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Comments on bug in XMLFEEDDATE.


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 19, 2004

Total Topics: 15
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Posted Nov 22, 2009 - 10:50 AM:

Ive been updating my site by aggregating news feeds. I've noticed tho, when new posts are added, it doesn't display the correct date. for example, in one of the feeds im processing posts from, in the feed it says that the post was added 11/22. But when it gets processed and added to my site, the XMLFEEDDATE tag shows it as being 11/16.

Here's my site: http://www.stylelogger.com

my toplist settings: <CONFIG>links[,]time[,]20[,]descending[,][,][,]0[,]0[,]0[,]0[,]0[,]0[,]0[,][,]0[,][,][,]</CONFIG>

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Posted Nov 23, 2009 - 9:08 PM:

{XMLFEEDDATE} is the date that the feed was added to WSN. {XMLFEED vars are all about the feed object, not about any of the items in the feed. The date a listing was posted to its own site isn't stored, but if it were it'd be a {LINK variable. (It is available for the {FEED listing-specific feeds, because there's no alternative date for that like {LINKDATE}.)

So anyway, this is the correct behavior, not a bug. Maybe a feature request if you really want that data? {LINKDATE} seems more relevant to me.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 19, 2004

Total Topics: 15
Total Comments: 54
Posted Nov 24, 2009 - 12:02 PM:

ah ok. thnx.
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