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Upgade to paid version

Title Upgade to paid version
Description I am affraid to install upgrade
Message Text I have read and printed out the 'readme' file regarding upgrading. I have also read a lot of post from others who have gone before me wink I am using version 3.12 basic edition and am about to take the much dreaded step to upgrade to paid version. I am unsure if I should follow "TO UPGRADE FROM 3.12 OR 3.13" or to follow "TO UPGRADE FROM WSN LINKS BASIC EDITION" They both say to overwrite all files except the /attachments/ and /templates directories, yet somewhere else it says not to overwrite the confiq.php file. I have made a back up copy of the templates and the database. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Ownership larryjam
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Submission Date May 10, 2005 - 6:59 PM