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Can't see category restriction

Title Can't see category restriction
Description Feature Suggestion
Message Text Right now there's an option "Can view category" for a membergroup in the edit category screen. If I set this to "No" for a certain category, they can still see the category, but if they try to enter it they get a special template instead of the category. My suggestion would be to add a category membergroup authorization option to not even show the category to the membergroup in question. Meaning they wouldn't see it in the menu, in the category selector, in the toplists, etcetera. Personally, I wouldn't really need the "can view" option, the "can see" option alone would be sufficient. Although I can imagine you might want to let users know there's a member section somewhere. Example: I have 4-5 categories that are member only, but they are strung about subject-wise under a number of main categories, instead of all being in a single category. Any guest now browsing the site will be confronted unnecessarily with categories that he can't view, nor that he will never be able to view (the site is for a chess club, in which only the real members are allowed to become site members)
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Submission Date Dec 22, 2004 - 8:20 PM