Warning: ftp_chdir() [function.ftp-chdir]: /www/mysite.com/forums/: No such file or directory in /home/www/durhamlinks.com/forums/setup.php on line 401 Current directory: / Load time so far: 1176579019.46 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_links Load time so far: 1176579019.58 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_categories Load time so far: 1176579019.58 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_comments Load time so far: 1176579019.59 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_settings Load time so far: 1176579019.59 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_members Load time so far: 1176579019.62 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_membergroups Load time so far: 1176579019.78 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_email Load time so far: 1176579019.78 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_sessions Load time so far: 1176579019.78 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_ratings Load time so far: 1176579019.78 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_switches Load time so far: 1176579019.78 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_markup Load time so far: 1176579019.78 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_modlog Load time so far: 1176579019.78 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_attachments Load time so far: 1176579020.13 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_helpcategory Load time so far: 1176579020.13 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_helpitem Load time so far: 1176579020.14 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_crons Load time so far: 1176579020.14 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_im Load time so far: 1176579020.23 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_pm Load time so far: 1176579020.23 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_trader Load time so far: 1176579020.24 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_searches Load time so far: 1176579020.24 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_calendar Load time so far: 1176579020.24 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_invites Load time so far: 1176579020.24 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_chat Load time so far: 1176579020.24 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_polls Load time so far: 1176579020.24 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_pollvotes Load time so far: 1176579020.27 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_shouts Load time so far: 1176579020.29 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_quotes Load time so far: 1176579020.29 seconds. Query: drop table if exists wsnforum_reports Load time so far: 1176579020.29 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_links ( `id` int auto_increment, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `description` text NOT NULL, `rating` double default '0', `votes` int default '0', `validated` tinyint(1) default '0', `catid` int default '0', `sumofvotes` int default '0', `time` int default '0', `hits` int default '0', `numcomments` int default '0', `hide` tinyint(1) default '0', `ownerid` int default '0', `voterips` text NOT NULL, `voterids` text NOT NULL, `lastedit` int default '0', `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `notify` text NOT NULL, `pendingedit` text NOT NULL, `alias` int default '0', `expire` int default '0', `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `inalbum` tinyint(1) default '0', `typeorder` int default '0', `hitsoutips` text NOT NULL, `lastcomment` int default '0', `related` text NOT NULL, `inhidden` tinyint(1) default '0', `viewers` text NOT NULL, `threadviewers` text NOT NULL, `hitsouttemp` int default '0', `origtype` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `importance` double default '0', `parentids` text NOT NULL, `timesemailed` int default '0', `message` text NOT NULL, `lastposterid` int default '0', `lastpostername` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `sticky` int default '0', `threadclosed` tinyint(1) default '0', `ownername` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `threadposters` text NOT NULL, `deleted` tinyint(1) default '0', `downloads` int default '0', `funds` double default '0', `deletionreason` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `movedto` int default '0', `pollid` int default '0', `deletedby` int default '0', `posticon` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `timevalidated` int default '0', `savedby` text NOT NULL, `email` text NOT NULL, `suspect` int default '0', `suspended` int default '0', `hitsin` int default '0', `hitsinips` text NOT NULL, `hitsintemp` int default '0', `filefield` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `validatedemail` int default '0', `unpaid` int default '0', `effectivetime` int default '0', `wysihtml` int default '0', `movedid` int default '0', `unrevised` int default '0', `feedurl` text NOT NULL, `feedcache` text NOT NULL, `feedcachetime` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.3 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_categories ( `id` int auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `parent` int default '0', `validated` tinyint(1) default '0', `description` text NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `parentnames` text NOT NULL, `parentids` text NOT NULL, `numlinks` int default '0', `hide` tinyint(1) default '0', `lastlinktime` int default '0', `custom` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `lastedit` int default '0', `moderators` text NOT NULL, `headerinfo` text NOT NULL, `related` text NOT NULL, `numsub` int default '0', `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `permissions` text NOT NULL, `subscribers` text NOT NULL, `mixtypes` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `isalbum` tinyint(1) default '0', `orderlinks` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `totalcomments` int default '0', `alias` int default '0', `catcols` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `sponsorlinks` text NOT NULL, `views` int default '0', `customwrap` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `deleted` tinyint(1) default '0', `reqlinks` int default '0', `reqcoms` int default '0', `reqlinksdelay` int default '0', `priority` int default '0', `levelsdeep` int default '0', `lastposterid` int default '0', `lastpostername` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `lastcommenttime` int default '0', `lastthreadid` int default '0', `lastthreadtitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `linkshere` int default '0', `unvalidatedlinks` int default '0', `unvalidatedcomments` int default '0', `actaslink` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `countposts` text NOT NULL, `subcatshtml` text NOT NULL, `opwords` int default '0', `subscriber` text NOT NULL, `ulsearchmax` int default '0', `ulsearchquery` text NOT NULL, `ulsearchadult` text NOT NULL, `linkcols` text NOT NULL, `dmozpath` text NOT NULL, `linksperpage` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `wysihtml` int default '0', `numonline` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.31 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_comments ( `id` int auto_increment, `linkid` int default '0', `postername` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `linkname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `validated` int default '0', `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `ownerid` int default '0', `lastedit` int default '0', `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `approved` int default '0', `votes` int default '0', `hide` int default '0', `typeorder` int default '0', `lasteditby` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `catid` int default '0', `editreason` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `preventedit` tinyint(1) default '0', `inhidden` tinyint(1) default '0', `deleted` tinyint(1) default '0', `deletionreason` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `usernoteon` int default '0', `modnote` int default '0', `filefield` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `deletedby` int default '0', `parentids` text NOT NULL, `disablesmilies` tinyint(1) default '0', `disablesig` tinyint(1) default '0', `icon` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `originalmessage` text NOT NULL, `disablehtml` tinyint(1) default '0', `disablewsn` tinyint(1) default '0', `flagged` tinyint(1) default '0', `wysihtml` int default '0', `unrevised` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.38 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_settings ( `id` int auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `content` text NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.42 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_members ( `id` int auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `usergroup` int default '0', `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `totalhits` int default '0', `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `validated` tinyint(1) default '0', `template` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `language` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `lastattempt` int default '0', `allowemail` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `signature` text NOT NULL, `avatarname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `stylesheet` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `allowuseremail` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `albumid` int default '0', `failedattempts` int default '0', `totalbytes` int default '0', `funds` double default '0', `notifyoflinks` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `lastvisit` int default '0', `timezone` double default '0', `rating` double default '0', `pmfolders` text NOT NULL, `notifyofpms` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `acceptpms` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `cookieduration` int default '0', `banned` text NOT NULL, `topics` int default '0', `posts` int default '0', `location` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `homepage` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `occupation` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `bio` text NOT NULL, `aim` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `icq` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `msn` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `yahoo` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `inactive` int default '0', `timeonline` int default '0', `totalpms` int default '0', `buddies` text NOT NULL, `ignored` text NOT NULL, `isonline` int default '0', `acceptims` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `adminpermissions` text NOT NULL, `referrer` int default '0', `groupreverttime` int default '0', `grouprevertto` int default '0', `moderationpm` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `secondarygroups` text NOT NULL, `linksperpage` int default '0', `commentsperpage` int default '0', `shouts` int default '0', `customtitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `shoutban` tinyint(1) default '0', `topicbans` text NOT NULL, `forumbans` text NOT NULL, `visibility` text NOT NULL, `birthdate` text NOT NULL, `lastsession` int default '0', `interests` text NOT NULL, `posteditor` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `forumaccess` text NOT NULL, `pmpopup` tinyint(1) default '0', `pmnotify` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `modnotes` int default '0', `guestnotes` int default '0', `salt` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `lastmodnote` int default '0', `newpms` int default '0', `imflag` tinyint(1) default '0', `orderalbums` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `lastguestnote` int default '0', `autosubscribe` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `notifymethod` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `showavatars` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `showsigs` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `warninglevel` int default '0', `chatcolor` text NOT NULL, `autosubscribepost` text NOT NULL, `validatedemail` tinyint(1) default '0', `totalhitsin` int default '0', `traderrating` int default '0', `invitessent` int default '0', `newemail` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `calsub` int default '0', `macros` text NOT NULL, `blogrss` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `blogcache` text NOT NULL, `watched` text NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.43 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_membergroups ( `id` int auto_increment, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `caneditown` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditall` tinyint(1) default '0', `canvote` tinyint(1) default '0', `isadmin` tinyint(1) default '0', `canpost` tinyint(1) default '0', `canemail` tinyint(1) default '0', `validatecats` tinyint(1) default '0', `validatecomments` tinyint(1) default '0', `validatelinks` tinyint(1) default '0', `validateedits` tinyint(1) default '0', `cansubmitlinks` tinyint(1) default '0', `cansubmitcategories` tinyint(1) default '0', `cansubmitcomments` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditownlinks` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditowncategories` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditowncomments` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditownprofile` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditalllinks` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditallcategories` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditallcomments` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditallprofiles` tinyint(1) default '0', `candownloadfiles` tinyint(1) default '0', `canupload` tinyint(1) default '0', `canviewip` tinyint(1) default '0', `limitlinks` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `canemailmembers` tinyint(1) default '0', `canusehtml` tinyint(1) default '0', `limitlinksdaily` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `canalias` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteown` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteall` tinyint(1) default '0', `candofulledit` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeletecategories` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeletecomments` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteowncategories` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteowncomments` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeletemembers` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteownmembers` tinyint(1) default '0', `canaliascategories` tinyint(1) default '0', `canviewpages` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditvotes` tinyint(1) default '0', `numaliases` int default '0', `canviewvotes` tinyint(1) default '0', `canhideownlinks` tinyint(1) default '0', `canhideowncategories` tinyint(1) default '0', `canhideowncomments` tinyint(1) default '0', `canhidealllinks` tinyint(1) default '0', `canhideallcategories` tinyint(1) default '0', `canhideallcomments` tinyint(1) default '0', `canratecomments` tinyint(1) default '0', `bytespermem` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `canpm` tinyint(1) default '0', `canim` tinyint(1) default '0', `canharddelete` tinyint(1) default '0', `limitpms` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `limitpmsdaily` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `canviewdeleted` tinyint(1) default '0', `cansubmitpolls` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeletepolls` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteownpolls` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditpolls` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditownpolls` tinyint(1) default '0', `attachperpost` int default '0', `attachperpm` int default '0', `canviewshouts` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditshouts` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditownshouts` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteshouts` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteownshouts` tinyint(1) default '0', `cansubmitshouts` tinyint(1) default '0', `canpollvote` tinyint(1) default '0', `customtitle` tinyint(1) default '0', `canviewinvisible` tinyint(1) default '0', `namestyle` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `canpmimportant` tinyint(1) default '0', `canviewmodlog` tinyint(1) default '0', `isleader` tinyint(1) default '0', `cansubmitquotes` tinyint(1) default '0', `validatequotes` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeletequotes` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteownquotes` tinyint(1) default '0', `canreport` tinyint(1) default '0', `canusesearch` tinyint(1) default '0', `validateattachments` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditownquotes` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditallquotes` tinyint(1) default '0', `canviewchat` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditownevents` tinyint(1) default '0', `caneditallevents` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteownevents` tinyint(1) default '0', `candeleteevents` tinyint(1) default '0', `cansubmitevents` tinyint(1) default '0', `validateevents` tinyint(1) default '0', `bulkpms` int default '0', `issupermod` tinyint(1) default '0', `cansuggestban` tinyint(1) default '0', `shoutsperday` int default '0', `cancopy` int default '0', `attachperlink` int default '0', `numinv` int default '0', `allowugspec` int default '0', `validateemails` int default '0', `validatesponsorlinks` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.43 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_email ( `id` int auto_increment, `to` text NOT NULL, `subject` text NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL, `headers` text NOT NULL, `timesent` int default '0', `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `replacement` text NOT NULL, `mime` tinyint(1) default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.45 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_sessions ( `id` int auto_increment, `memberid` int default '0', `location` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `browser` text