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After server move - path doesn't change

Comments on After server move - path doesn't change

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Posted Jun 09, 2010 - 2:26 PM:

I have moved an older installation of WSN Links to a new server. I haven't encountered any errors except for one small problem: I changed the path in config.php to the new one (the domain is the same, it's just pointing to a new server), but for some reason the script is still looking for files at the old path location. I remember that the path used to be stored in the database as well, but I couldn't find it anymore... I also deleted .htaccess by the way.

I also can't login, which I assume is related?!? I had a new password generated, which isn't working.

This is the error message:

An error occoured at http://lj-directory.com/index.php?action=userlogin on 2010-06-09 21:08:37. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'include(/home/content/l/j/i/ljicon/html/logs/write_logs.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory' in /home/ljdirect/public_html/index.php on line 217.

An error occoured at http://lj-directory.com/index.php?action=userlogin on 2010-06-09 21:08:37. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/content/l/j/i/ljicon/html/logs/write_logs.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php')' in /home/ljdirect/public_html/index.php on line 217.

This "/home/content/l/j/i/ljicon/html/logs/write_logs.php" is still pointing to the old path, but this ($uploadpath = '/home/ljdirect/public_html/attachments/'wink is what's in config.php. Is there any other location where I have to change this?


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Posted Jun 09, 2010 - 10:17 PM:

write_logs.php is not a WSN file, it must be something you've placed in a template. The template PHP you wrote is the problem, you need to update it.
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Posted Jun 10, 2010 - 1:18 AM:

Okay, so I did a lot of digging and finally found this bit of code at the end of index.php. I absolutely didn't put it there, I have no idea what it is. Maybe something from my old host?


I took it out and the error is gone, so thanks for pointing me into the right direction :-)

But I still can't login (password is still supposed to be wrong) or register a new user account ("You did not complete all of the required fields. That name is already registered to another user. Please select a different name.")

I suppose I can't just somehow upload a new set of files and upgrade the databases??? The db information seems to be correct, all the categories, links and members show up fine.

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Posted Jun 10, 2010 - 8:02 PM:

If you didn't put it there, could you have been hacked? Check the content of the file or send it to me. Seems to be at least masquerading as a stats tracker or logging tool.

Did you try resetting your password? scripts.webmastersite.net/w...in-to-admin-panel-104.html
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Posted Jun 11, 2010 - 12:26 AM:

I had downloaded the entire account from that server a few times as a backup, and I just checked all of the backups, but this /logs folder is nowhere. It might have been added by the old host (GoDaddy) and actual BE a stats tool...

I did reset the password, but I can't login with the new one either.
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Posted Jun 12, 2010 - 7:08 AM:

I just did a manual upgrade to the latest version and whatever the problem was it seems to be gone. I just logged in as an admin.
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