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Member Signature

Title Member Signature
Description Can't put Urls in signature
Message Text Paul, Whenever you put a url into a member signature it adds the directory url to it and messes it all up. So can we put urls in signatures? If not is there a way it can be done. Example I am trying to add this to the sig <a href="http://www.yourdomain.com">Your Domain</a> and I get this - <a href="http://www.directoryurl.com/http://www.yourdomain.com""; target="_blank">http://www.yourdomain.com"<;/a>;>Your Domain</a> So I tried this Your Domain http://www.yourdomain.com I get this - Your Domain http://www.yourdomain.com"; target="_blank">http://www.yourdomain.com<;/a> Is there a way to fix this? Or have it to where you can do either way in signatures. Thanks Liz
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Submission Date Apr 02, 2005 - 12:42 PM