NOT NULL, `starttime` int default '0', `catid` int default '0', `threadid` int default '0', `areaname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `lastsearch` int default '0', `nopermission` tinyint(1) default '0', `inchat` tinyint(1) default '0', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `isrobot` tinyint(1) default '0', `lastchat` int default '0', `groupnamestyle` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `acceptims` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `visibility` varchar(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.47 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_ratings ( `id` int auto_increment, `votevalue` int default '0', `time` int default '0', `memberid` int default '0', `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `custom` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `linkid` int default '0', `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.49 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_switches ( `id` int auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `value` tinyint(1) default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.5 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_markup ( `id` int auto_increment, `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `original` text NOT NULL, `replacement` text NOT NULL, `description` text NOT NULL, `originalclose` text NOT NULL, `replacementclose` text NOT NULL, `sortorder` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.5 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_modlog ( `id` int auto_increment, `topicid` int default '0', `postid` int default '0', `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `nature` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `reason` text NOT NULL, `moderatorid` int default '0', `source` int default '0', `destination` int default '0', `time` int default '0', `catid` int default '0', `memberid` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.5 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_attachments ( `id` int auto_increment, `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `objectid` int default '0', `filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `filetitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `filesize` int default '0', `width` int default '0', `height` int default '0', `memberid` int default '0', `time` int default '0', `deleted` tinyint(1) default '0', `field` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `downloads` int default '0', `validated` tinyint(1) default '0', `ownerip` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `catid` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.5 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_helpcategory ( `id` int auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `numsubjects` int default '0', `priority` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.5 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_helpitem ( `id` int auto_increment, `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `helptext` text NOT NULL, `priority` int default '0', `category` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.53 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_crons ( `id` int auto_increment, `frequency` int default '0', `nextrun` int default '0', `filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `native` tinyint(1) default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.53 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_im ( `id` int auto_increment, `toid` int default '0', `fromid` int default '0', `message` text NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `isread` tinyint(1) default '0', `timeread` int default '0', `deleted` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.53 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_pm ( `id` int auto_increment, `toid` int default '0', `fromid` int default '0', `timeread` int default '0', `message` text NOT NULL, `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `icon` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `folderid` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `deleted` tinyint(1) default '0', `flag` int default '0', `filefield` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `important` tinyint(1) default '0', `replyto` tinyint(1) default '0', `replied` tinyint(1) default '0', `sentdeleted` tinyint(1) default '0', `cc` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `wysihtml` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.53 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_trader ( `id` int auto_increment, `ratingof` int default '0', `ratingby` int default '0', `value` int default '0', `summary` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `report` text NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `linkid` int default '0', `morecomments` text NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.53 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_searches ( `id` int auto_increment, `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `memberid` int default '0', `catid` int default '0', `time` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.53 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_calendar ( `id` int auto_increment, `ownerid` int default '0', `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `description` text NOT NULL, `joined` text NOT NULL, `starttime` int default '0', `endtime` int default '0', `date` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `reminded` text NOT NULL, `validated` int default '0', `time` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.53 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_invites ( `id` int auto_increment, `inviter` int default '0', `invitee` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `usergroup` int default '0', `taken` tinyint(1) default '0', `code` varchar(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.54 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_chat ( `id` int auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `message` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `ownerid` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.54 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_polls ( `id` int auto_increment, `topicid` int default '0', `catid` int default '0', `question` text NOT NULL, `options` text NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `endtime` int default '0', `deleted` tinyint(1) default '0', `multi` int default '0', `public` tinyint(1) default '0', `totals` text NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.54 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_pollvotes ( `id` int auto_increment, `pollid` int default '0', `vote` int default '0', `memberid` int default '0', `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `deleted` tinyint(1) default '0', `membername` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.54 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_shouts ( `id` int auto_increment, `ownerid` int default '0', `time` int default '0', `deleted` tinyint(1) default '0', `message` text NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.54 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_quotes ( `content` text NOT NULL, `author` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `id` int auto_increment, `source` text NOT NULL, `ownerid` int default '0', `ownername` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `validated` tinyint(1) default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.54 seconds. Query: create table wsnforum_reports ( `id` int auto_increment, `type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `objectid` int default '0', `reporter` int default '0', `action` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `time` int default '0', `moderator` int default '0', `discussionthread` int default '0', `reason` text NOT NULL, `forumid` int default '0', `parentids` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `topicid` int default '0', `offender` int default '0', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_members(id,name,time,usergroup,password,ip,totalhits,email,validated,template,language,lastattempt,allowemail,signature,avatarname,stylesheet,allowuseremail,albumid,failedattempts,totalbytes,funds,notifyoflinks,lastvisit,timezone,rating,pmfolders,notifyofpms,acceptpms,cookieduration,banned,topics,posts,location,homepage,occupation,bio,aim,icq,msn,yahoo,inactive,timeonline,totalpms,buddies,ignored,isonline,acceptims,adminpermissions,referrer,groupreverttime,grouprevertto,moderationpm,secondarygroups,linksperpage,commentsperpage,shouts,customtitle,shoutban,topicbans,forumbans,visibility,birthdate,lastsession,interests,posteditor,forumaccess,pmpopup,pmnotify,modnotes,guestnotes,salt,lastmodnote,newpms,imflag,orderalbums,lastguestnote,autosubscribe,notifymethod,showavatars,showsigs,warninglevel,chatcolor,autosubscribepost,validatedemail,totalhitsin,traderrating,invitessent,newemail,calsub,macros,blogrss,blogcache,watched) VALUES ('', 'admin', '1176579019', '3', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', '', 'admin@durhamwebs.com', '1', 