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Automatic upgrade problem
Links system not working

Comments on Automatic upgrade problem


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Nov 19, 2003

Total Topics: 21
Total Comments: 35
Posted Nov 03, 2009 - 3:38 AM:


I just used the auto upgrade button to upgrade WSN links to 5.0.74 I think from 5.0.73 and now both the WSN links systems I am running are no longer functioning.

On one system, whenever I try to access a category page for example, all that is presented is a blank white page.

On the other system, I get the following error:

An error occoured at /index.php?action=displaycat&catid=7 on 2009-11-03 11:28:15. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'mysqli_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given' in /user/htdocs/databases/mysqli.php on line 47.

Last SQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND validated=1 AND effectivetime < 1257247695' at line 1

Debug info:
,`lastlinktime`,`custom`,`lastedit`,`moderators`,`headerinfo`,`related`,`numsub`,`type`,`permissions`,`subscribers`,`mixtypes`,`isalbum`,`orderlinks`,`totalcomments`,`ulsearchmax`,`ulsearchquery`,`ulsearchadult`,`alias`,`catcols`,`linkcols`,`dmozpath`,`sponsorlinks`,`views`,`customwrap`,`deleted`,`reqlinks`,`reqcoms`,`reqlinksdelay`,`priority`,`levelsdeep`,`lastposterid`,`lastpostername`,`lastcommenttime`,`lastthreadid`,`lastthreadtitle`,`linkshere`,`unvalidatedlinks`,`unvalidatedcomments`,`actaslink`,`countposts`,`subcatshtml`,`linksperpage`,`wysihtml`,`numonline`,`sponsorship`,`lastprofileurl`,`defaultnoaccess`,`lastthreadurl`,`lastposturl`,`specialurl`,`invisibleto` FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE id=7

Load time so far: 0.13 seconds.
Query 14: SELECT `id`,`name`,`parent`,`validated`,`description`,`time`,`parentnames`,`parentids`,`numlinks`,`hide`,`lastlinktime`,`custom`,`lastedit`,`moderators`,`headerinfo`,`related`,`numsub`,`type`,`permissions`,`subscribers`,`mixtypes`,`isalbum`,`orderlinks`,`totalcomments`,`ulsearchmax`,`ulsearchquery`,`ulsearchadult`,`alias`,`catcols`,`linkcols`,`dmozpath`,`sponsorlinks`,`views`,`customwrap`,`deleted`,`reqlinks`,`reqcoms`,`reqlinksdelay`,`priority`,`levelsdeep`,`lastposterid`,`lastpostername`,`lastcommenttime`,`lastthreadid`,`lastthreadtitle`,`linkshere`,`unvalidatedlinks`,`unvalidatedcomments`,`actaslink`,`countposts`,`subcatshtml`,`linksperpage`,`wysihtml`,`numonline`,`sponsorship`,`lastprofileurl`,`defaultnoaccess`,`lastthreadurl`,`lastposturl`,`specialurl`,`invisibleto` FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent=7 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND isalbum=0 ORDER BY name ASC,name ASC LIMIT 0,40

Load time so far: 0.14 seconds.
Number of rows is 0

Load time so far: 0.14 seconds.
Query 15: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND validated=1 AND effectivetime < 1257247695

Step 1 of backtrace:
File: /user/htdocs/databases/mysqli.php
Line: 47
Function: mysqli_fetch_row

Step 2 of backtrace:
File: /user/htdocs/databases/mysqli.php
Line: 82
Function: row
Class: db

Step 3 of backtrace:
File: /user/htdocs/classes/database.php
Line: 331
Function: rowitem
Class: db

Step 4 of backtrace:
File: /user/htdocs/classes/database.php
Line: 312
Function: result
Arguments: 0 0
Class: database

Step 5 of backtrace:
File: /user/htdocs/classes/category.php
Line: 172
Function: selectcount
Arguments: linkstable AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND validated=1 AND effectivetime < 1257247695
Class: database

Step 6 of backtrace:
File: /user/htdocs/includes/displaycat.php
Line: 171
Function: linkshere
Class: category

Step 7 of backtrace:
File: /user/htdocs/index.php
Line: 166
Function: require_once
Arguments: /user/htdocs/includes/displaycat.php

If you are not the administrator of this site, please report this page to the administrator. If you are the administrator, please pay careful attention: You have a parse error in your template templates/default/displaylinks.tpl (or perhaps in your header or footer) which you need to repair before this page can be displayed correctly. The error is picked up on by php at line 313 of the output.Line #308: <div class="boxtitle" onclick="minmax('infobox')"><img src="/templates/images_default/icon_info.gif" alt="submit" /> Category Stats</div>
Line #309: <div id="infobox" class="boxbody">
Line #310: <?php if (0) { ?><span class="minilabels">Subcategories:</span> 0<br /><?php } ?>
Line #311: <span class="minilabels">Links:</span>
Line #312: <?php if (4 > ) { ?>(4 counting subcategories)<?php } ?>
Line #313: <?php if (1) { ?>

[Load this template in your template editor]

Note that the line of the output is not necessarily the same line number in your template... just look for a similar looking area. The source of your error is probably not on line 313 itself, but most likely a line or two before it. Check your code carefully for syntax mistakes. If you cannot recognize one, copy and paste this output into a thread on the support forum.
Now outputing the page without any conditional or php sections evaluated:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascriptheader.php"> onload="if(typeof(load) == 'function'){load();}" onunload="if(typeof(GUnload) == 'function'){GUnload();}">

It was all working OK before the upgrade.

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Nov 19, 2003

Total Topics: 21
Total Comments: 35
Posted Nov 03, 2009 - 3:49 AM:

Hi - extra note:

The while screen on one system was caused because the supress all errors except to admin was selected - it is outputting also the same error as I've posted above.

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Posted Nov 03, 2009 - 11:51 AM:

The speed improvement backport from the 5.1 series broke 5.0.74 due to an incompatibility. 5.0.75 fixes this.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Nov 19, 2003

Total Topics: 21
Total Comments: 35
Posted Nov 03, 2009 - 2:51 PM:


Thank you - the 5.0.75 update did indeed fix the problem.

Many thanks smiling face

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