To install, download autosetup.php from the customer downloads area, place it on your server and visit it in your web browser.
To be on the safe side, you may want to test your upgrade to see how it goes before committing your busy live website to it. To do this, clone your site and upgrade the clone:
1) In your 5.0 production copy, go to Admin Panel -> Miscellaneous -> Clone Utility. Follow instructions on-screen. 2) In your clone, click the upgrade to 5.1 prompt which appears when you're on the latest 5.0 release.
Please do this -- it will allow me to make things work right for you before you go live. Clone upgrades of actual fully-customized websites should reveal a lot more of the bugs than just playing with a standard new setup. Note that testing clones won't count against your license total.
Upgrade note: after upgrading you'll have to re-create any per-category sponsorships you want through the new interface at Admin -> Settings -> Sponsorship -> Add level.
Template Changes
There are many template changes. That doesn't mean you'll have to use them. If you keep all the old templates without applying changes: - you'll lack some of the new features - the style designer won't work with 5.0-based stylesheets (can still edit styles manually) - you won't be able to rate comments up and down (not sure if there's a way to autofix, but i could autohide?)
Please let me know if anything in 5.0 templates doesn't work. I'm trying to enable old templates to work insofar as is possible.
There are now three setup modes: simple, recommended, and kitchen sink.
Style designer. Modify the style/colors without learning CSS.
Type manager. Set up your link types without having to dig into the templates.
Custom pages system. A more intuitive way to add new pages to your site.
Autocomplete for simple searches, member list search, postal codes, editing the owner of a listing, sending a PM, quote authors. (Any other spots you can think of where it'd be useful?)
Click-to-insert lists of template variables with descriptions for template editor, toplist generator, etc.
Switch to enable leaving a text comment while rating a listing -- suitable for a reviews site.
The category slideshow is now per-attachment, and available in all scripts (previously just WSN Gallery). The slideshow link in a category opens up a slideshow of all image attachments in said category.
Added switch for category link counts. By switching this off, you can remove the "(25)" from "Category Name (25)" without touching templates.
Added switch for new/updated icons. By switching this off, you can remove the "new" and "updated" icons by categories and listings without touching templates.
Added an option to set the guest default time since for the 'new links' page.
The code language item now accepts any link variables you insert in it.
{MEMBERREPLIESRECEIVED} is now available to count total comments made to links you own by people other than yourself.
{LINKISSAVED} is now available to check whether the link is saved by the viewer. This is now used in the default link bit so that the "Save to list" link only shows when the link isn't already saved.
The instant messanging system is now refreshless.
Added a 'can create album' usergroup permission.
A tweaks editor for the admin panel. Some -- though not all -- tweaks.php values can now be set there without having to edit the file directly.
Manual payment processing. If you recieve a payment through a means other than the supported payment processors, you can now enter it manually.
Added host name search to the search ips page.
Date picker. For date fields, select desired date visually from a calendar.
Size-variant, newest-first tag cloud.
If summaries are switched on, but the listing has no summary filled in, the first part of the description is now repurposed as the summary.
Toplist generator is now multi-step.
Toplist generator now prompts directly for a link type to filter to.
Updated fckeditor to 2.6.4, switched default skin to office2003.
WYSIWYG now supports wider variety of formatting options.
Image uploads now work in WYSIWYG editor by default in apache mode.
Added illiteracy detector options to require validation and exclude categories.
Sponsorship settings page has been redesigned with an easier interface.
Sponsorship now asks for $_ per _ days on each level instead of making you do arithmetic.
All sponsor levels now automatically show up without need to customize display template.
Added a switch for aliasing to secondary categories.
When the indirect linking switch is on, the linkbit link to the details page no longer uses the external links appendage.
City/state/country search options now on advanced search page when applicable.
The submit/edit category page now includes options to set custom submit/edit listing templates.
Distinct empty/full folder images for categories.
Some button beautification work.
Number currently online in category now hidden when the number is zero.
Option to add/remove custom ratings table fields.
Date format for shouts.
Flat-file imports now processed in chunks to hopefully support larger files.
"Show untranslated language" now excludes some of the language associated with switches that are off.
The incomplete submission notification area is now more eye-catching.
Asterisks by required/incomplete fields.
Option to block spammers based on blacklist.
Submit/edit link/category pages now refresh when category changes, so category conditionals can be used safely.
<!-- RESTRICT FROM GROUPS 1,2 --> syntax to lock out only particular groups, instead of having to use longer REVERT TO list.
Add and delete language items from all languages at once.
Rating a comment is now refeshless.
Upload multiple attachments without having to press a button and wait.
On adding a new usergroup, permissions now default to those of a regular member.
Clickable link to find the members in each usergroup.
Category usergroup permissions now formated as table of radio options.
Removed {L_, {P_ and {PALL_ language items for better compatability with languages such as German which have different capitalization rules.
