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custom password encoder help

Title custom password encoder help
Description what's the simplest way to do this
Message Text Paul- I posted this question back in December and you gave me an answer but, upon rereading the post, you edited your solution. Here's that post: www.webmastersite.net/forum...g&findpost=20672#post20672 It's taken me sometime to convert and debug my new databases but, they are finally ready. Still have the same problem with the passwords. I do not encode the passwords so, I need a simple encoder file that does not do any conversion. I've spent all day messing with the vbulletinencoder.php file (it's all I have to work with). I can figure out all the code in there, though I've tweaked it all. Another flavor in the same problem is that I keep getting "Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource" whenever I try to use the encoder file. Removing the integration script and it all works fine so, if I can get the password issue worked out, I think I may be ready to go. Thanks for any help or direction!
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Submission Date Apr 27, 2005 - 3:31 PM