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Funds not going down

Comments on Funds not going down

Forum Regular

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Posted Apr 30, 2010 - 3:45 PM:

I have recently started using the sponsorship system to manage yearly paid listings...

I am adding funds manually, which I intend to keep doing, but it is not reducing the fund for each listing each day...

I have this setup....

Upgrade regular to sponsored

£0.1780 per day

I also tried £25.00 per 365 days

Niether seem to reduce funds daily. Can you think of any reason link funds would not reduce?

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Posted May 03, 2010 - 5:36 PM:

One way would be if the sponsorship type is set to "unpaid" in advanced options. Another is if "Make PPC? (Incrimental fee becomes per-click fee.)" is turned on.
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Posted May 05, 2010 - 1:49 PM:

Checked both of those and sponsorship type is set to "paid" and PPC is off. Funds are not going down at all, I've sent a site inspection request.

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Posted May 11, 2010 - 5:33 AM:

For the sake of the forum readers, this was the resolution discussed by email:

Somehow, the daily and 12 hour crons had gone missing from Admin -> Maintenance -> Crons on jayweb's installation. I re-added them so that things work again.

I'm considering making the three standard crons undeleteable/unchangeable in 6.0. Somebody remind me if there's some clever useful thing that can be done by having them user-editable.

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Posted May 11, 2010 - 7:11 AM:

I deleted them over a year ago when there was a problem with emails being sent over and over again from the email all link owners form. I did it in the hope that deleting crons would stop the endless stream of emails I was sending out.

The issue was quickly resolved, but because I do not usually use the sponsorship system in the normal way, I forgot to replace the crons.

Thanks for your help Paul.
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