviewers,hitsintemp,hitsouttemp,origtype,importance,parentids,timesdead,timesemailed,threadclosed,threadposters FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 AND inhidden=0 AND alias=0 AND inalbum=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,5;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #45

Load time so far: 0.76 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,title,url,description,rating,votes,validated,catid,sumofvotes,email,time,hits,numcomments,hide,ownerid,voterips,voterids,lastedit,type,filename,filetitle,notify,suspect,downloads,pendingedit,funds,suspended,alias,expire,ip,inalbum,typeorder,recipurl,hitsin,recipwith,hitsinips,hitsoutips,lastcomment,related,inhidden,viewers,threadviewers,hitsintemp,hitsouttemp,origtype,importance,parentids,timesdead,timesemailed,threadclosed,threadposters FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 AND inhidden=0 AND alias=0 AND inalbum=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,5;

Load time so far: 0.77 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE 1=1 AND (memberid>0) ;

Number of rows is 1 for Resource id #47

Load time so far: 0.77 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,memberid,location,time,ip,browser,starttime,catid,threadid,areaname FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE 1=1 AND (memberid>0) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,100;

Number of rows is 1 for Resource id #48

Load time so far: 0.77 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,memberid,location,time,ip,browser,starttime,catid,threadid,areaname FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE 1=1 AND (memberid>0) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1,100;

Load time so far: 0.77 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_comments WHERE 1=1 AND hide=0 ;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #50

Load time so far: 0.77 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,linkid,postername,message,time,linkname,validated,ip,ownerid,lastedit,type,approved,votes,hide,typeorder,lasteditby,catid,editreason,preventedit,inhidden FROM wsnlinks_comments WHERE 1=1 AND hide=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,5;

Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #51

Load time so far: 0.77 seconds.
Performing query: SELECT id,linkid,postername,message,time,linkname,validated,ip,ownerid,lastedit,type,approved,votes,hide,typeorder,lasteditby,catid,editreason,preventedit,inhidden FROM wsnlinks_comments WHERE 1=1 AND hide=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,5;
  • 0/5
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Ownership Emory
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Submission Date Jun 05, 2005 - 7:29 PM