'templates/default', 'default', '', '', '', '', 'default', '', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'yes', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Administrator', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'sdg', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_crons(id,frequency,nextrun,filename,native) VALUES ('6', '3600', '1174077055', 'hourly.php', '1') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_crons(id,frequency,nextrun,filename,native) VALUES ('8', '86400', '1165902243', 'daily.php', '0') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_crons(id,frequency,nextrun,filename,native) VALUES ('9', '43200', '1163909280', '12hours.php', '0') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('1', 'wsncode', '[b]', '', 'Put text in bold.', '[/b]', '', '1') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('3', 'wsncode', '[i]', '', 'Put text in italics.', '[/i]', '', '2') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('10', 'smilie', ':D', '', 'grin', '', '', '3') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('8', 'smilie', ':)', '', 'smiling face', '', '', '1') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('9', 'smilie', ';)', '', 'wink', '', '', '2') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('11', 'smilie', ':confused:', '', 'confused', '', '', '8') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('12', 'smilie', ':cool:', '', 'cool', '', '', '4') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('13', 'smilie', ':eek:', '', 'shocked', '', '', '9') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('14', 'smilie', ':eyebrow:', '', 'raised eyebrow', '', '', '7') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('15', 'smilie', ':(', '', 'sad', '', '', '13') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('16', 'smilie', ':mad:', '', 'mad', '', '', '14') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('17', 'smilie', ':no:', '', 'shaking head', '', '', '10') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('18', 'smilie', ':nod:', '', 'nod', '', '', '5') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('19', 'smilie', ':nono:', '', 'disapproval', '', '', '11') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('20', 'smilie', ':rolleyes:', '', 'rolling eyes', '', '', '12') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('21', 'smilie', ':p', '', 'sticking out tongue', '', '', '6') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('23', 'wsncode', '[quote={PARAM}]', ' {PARAM} wrote: ', 'Quote text written by someone.', '[/quote]', ' ', '4') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('24', 'wsncode', '[quote]', ' ', 'Quote without attribution.', '[/quote]', ' ', '5') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('25', 'wsncode', '[code]', ' ', 'Type code such as HTML, PHP, C++, etc.', '[/code]', ' ', '9') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('26', 'wsncode', '[url={PARAM}]', '', 'Link text to a URL.', '[/url]', '', '6') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('27', 'wsncode', '[url]', '', 'Link a URL.', '[/url]', '', '7') Load time so far: 1176579020.55 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('33', 'wsncode', '[color={PARAM}]', '', 'Places text in specified color.', '[/color]', '', '10') Load time so far: 1176579020.62 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('29', 'wsncode', '[size={PARAM}]', '', 'Set the size of text.', '[/size]', '', '11') Load time so far: 1176579020.62 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('30', 'wsncode', '[*]', ' ', 'Bullet point inside a list.', '', '', '13') Load time so far: 1176579020.62 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('31', 'wsncode', '[list]', ' ', 'List of bullet points.', '[/list]', ' ', '12') Load time so far: 1176579020.62 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('32', 'wsncode', '[u]', '', 'Underline text', '[/u]', '', '3') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('34', 'wsncode', '[font={PARAM}]', '', 'Put text in the specified font.', '[/font]', '', '15') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('35', 'wsncode', '[hr]', ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ', 'Horizontal rule.', '', '', '16') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('36', 'wsncode', '[numbered]', ' ', 'Numbered list.', '[/numbered]', ' ', '14') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('37', 'wsncode', '[center]', ' ', 'Center text.', '[/center]', ' ', '17') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('38', 'wsncode', '[highlight={PARAM}]', '', 'Set background color for text.', '[/highlight]', '', '20') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('39', 'wsncode', '[indent={PARAM}]', ' ', 'Indent by specified number of pixels.', '[/indent]', ' ', '19') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('40', 'wsncode', '[right]', ' ', 'Align text to right.', '[/right]', ' ', '18') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('42', 'wsncode', '[email]', '', 'Clickable email address.', '[/email]', '', '21') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('43', 'wsncode', '[img]', '', '8') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('44', 'wsncode', '[strike]', '', 'Cross out text.', '[/strike]', '', '22') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_markup(id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder) VALUES ('45', 'wsncode', '[youtube]', '', '23') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_membergroups(id,title,caneditown,caneditall,canvote,isadmin,canpost,canemail,validatecats,validatecomments,validatelinks,validateedits,cansubmitlinks,cansubmitcategories,cansubmitcomments,caneditownlinks,caneditowncategories,caneditowncomments,caneditownprofile,caneditalllinks,caneditallcategories,caneditallcomments,caneditallprofiles,candownloadfiles,canupload,canviewip,limitlinks,canemailmembers,canusehtml,limitlinksdaily,canalias,candeleteown,candeleteall,candofulledit,candeletecategories,candeletecomments,candeleteowncategories,candeleteowncomments,candeletemembers,candeleteownmembers,canaliascategories,canviewpages,caneditvotes,numaliases,canviewvotes,canhideownlinks,canhideowncategories,canhideowncomments,canhidealllinks,canhideallcategories,canhideallcomments,canratecomments,bytespermem,canpm,canim,canharddelete,limitpms,limitpmsdaily,canviewdeleted,cansubmitpolls,candeletepolls,candeleteownpolls,caneditpolls,caneditownpolls,attachperpost,attachperpm,canviewshouts,caneditshouts,caneditownshouts,candeleteshouts,candeleteownshouts,cansubmitshouts,canpollvote,customtitle,canviewinvisible,namestyle,canpmimportant,canviewmodlog,isleader,cansubmitquotes,validatequotes,candeletequotes,candeleteownquotes,canreport,canusesearch,validateattachments,caneditownquotes,caneditallquotes,canviewchat,caneditownevents,caneditallevents,candeleteownevents,candeleteevents,cansubmitevents,validateevents,bulkpms,issupermod,cansuggestban,shoutsperday,cancopy,attachperlink,numinv,allowugspec,validateemails,validatesponsorlinks) VALUES ('1','Guests','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','0','','0','0','','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','10','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','','','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_membergroups(id,title,caneditown,caneditall,canvote,isadmin,canpost,canemail,validatecats,validatecomments,validatelinks,validateedits,cansubmitlinks,cansubmitcategories,cansubmitcomments,caneditownlinks,caneditowncategories,caneditowncomments,caneditownprofile,caneditalllinks,caneditallcategories,caneditallcomments,caneditallprofiles,candownloadfiles,canupload,canviewip,limitlinks,canemailmembers,canusehtml,limitlinksdaily,canalias,candeleteown,candeleteall,candofulledit,candeletecategories,candeletecomments,candeleteowncategories,candeleteowncomments,candeletemembers,candeleteownmembers,canaliascategories,canviewpages,caneditvotes,numaliases,canviewvotes,canhideownlinks,canhideowncategories,canhideowncomments,canhidealllinks,canhideallcategories,canhideallcomments,canratecomments,bytespermem,canpm,canim,canharddelete,limitpms,limitpmsdaily,canviewdeleted,cansubmitpolls,candeletepolls,candeleteownpolls,caneditpolls,caneditownpolls,attachperpost,attachperpm,canviewshouts,caneditshouts,caneditownshouts,candeleteshouts,candeleteownshouts,cansubmitshouts,canpollvote,customtitle,canviewinvisible,namestyle,canpmimportant,canviewmodlog,isleader,cansubmitquotes,validatequotes,candeletequotes,candeleteownquotes,canreport,canusesearch,validateattachments,caneditownquotes,caneditallquotes,canviewchat,caneditownevents,caneditallevents,candeleteownevents,candeleteevents,cansubmitevents,validateevents,bulkpms,issupermod,cansuggestban,shoutsperday,cancopy,attachperlink,numinv,allowugspec,validateemails,validatesponsorlinks) VALUES ('2','Members','0','0','1','0','0','1','0','0','0','0','1','0','1','1','0','1','1','0','0','0','0','1','1','0','','1','0','','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','1','0','10','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','','1','1','0','','','0','1','0','0','0','0','4','4','1','0','1','0','0','1','1','1','0','','0','0','0','1','1','0','0','1','1','0','0','0','1','1','0','1','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','50','0','0','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_membergroups(id,title,caneditown,caneditall,canvote,isadmin,canpost,canemail,validatecats,validatecomments,validatelinks,validateedits,cansubmitlinks,cansubmitcategories,cansubmitcomments,caneditownlinks,caneditowncategories,caneditowncomments,caneditownprofile,caneditalllinks,caneditallcategories,caneditallcomments,caneditallprofiles,candownloadfiles,canupload,canviewip,limitlinks,canemailmembers,canusehtml,limitlinksdaily,canalias,candeleteown,candeleteall,candofulledit,candeletecategories,candeletecomments,candeleteowncategories,candeleteowncomments,candeletemembers,candeleteownmembers,canaliascategories,canviewpages,caneditvotes,numaliases,canviewvotes,canhideownlinks,canhideowncategories,canhideowncomments,canhidealllinks,canhideallcategories,canhideallcomments,canratecomments,bytespermem,canpm,canim,canharddelete,limitpms,limitpmsdaily,canviewdeleted,cansubmitpolls,candeletepolls,candeleteownpolls,caneditpolls,caneditownpolls,attachperpost,attachperpm,canviewshouts,caneditshouts,caneditownshouts,candeleteshouts,candeleteownshouts,cansubmitshouts,canpollvote,customtitle,canviewinvisible,namestyle,canpmimportant,canviewmodlog,isleader,cansubmitquotes,validatequotes,candeletequotes,candeleteownquotes,canreport,canusesearch,validateattachments,caneditownquotes,caneditallquotes,canviewchat,caneditownevents,caneditallevents,candeleteownevents,candeleteevents,cansubmitevents,validateevents,bulkpms,issupermod,cansuggestban,shoutsperday,cancopy,attachperlink,numinv,allowugspec,validateemails,validatesponsorlinks) VALUES ('3','Administrators','0','0','1','1','0','1','0','0','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','','1','0','','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','10','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','','1','1','1','','','1','1','1','1','1','1','5','5','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','admincolor','1','1','1','1','0','1','1','1','1','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','1','0','0','0','50','0','0','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_membergroups(id,title,caneditown,caneditall,canvote,isadmin,canpost,canemail,validatecats,validatecomments,validatelinks,validateedits,cansubmitlinks,cansubmitcategories,cansubmitcomments,caneditownlinks,caneditowncategories,caneditowncomments,caneditownprofile,caneditalllinks,caneditallcategories,caneditallcomments,caneditallprofiles,candownloadfiles,canupload,canviewip,limitlinks,canemailmembers,canusehtml,limitlinksdaily,canalias,candeleteown,candeleteall,candofulledit,candeletecategories,candeletecomments,candeleteowncategories,candeleteowncomments,candeletemembers,candeleteownmembers,canaliascategories,canviewpages,caneditvotes,numaliases,canviewvotes,canhideownlinks,canhideowncategories,canhideowncomments,canhidealllinks,canhideallcategories,canhideallcomments,canratecomments,bytespermem,canpm,canim,canharddelete,limitpms,limitpmsdaily,canviewdeleted,cansubmitpolls,candeletepolls,candeleteownpolls,caneditpolls,caneditownpolls,attachperpost,attachperpm,canviewshouts,caneditshouts,caneditownshouts,candeleteshouts,candeleteownshouts,cansubmitshouts,canpollvote,customtitle,canviewinvisible,namestyle,canpmimportant,canviewmodlog,isleader,cansubmitquotes,validatequotes,candeletequotes,candeleteownquotes,canreport,canusesearch,validateattachments,caneditownquotes,caneditallquotes,canviewchat,caneditownevents,caneditallevents,candeleteownevents,candeleteevents,cansubmitevents,validateevents,bulkpms,issupermod,cansuggestban,shoutsperday,cancopy,attachperlink,numinv,allowugspec,validateemails,validatesponsorlinks) VALUES ('4','Moderators','0','0','1','0','0','1','0','0','0','0','1','0','1','1','0','1','1','0','0','0','0','1','1','1','','1','0','','1','1','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','1','0','10','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','','1','1','0','','','1','1','0','1','0','0','4','4','1','0','1','0','1','1','1','1','0','modcolor','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','0','1','0','1','1','0','1','0','1','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','50','0','0','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_membergroups(id,title,caneditown,caneditall,canvote,isadmin,canpost,canemail,validatecats,validatecomments,validatelinks,validateedits,cansubmitlinks,cansubmitcategories,cansubmitcomments,caneditownlinks,caneditowncategories,caneditowncomments,caneditownprofile,caneditalllinks,caneditallcategories,caneditallcomments,caneditallprofiles,candownloadfiles,canupload,canviewip,limitlinks,canemailmembers,canusehtml,limitlinksdaily,canalias,candeleteown,candeleteall,candofulledit,candeletecategories,candeletecomments,candeleteowncategories,candeleteowncomments,candeletemembers,candeleteownmembers,canaliascategories,canviewpages,caneditvotes,numaliases,canviewvotes,canhideownlinks,canhideowncategories,canhideowncomments,canhidealllinks,canhideallcategories,canhideallcomments,canratecomments,bytespermem,canpm,canim,canharddelete,limitpms,limitpmsdaily,canviewdeleted,cansubmitpolls,candeletepolls,candeleteownpolls,caneditpolls,caneditownpolls,attachperpost,attachperpm,canviewshouts,caneditshouts,caneditownshouts,candeleteshouts,candeleteownshouts,cansubmitshouts,canpollvote,customtitle,canviewinvisible,namestyle,canpmimportant,canviewmodlog,isleader,cansubmitquotes,validatequotes,candeletequotes,candeleteownquotes,canreport,canusesearch,validateattachments,caneditownquotes,caneditallquotes,canviewchat,caneditownevents,caneditallevents,candeleteownevents,candeleteevents,cansubmitevents,validateevents,bulkpms,issupermod,cansuggestban,shoutsperday,cancopy,attachperlink,numinv,allowugspec,validateemails,validatesponsorlinks) VALUES ('5','Sponsors','0','0','1','0','0','1','0','0','0','0','1','0','1','1','0','1','1','0','0','0','0','1','1','0','','1','0','','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','1','0','10','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','','1','1','0','','','0','1','0','1','0','0','5','5','1','0','1','0','1','1','1','1','0','sponsorcolor','0','0','0','1','0','0','1','1','1','0','1','0','1','1','0','1','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','50','0','0','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('213','detailhits','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('124','ulsearchadult','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('123','ulsearchlinktype','') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('122','ulsearchmax','3') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('121','ulsearchid','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('120','ulsearch','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('119','sponsorrevert','') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. 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Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('143','cookiepolicy','www.somesite.com/w3c/p3p.xml') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('126','restricthitsbyip','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('129','rewriteignorelinks','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.63 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('128','alloweddups','') Load time so far: 1176579020.64 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('135','onlinedate','%x - %X') Load time so far: 1176579020.64 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('131','nohttp','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.64 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('152','smilieslinks','') Load time so far: 1176579020.64 seconds. 