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Title formemail.php
Description Doesn't send any content
Message Text Have just used the example in the manual to add a form to my site (scripts.webmastersite.net/w...nks/wsnmanual/articles/234). After submitting the form, I receive an e-mail and the from address & subject are correct but the body of the e-mail doesn't contain the message or any additional fields I add to the form! It just says: "<submitteremail> has filled out a form with this content:" (oviously <submitteremail> is an actual e-mail address!). The same thing happens with the ccsubmitter option - from address and subject are correct but the body of the e-mail just says "You have submitted a form with the content listed below. Your submission will be reviewed, please be patient in awaiting a response." Am I missing something?! Thanks.
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Submission Date Jun 05, 2005 - 10:09 AM