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5.1 Betas

Comments on 5.1 Betas


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#46 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 19, 2009 - 12:45 AM:

Thanks Paul. That (or that and the upgrade) seems to have fixed both the new linktype and the chmod error message.

Type Manager appears to be working fine now grin

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#47 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 19, 2009 - 6:58 AM:

I've added a new field - catphotoattach.

I edit the example category and browse and select an image.
I click Save Changes, but it does not upload or attach the image.

Testing site: http://123club.co.uk/directory/

[edit] this site is a new install to use as a test and develop, so it's on beta 10.

I just went to set up seo, select url writing to yes and updated settings. It went to the done message and continued only to show that it was still no and had not been updated. Tried a couple of times and it won't change.

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#48 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 20, 2009 - 9:01 AM:

The results of a multiple field are displayed on one line separated by a comma. Is it possible to have each result on a new line, or maybe even bulleted if possible?

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#49 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 20, 2009 - 10:46 AM:

I am trying to add extra fields to the contactform.tpl. I have added the following code, but the input box just displays {FORMNAME1}

<td class="labelscolumn">Your Name</td>
<td class="optionscolumn"><input type="text" name="name1" size="20" value="{FORMNAME1}" /></td>
<td class="labelscolumn">Telephone (optional)</td>
<td class="optionscolumn"><input type="text" name="phone1" size="20" value="{FORMPHONE1}" /></td>

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#50 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 21, 2009 - 10:28 PM:

babrees wrote:
I am trying to add extra fields to the contactform.tpl. I have added the following code, but the input box just displays {FORMNAME1}

Custom form field template variables are only available in email text, not in templates. This has been the case since 4.1 or whatever version it was when custom form fields were introduced.

I'll consider whether there's a simple way to allow those variables in the forms so that the data can persist on an incomplete prompt.

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#51 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 22, 2009 - 12:23 AM:

Paul wrote:

Custom form field template variables are only available in email text, not in templates. This has been the case since 4.1 or whatever version it was when custom form fields were introduced.

I'll consider whether there's a simple way to allow those variables in the forms so that the data can persist on an incomplete prompt.

Thanks Paul. I was actually following this scripts.webmastersite.net/w...stom__form_fields-364.html but must have totally misunderstood it. Don't understand that in the manual at all then.

Do you have an answer to my post #48 above?

I have also sent you an email for an urgent support, hope you got that ok


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#52 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 22, 2009 - 1:58 AM:

I have found the type manager not to be very stable having upgraded. Sometimes it will work and then next time when I change something it won't save it. In the end I added my additional link types to the templates manually. After that it seems to be working ok so I think it is when you have additional link types and upgrade.

Took me ages to find that there is now a switch for sponsorship <G> Once I found it I checked it and saved, but when I went back to the switches page it was still unchecked. Tried it a couple of times.

I tried a couple of other changes in switches - some worked and retained the change, some did not:
- unchecked summaries - worked.
- Checked New/Updated icons - did NOT work
- members saved lists - worked
- search - did NOT work
- checked calendar - worked
- secondary categories - did NOT work


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#53 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 22, 2009 - 2:38 PM:

babrees wrote:
I've added a new field - catphotoattach.

I edit the example category and browse and select an image.
I click Save Changes, but it does not upload or attach the image.


babrees wrote:
I just went to set up seo, select url writing to yes and updated settings. It went to the done message and continued only to show that it was still no and had not been updated. Tried a couple of times and it won't change.

Works correctly for me. There must be something which leads it to believe it isn't working on your server. I don't know what that would be.

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#54 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 22, 2009 - 2:40 PM:

babrees wrote:

- Checked New/Updated icons - did NOT work
- search - did NOT work
- secondary categories - did NOT work

These not working means you have old templates. If you keep the 5.0 templates, switches from 5.1 won't function in them.

