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Private Messaging - PM
Am I missing something on PM 's ??

Comments on Private Messaging - PM

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Posted Nov 11, 2009 - 7:21 PM:

Hello Paul and all ..

Yes I realize this is not the latest version - we are getting to that ... but first upgrading and working with the legacy series ...

Seems that "Private Messaging" is not working correctly ...

- From the Knowledge Base:
[Once you have the switch on, you can also choose which usergroups can use private messaging (see Admin -> Members -> Manage Usergroups).]

- Ok Switch is "ON"
- but Manage Usergroups in the ADMIN area does not seem to give an option for PM Use
... attachment info yes ...
but "use" No - unless I am missing something ...???

even when going directly to - site/privatemessaging.php

it tells me that I this is a restricted/member only area - when logging in as "Admin"

Also FYI:
It also appears that the PM system - has been disabled for this Support Forum ....

I know - Paul you had disabled it once before .... is this now a permanent thing >>???

Thanks in advance for your assistance ...

[haven't been on here for some time - but must say - WSN just keeps getting better all the time ]

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Posted Nov 12, 2009 - 11:06 AM:

Back in 4.1, the switch didn't automatically activate usergroup permissions so you have to go to manage usergroups and check the "can pm" box for each member group.

Private messaging is enabled on this forum. You can't private message me, because you should send me an email. You can private message everyone else.
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Posted Nov 12, 2009 - 12:34 PM:

Paul - thanks for the quick message:

Yes - understand that it is at Manage Usergroups where the Can PM should be enabled for each usergroup - [ after of course the switch for PM is enabled]

But there [ manage usergroups] I have not found that "Box" in admin ...

I have reloaded all Admin and Template files - to be sure it wasn't something that I "messed up" - but it appears the same ..

Interestingly - when the IM box is checked - and new PM & IM settings appears in the Admin Panel ...

... as well as the option in "Manage Usergroups" - but only for IM ...

I could add/send a screenshot showing that no PM Option appears - if that were to assist ..

Thanks again ..

PS - Also when going to the Private Messaging Area - from Options after logging in here .. [the WSN Forum]

I get this response ...

You do not have permission to view this section of the site.

[ which is the same as I am experiencing in our own projects]

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Posted Nov 16, 2009 - 7:23 AM:

If the PM usergroup options aren't available, that means private messaging is switched off at Admin Panel -> Settings -> Switches.

As far as these forums, I guess you've selected in your profile on these forums to turn private messaging off. Check the edit profile page. When I set it to use private messaging in my profile I can certainly see and use www.webmastersite.net/forum...orums/privatemessaging.php
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Posted Nov 16, 2009 - 8:17 PM:

Thanks Paul - for not giving up on this !!

I think we are on to something here ...

In the forums here for WSN - You are correct !

My profile showed that I had not elected to use the PM System:
Which is very strange because - I had never de-selected it ... ?

So have now gone in numerous times to try and change it to "Yes"
- but it won't accept [keep] the setting ...disapproval

It always resets itself back to Activate Private Messaging System = No

again with the result - [ do not have permission to view this section of the site ]
for www.webmastersite.net/forum...orums/privatemessaging.php

- If you try editing my profile - maybe you will find the same thing ?? nod

Looking into the source code for my profile page here on the forums it appears that "both"
are selected ?
<option value="yes" selected="selected">yes</option><option value="no" selected="selected">no</option></select>

But maybe I am reading it wrong ..
As far as our own projects are concerned - I have double + triple checked :

Private Messaging is switched "On" at Admin Panel -> Settings -> Switches.
[Also checked in phymyadmin - Value = 1 ]

Profile: Activate Private Messaging System = Yes

As the option for PM for Manage Usergroups "is not there"
at Manage Usergroups >

Only these columns show:
General | Links | Categories |

So I just went into phpmyadmin and edited "membergroups" "canpm" = 1
for the usergroup that I wanted to be able to use PM

Now these columns and options show for all usergroups - Yea !!
General | Links | Categories | Private Messages

So now PM works just fine in our projects - along with the various options for PM in "Manage Usergroups"

Have not been trying to be a pain - [ but rather be helpful ]
Thanks again for your guidance.

Also today marks four years of being on this forum ....

And after four years of using WSN Links - we are still as every bit "sold" on your software - as we were from day number one .... and will continue to do more business with you
...and you can quote us on that!

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Posted Nov 17, 2009 - 2:05 PM:

The problem with your forum account was I'd accidentally not given the customer usergroup permission to PM (only regular members and admins had it). I've fixed that now. I should also make it not show the profile option when the usergroup lacks permission.

As far as the manage usergroups page, what you describe sounds like the "guest" usergroup only. If you're only getting the guest options for other groups, check that your admin panel templates (in particular the manage usergroups template) aren't old/customized. The option is there in the 4.1.79 I have.
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Posted Nov 18, 2009 - 7:11 PM:

Thanks Paul - Excellent !
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