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Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('221','sponsoruseug','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('222','waterthumbs','') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('223','sponsorcatresults','5') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('224','sponsorsearchresults','5') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('225','sponsorseparate','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('207','offsetfromgmt','-8') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('208','defaulttimezone','-8') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('210','searchlax','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('211','defaultsearchtype','and') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('212','membersperpage','25') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('251','staticexporturllist','') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('252','staticexportnamelist','') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('253','staticexporttime','1163866080') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('254','emailf','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('192','alternateemails','') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('195','ipbanfrom','whole site') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('196','memberrating','$rating = ($this->topics * 2) + ($this->posts)') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('314','newestmember','1[,]admin') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('197','searchlinksorder','ORDER BY lastcomment DESC') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('199','searchcatsorder','ORDER BY numlinks DESC') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('313','searchcomsorder','ORDER BY time DESC') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('201','searchmemsorder','ORDER BY time DESC') Load time so far: 1176579020.76 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('191','sitemaporder','') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('214','spideragents','googlebot Slurp msnbot Teoma Jeeves ZyBorg Gigabot WeatherBot Mediapartners BecomeBot fast-search-engine.com BigCliqueBOT Amfibibot noxtrumbot aipbot sohu-search sherlock Nutch OmniExplorer_Bot EasyDL Miva') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('215','allowrevote','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('216','rewritelink','topic') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('217','rewritethread','thread') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('257','sigchars','1000') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('258','siglines','20') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('260','comchars','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('209','ulsearchdefaultquery','') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('187','catsperpage','300') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('188','adminips','') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('189','securityimage','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('227','pmsperpage','25') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('229','requiredpms','message,subject') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('230','smiliespms','message') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('231','parsecodepms','message') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('232','linebreakpms','message') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('233','linkimportance','$importance = ($this->hitsoutpermonth() + $this->numcomments) + 6') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('234','onlinemembersmax','0|||0') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('235','onlineguestsmax','0|||0') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('236','commenthits','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('237','searchhighlight','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('240','onlinetotalmax','0|||0') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('239','sponsoruseppc','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('241','subscriptionexclusion','') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('248','memberdecriment','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('242','sponsorbonuscutoff','') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('243','sponsorbonuspercent','') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('244','wordwrap','75') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('245','sitetitle','WSN Forum') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('246','sitedescription','') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('247','maxusernamelength','25') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('261','comwords','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('262','illegaldomains','') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('263','magickpath','/usr/bin/convert') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('264','graphicsprog','GD') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('265','thumbwidth','100') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('266','thumbheight','100') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('267','fixedsize','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('269','offlinereason','') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('268','offline','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('270','orderalbum','ORDER BY lastcomment DESC') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('271','topsearcheslength','3') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('272','perpagealbums','25') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('273','dontcountowner','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.77 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('319','contact','email') Load time so far: 1176579020.78 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('318','contactforum','') Load time so far: 1176579020.78 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('288','resizewidth','') Load time so far: 1176579020.78 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('296','numsimilar','5') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('317','shownoperm','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('275','ranks','New[,]0[,]10[,]posts[,][END]Junior Member[,]11[,]99[,]posts[,][END]Senior Member[,]100[,]99999[,]posts[,][END]') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('322','registrationdefaults','name=[,]email=[,]signature=[,]customtitle=[,]stylesheet=[,]thetemplate=[,]thelanguage=[,]allowemail=yes[,]allowuseremail=no[,]notifyoflinks=no[,]acceptpms=yes[,]notifyofpms=yes[,]pmnotify=yes[,]moderationpm=no[,]autosubscribe=no[,]autosubscribepost=no[,]notifymethod=instant[,]cookieduration=2592000[,]acceptims=all[,]commentsperpage=[,]linksperpage=[,]location=[,]homepage=[,]occupation=[,]bio=[,]interests=[,]aim=[,]icq=[,]msn=[,]yahoo=[,]birthmonth=[,]birthday=[,]birthyear=[,]visibility=everyone[,]posteditor=plain[,]topics=0[,]posts=0[,]') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('276','sessiondelete','15') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('277','nobotsearches','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('274','nobumping','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('278','quotespercent','100') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('279','resizeavatars','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('280','membersdateformat','%b %d, %Y') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('281','inactivecutoff','365') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('282','modusergroup','4') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('283','iminterval','20') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('284','pmharddelete','60') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('285','searchdelay','10') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('286','imdelete','30') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('287','imdimensions','width=300,height=300') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('289','resizeheight','') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('290','usewater','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('291','watermark','') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('292','resize','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('293','removeextensions','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.85 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('309','redirectduration','365') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('294','requiredpolls','') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('315','nodouble','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('295','pagelist','5') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('297','similarincat','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('299','titlelength','50') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('308','editgrace','4') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('300','customtitlelength','25') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('301','autoipban','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('302','chmoddirectories','0777') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('303','banreasons','spam flaming trolling low post quality TOS violation') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('304','reports','email all') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('305','reportsforum','') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('306','columnheader','style="background-image: url('{TEMPLATESDIR}/images/columnheader.png'); background-repeat: repeat-x;" class="columnheader"') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('307','shoutsperpage','25') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('316','passencode','md5') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('312','searchcommentfields','message,linkname') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('310','searchlimit','500') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('320','contactbanned','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('321','sendregconfirmation','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('324','totalsubcats','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('325','bannedtitle','banned') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('326','removeredirects','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('328','autoipbanexempt','172.128 172.192 172.208 202.67.66 202.67.68 202.67.72 202.67.80 202.67.96') Load time so far: 1176579020.86 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('327','allowallextensions','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('329','topiclistdateformat','%b %d, %Y