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#55 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 23, 2009 - 12:34 AM:

Paul wrote:

These not working means you have old templates. If you keep the 5.0 templates, switches from 5.1 won't function in them.

well I didn't intend to keep 5.0 templates!! I upgraded so from what you are saying it did not upgrade the templates correctly. I have NOT customised any admin templates.

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#56 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 23, 2009 - 7:16 PM:

Which templates are in the customized color at Admin Panel -> Templates -> Manage Templates? If you redid your customizations via copying what you did in 5.0, you wouldn't have copied over <IF {SWITCH_WHATEVER}> conditionals that are in the 5.1 templates.

This has nothing to do with admin templates. The search feature is in the user-side wrapper template, the new/updated is in the main index and link bit.

Keeping the customized 5.0 templates is the default as of 5.0.64 beta 1 and a box must be unchecked to not keep them. This does mean associated switches will not work, though. That's how it goes. There's no list of manual changes to apply for the series upgrade, because it's too much to be practical, and the 5.0 template can work as-is for preexisting options -- and if you didn't want those things you probably already removed them and don't need the switch.

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#57 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 24, 2009 - 12:56 AM:

Paul, it seems that you have misread my problem.

Took me ages to find that there is now a switch for sponsorship <G> Once I found it I checked it and saved, but when I went back to the switches page it was still unchecked. Tried it a couple of times.

The problem is that in admin switches the boxes are not remaining checked when I save. As you can see I was actually trying to switch sponsorship on. I upgraded this morning and then went to the switches and sponsorship is now working. I don't know why it didn't the other day.

However, this now shows another problem...

I went to set it up on the link type "premium" that I have. This type shows in the type manager and you are able to select it when submitting a link. However, when I go to set up the sponsorship premium type is NOT in the listing type to promote. Strangely though it IS in the revert to listing type.

Also still waiting for an answer to #48

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#58 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 25, 2009 - 11:13 PM:

babrees wrote:
The results of a multiple field are displayed on one line separated by a comma. Is it possible to have each result on a new line, or maybe even bulleted if possible?

From knowledge base add fields entry:
Selectors and Checkboxes Notes

If you're dealing with a single checkbox or single selector and want to test if a value is selected, you can use {LINKCHECKED[fieldname]} (or {CAT, {MEMBER etc) in your template conditional.

If dealing with multi-value checkboxes or selectors, you can use {LINKCHECKED[fieldname <,> value]} to test for each value. If you just want a comma-separated list of all selected values, you can use {LINKSELECTIONSLIST[fieldname]} as of 5.0.38.

To do a bulleted list you'll need to construct the html manually with {LINKCHECKED[fieldname <,> value]} conditionals, like
<IF {LINKCHECKED[fieldname <,> value1]}><li> 1</li></IF>
<IF {LINKCHECKED[fieldname <,> value2]}><li> 2</li></IF>

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#59 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 25, 2009 - 11:19 PM:

Thanks Paul

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#60 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 25, 2009 - 11:32 PM:

I put this code:


but now all it shows is the first paragraph of text, not the results of the field

(edit) try again!

<p>This product is available in sizes: </p>

<IF {LINKCHECKED[available <,> Small Single (2ft 6 / 75cm)]}><li>Small Single (2ft 6 / 75cm)</li></IF>
<IF {LINKCHECKED[available <,> Single (3ft / 90cm) ]}><li>Single (3ft / 90cm)</li></IF>
<IF {LINKCHECKED[available <,> Small Double (4ft / 120cm)]}><li>Small Double (4ft / 120cm)</li></IF>
<IF {LINKCHECKED[available <,> Double (4ft 6 / 135cm) ]}><li>Double (4ft 6 / 135cm) </li></IF>
<IF {LINKCHECKED[available <,> King (5ft / 150cm) ]}><li>King (5ft / 150cm) </li></IF>
<IF {LINKCHECKED[available <,> Super King (6ft / 180cm) ]}><li>Super King (6ft / 180cm) </li></IF>
<IF {LINKCHECKED[available <,> Odd Sizes - Please contact us ]}><li>Odd Sizes - Please contact us </li></IF>
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