Message Text |
(this might already be posted but, I couldn't find it anywhere)
For my purposes, I wanted members album thumbnail images to display the fullsize image in a new pop-up window when clicked with none of the image editing features that link.php offers. Here's the code I used to get a new pop-up with no window controls, etc:
<td {IMAGEWIDTH} valign="top" class="link" align="center" onClick="'download.php?id={IMAGEID}', 'Image_Display', 'width={IMAGEXWIDTH},height={IMAGEYHEIGHT},left=0,top=0,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menuBar=0,scrollBars=0,resizable=1')" onMouseOver="'hand'" onMouseOut="'auto'"><IF {SWITCH_TITLES}><IF {IMAGETITLE}>{IMAGETITLE}<br>
</IF></IF> <img src="thumbnail.php?id={IMAGEID}" border="0" {BORDEREFFECT} {MOUSEOVEREFFECT} alt="{IMAGEBOOKMARKTITLE}" onClick="'download.php?id={IMAGEID}', 'Image_Display', 'width={IMAGEXWIDTH},height={IMAGEYHEIGHT},left=0,top=0,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menuBar=0,scrollBars=0,resizable=1')" onMouseOver="'hand'" onMouseOut="'auto'"> <br>
<a href="albums.php?action=remove&linkid={IMAGEID}&catid={CATID}">DELETE THIS IMAGE</a></IF> </td>
Note that width={IMAGEXWIDTH},height={IMAGEYHEIGHT} can be set to a fixed dimension, if you want the same size window each time.
Here's the one drawback with using the X & Y dimensions from each image: the new window seems to put a 15px padding on the image so, you have to resize the window slightly to get the full image. I tried tinkering in download.php to add 25px or so onto each returned IMAGEXWIDTH IMAGEYHEIGHT to compensate for the padding but, no dice. Anyone know a hack for this? |