%I:%M %p') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('330','digesttime','1174073455') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('331','digestprogress','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('332','termsofservice','- The site administrators reserve the right to edit or remove any content you submit. Your content may also be reused in different places in different contexts around the site.

- You may not submit illegal content.

- Attempting to flood with many submissions is not allowed, nor are automated submissions are allowed.

- Post posts may not be abusive.

- Usage of the email features (if enabled) may not be abused to attempt to send spam.') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('333','bannedemails','') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('334','throw404s','') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('335','expirationwarningdays','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('336','sponsorexpirationwarningdays','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('337','topicedittimelimit','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('338','postedittimelimit','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. 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Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('346','attachcolumns','3') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('348','nobotsmostplaces','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.87 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('349','birthdaycache','[DAY:03-16][DAY:03-15][DAY:03-17]') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('350','autopromote','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('351','defaultnoaccess','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('352','maxcomchars','50000') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('353','nocross','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('361','expirationdelete','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('354','warningips','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('355','ordercats2','ORDER BY name ASC') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('356','consecutiveshouts','2') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('357','feeduration','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('359','necroposts','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('358','modinherit','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('360','necrodays','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('362','votequery','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('363','otherreggroups','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('364','emailbirthdays','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('365','keeporiginals','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('366','warningpm','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('367','staticqueue','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('368','staticqueueitems','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('369','rewritelinkname','threads/{TOPICTITLE}-{TOPICID}.html') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('370','warningdemotelevel','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('371','warningdemotegroup','2') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('372','rewritethreadnames','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('373','sponsorugrequired','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('374','adbanner','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('376','chatdelay','5') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('375','sigimages','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('377','degradebrowsers','Safari') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('378','chatminutes','2000') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('379','chatlimit','75') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('380','chatactivity','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('381','calbdays','365') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('382','flagterms','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('383','regcookie','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('384','bannedhosts','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('385','modwhiteboard','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('389','annoynames',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('390','idioturl',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('386','imgtags','100') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('388','exemptreggroup','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('387','watercorner','southeast') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('200','searchcomsorder','ORDER BY time DESC') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('298','watermark','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('311','banreasons','spam low submission quality TOS violation') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('323','removeredirects','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('345','birthdaycache','[DAY:03-16][DAY:03-15][DAY:03-17]') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('391','sponsorhidden','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('392','ppcprovider','ulsearch') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('393','ugpromotelink','') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('394','sponsorrequired','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('395','notifyedits','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('396','rewritelower','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('397','sponsoreachtype','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('398','invitesalt','7bde0') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('399','invitebuddy','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('400','staticasadmin','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('401','rewriteoriginals',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.88 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('402','importerschema','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('403','rewritereplacements',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('404','expirationdefault',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('405','emailheaders',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('406','emailasadmin','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('407','submissionrules','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('408','uniquecattotal','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('409','htmlstart','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('410','checkwords','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('411','otherrecipurls',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('412','sponsorsort','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('413','htaccessextras',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('414','emaillogsize','500') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('415','rewriteautowrite','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('416','rewriteprofiles','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('417','blockproxies','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('418','googlemapprefs',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('419','googleauto','no') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('420','googleothermaps',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('421','gfreqpri','daily,daily,yearly,weekly,yearly|0.9,0.6,0.2,0.4,0.1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('424','nochexemail','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('425','bannedhosts','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('426','bannedhosts',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('427','maptype','google') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('428','ulsearchtrack','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('429','version','2.0.13') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('430','minforpm','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('431','searchcatfields','name,description') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('432','chatorder','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('433','feedtimeout','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('434','flvres','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('435','watertext',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('436','waterpadding','7') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('437','watertextsize','5') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('438','watertextcolor','255,0,0') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('439','memberlistorder2',' ') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('440','warnilliterates','yes') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('441','promoteatlogin','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('442','tagcloud','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('443','cachegroups','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('444','cachemaxsize','1000') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('445','bannedredirect','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('446','cacherandom','20') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('447','cacheexpiration','500') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('448','cacheload','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_settings(id,name,content) VALUES ('449','nocatpermissions','') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('1','members','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('2','ratings','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('3','hits','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('4','comments','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('5','subscriptions','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('6','albums','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('7','getmeta','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('8','pm','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('9','wsncodes','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('10','smilies','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('11','showsubs','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('12','searchincat','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('13','catselector','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('14','onlineusers','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.89 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('15','styleselect','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('16','templateselect','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('17','linkcheckers','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('18','reports','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('19','sortcats','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('20','sortlinks','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('21','attachmentstree','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('22','requirerecip','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('23','tos','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('24','ims','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('25','inlinestyle','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('26','buddyignore','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('27','guestbook','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('28','usernotes','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('29','modnotify','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('30','similar','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('31','shoutbox','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('32','shoutbox','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('33','modcolumn','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('34','maintoplist','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('35','forumviews','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('36','posttypes','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('37','topictypes','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('38','birthdays','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('39','timeonline','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('40','contact','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('41','posthistory','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('42','memberratings','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('43','memberhits','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('44','quotes','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('45','help','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('46','quickregistration','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('47','posticons','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('48','warnings','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('50','attachments','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('51','coppa','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('52','revisions','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('53','chat','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('54','trader','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('49','wysidescrip','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('55','revisions','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('56','chat','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('57','emaillogin','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('58','trader','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('59','detailcomments','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('60','languageselector','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('61','pagerank','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('62','invites','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('63','calendar','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('64','searchlog','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('65','frameset','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('66','wysi','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('67','autoregister','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('68','savedlinks','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('69','macros','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('70','sitethumbs','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('71','blogrss','1') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('72','onlineforum','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('73','feeds','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('74','flv','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_switches(id,name,value) VALUES ('75','slideshow','0') Load time so far: 1176579020.9 seconds. Query: CREATE INDEX wsnindex ON wsnforum_links (catid,lastcomment) Load time so far: 1176579020.93 seconds. Query: CREATE INDEX wsnindex ON wsnforum_categories (priority) Load time so far: 1176579020.93 seconds. Query: CREATE INDEX wsnindex ON wsnforum_comments (linkid,time) Load time so far: 1176579020.93 seconds. Query: CREATE INDEX wsnindex ON wsnforum_members (time) Load time so far: 1176579020.94 seconds. Query: ALTER TABLE wsnforum_links ADD FULLTEXT `titleindex` (`title`) Load time so far: 1176579020.94 seconds. Query: ALTER TABLE wsnforum_comments ADD FULLTEXT `messageindex` (`message`) Load time so far: 1176579021.06 seconds. Query: SELECT `name`,`content` FROM wsnforum_settings WHERE id>0 ORDER BY id ASC Query: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsnforum_categories Getting field list for table wsnforum_categories: id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,alias,catcols,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap,deleted,reqlinks,reqcoms,reqlinksdelay,priority,levelsdeep,lastposterid,lastpostername,lastcommenttime,lastthreadid,lastthreadtitle,linkshere,unvalidatedlinks,unvalidatedcomments,actaslink,countposts,subcatshtml,opwords,subscriber,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,linkcols,dmozpath,linksperpage,wysihtml,numonline Load time so far: 1176579021.09 seconds. Query: INSERT INTO wsnforum_categories(`name`,`validated`,`description`,`time`,`lastedit`,`type`) VALUES('Sample Forum','1','Delete or modify this forum from your admin panel.','1176579021','1176579021','regular') Load time so far: 1176579021.1 seconds. Query: UPDATE wsnforum_categories SET levelsdeep='0' WHERE id=1 Load time so far: 1176579021.1 seconds. Query: SELECT `id`,`name`,`parentids`,`parentnames`,`numsub` FROM wsnforum_categories WHERE type='regular' AND parent=0 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND isalbum=0 ORDER BY priority ASC Number of rows is 1 Load time so far: 1176579021.1 seconds. Query: UPDATE wsnforum_settings SET content='1' WHERE name='sitemaporder' Load time so far: 1176579021.1 seconds. Query: UPDATE wsnforum_settings SET content='' WHERE name='categoryselector' Load time so far: 1176579021.11 seconds. Query: UPDATE wsnforum_settings SET content='1' WHERE name='uniquecattotal' Adding help system data. Adding sample forum. Sucessfully installed! You may now view WSN Forum Free or login to the administration panel. You should be sure to visit the 'manage settings' area in the admin panel to configure WSN Forum Free to your preferences. Powered by WSN Forum Free 2.0.13F © 2007 WebmasterSite.net PHP Scripts