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Does v4.1.25 work on PHP 5.2?

Comments on Does v4.1.25 work on PHP 5.2?

Internet Evangelist

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Posted Mar 25, 2010 - 1:45 AM:


My site uses WSNLInks v4.1.25 and recently my host upgraded to PHP 5.2 and since then my site is not loading. I spoke ot my host and they mentioned that they had to upgrade the PHP for security reasons.

I get the following message when i try to load my site in the browser...

Cannot extract data from the database.
It seems that although we established a database connection we aren't able to access the database itself. It could be that the database is down (ask your web host about this), or that the mysql user doesn't have proper permissions to acces the database. MySQL returns this error:

And my host responded sayign this;

The error being logged "[24-Jan-2010 17:52:22] PHP Warning: mysqli_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/hostecto/public_html/databases/mysqli.php on line 23" is generally an indication that either you shouldn't be using mysqli in php or there's a programming error somewhere in your script. I did check and make sure the database is working properly as well.

How can I possibly get my siteworking without having to upgrade to a newer version of WSN links. The main reason I want to avoid upgrades is that I have done 100% customisation for this site spending a lot of time.

Thanks much for any help.

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Posted Mar 25, 2010 - 12:38 PM:

Try changing mysqli to mysql in config.php.

The 4.1 series works with PHP 5.2, but that was 4.1.79, which came years after 4.1.25. You can do in-series upgrades without losing any template customizations. If you're doing PHP customizations you need to follow the modifications guide to keep them upgradable.

The 4.1 series could have ugly but non-fatal errors with PHP 5.3.x, since I found some of those in 5.1 recently (I believe it was just a message on submitting listings).
Internet Evangelist

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Posted Mar 26, 2010 - 12:08 AM:

In the config.php file, I changed line 34 and 35 from mysqli to mysql (all instances int hose lines). But it did not work for me.

Regarding your other suggestion... since I cannot navigate to my site and hence the admin section... I may not be able to upgrade from within admin section. Is it okay if I down .79, upload and manually ugrade to .79 version?

Please confirm again that when i do this upgrade none of my customisations will eb lost (I dont have any PHp chnages but only template changes) but I might moved the pieces between templates... that should be fine right?

When I do an upload of .79... i will not overwrite the .79 templates over my existing .25 templates.... is that fine and will work?


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Posted Mar 27, 2010 - 4:03 PM:

An in-series manual upgrade following the readme.html instructions means you won't be overwriting templates, correct.

It'd hard to imagine how MySQL errors could relate to a PHP version though, so I doubt that's the issue here. It's possible that there's a problem with your database -- check if any tables show "in use" in phpmyadmin and repair them if so.

Otherwise, fill out http://www.wsnlinks.com/inspection.html
Internet Evangelist

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Joined: Oct 19, 2003

Total Topics: 43
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Posted Apr 01, 2010 - 12:53 AM:

Thanks a lot - Paul for fixing the problem.
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