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UL Search

Title UL Search
Description Is it working
Message Text I've been trying to use ULSearch for a while & nothing will show on my sites. I'm using the default code to test it <table width="96%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="10"> <!-- BEGIN ULSEARCH LINKS --> <p><a href="{LINKURL}">{LINKTITLE}</a> {LINKDESCRIPTION} : {LINKBID} : {LINKEARNINGS}</p> <!-- END ULSEARCH LINKS --> </table> I named the link Type: ulsearch I'm also using the latest 3.15 This is used on the displaylinks template. I put house, home, cars, car etc. as my keywork (not at once.) Anyway Paul if you could, could you run a test on the display links template to see if it's working correctly or anyone else? & this is not a rush thing either. I assumed that it would add a few extra links to each category. Maybe I'm wrong though.
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Submission Date Apr 15, 2005 - 8:29 PM