'Search' switch to turn off whole search system for a plain directory.
'Sponsorship' switch to remove from menu and template list and automatically remove all sponsorship levels.
For integration with other WSN scripts, usergroup can now be edited.
For integration with other WSN scripts, usergroups from the integratee script which aren't in the integrater are automatically copied over and mapped.
Category sponsorship is now done via the sponsorship settings page instead of edit category.
Implimented canonical tags where appropriate for SEO.
Style, template and language selectors on registration and edit profile now hidden when there's only one option.
Prompt to force people to deal with situation of having apparant leftover uncustomized copy of default style or template set.
Options to delete styles and template sets from the admin panel.
Added member home main spot to show/edit future listings not yet effective.
When the link-associated feeds switch is on, any feed at the link url is now automatically associated.
Author field in RSS feeds where applicable.
When there are no traditional results, simple-searches for exact title (as in autocomplete) redirect to the listing and simple-searches for a username redirect to the profile.
edit/regenerate options in details template
autoincluded PNG fix for IE 6. WINE is broken such that it doesn't appear to work, but I believe it actually does work, I need somebody to verify for me.
converted all .gif images (except ones likely to be animated) to .png in order to make prettier images more practical
switch for google map on search results page
custom subdirectories of base automatically kept accessible by rewriting
support for rewriting & as and while also using and in names
sponsored types listed on suggest page, with "x costs $y per z days" in the labels column. when selected, redirects to sponsorship page.
complete simpler page titling system on the "page titles" page
Just tried to upgrade a site. Made a clone but got error messages (.txt file attached). I'm not bothered about the clone as I'm trying it out on a site that is not really active, and besides which I am fully backed up
So I went straight on to upgrade, but got the following errors:
An error occoured at on 2009-07-07 16:11:29. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'file_put_contents() [function.file-put-contents]: Only 12288 of 2212136 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space' in /home/idealwed/public_html/includes/filefunctions.php on line 529.
This is a consistent error? Maybe there's something about your customer account different from mine which is preventing downloading the new series. I'll try creating another customer account to test.
hmm, dunno why I can't upgrade then - I'm still getting that error. I'll try doing a manual upgrade. You know me, if it's gonna go wrong it goes wrong with me
In the meantime I installed a new copy on an unused domain. I like the new Guided Start, but it would be nice to have the choice of guided start or jump right in. Going through the guided start, after submitting Details & Settings I got the error "Error: The file ../templates/admin/.tpl does not exist." Having said that it still accepted the changes made.
(edit) Just submitting new link, click change to WYSIWYG and get the error message " You must select a category before submitting."
(EDIT) OK, upgrade worked now, but it said it wasn't able to run upgrade.php, so I ran that and got the message "No schemas/templateschema.wsn.dist is available. Apparently you were already on this version so there are no template updates to check for. Upgrade complete." Whilst not totally sure I guess it has updated templates as looking via ftp some files are showing they've now been updated, but many haven't.
Got the following error when trying to edit a link that has a table in it. I am using the default templates.
If you are not the administrator of this site, please report this page to the administrator. If you are the administrator, please pay careful attention: You have a parse error in your template templates/default/edit.tpl (or perhaps in your header or footer) which you need to repair before this page can be displayed correctly. The error is picked up on by php at line 483 of the output.Line #478: </td>
Line #479: </tr>
Line #480: <tr>
Line #481: <td><b>1st</b></td>
Line #483: </tr>
[Load this template in your template editor]
Note that the line of the output is not necessarily the same line number in your template... just look for a similar looking area. The source of your error is probably not on line 483 itself, but most likely a line or two before it. Check your code carefully for syntax mistakes. If you cannot recognize one, copy and paste this output into a thread on the support forum.
Now outputing the page without any conditional or php sections evaluated:
I'm not able to reproduce any incomplete messages on switching editors on the submit link page.
No troubles on editing a comment with a table in it. Do you have the same results on both links and comments? (Pain to try to reproduce links because that editor doesn't have the table option normally.)
I would love to test this with my wedding site, but the clone util is not working, I just get a blank page, probably because of the huge size of my attachments directory.
babrees - Toplist #1 is reserved for the main index toplist. That shouldn't affect displaylinks, but have you tried with another number or numberless? Or, show me the toplist code.
jayweb - You have a postal database loaded, not just using the web service fallback?
Paul wrote: babrees - Toplist #1 is reserved for the main index toplist. That shouldn't affect displaylinks, but have you tried with another number or numberless? Or, show me the toplist code.
jayweb - You have a postal database loaded, not just using the web service fallback?
I don't use numbers in my toplists. This is the same problem that jayweb is having when he says "I get the following error on all but the index page.. Couldn't find and in template!"
Comments on 5.1 Betas
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Location: Diamond Springs, California
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Posted Jul 05, 2009 - 7:14 AM:
To install, download autosetup.php from the customer downloads area, place it on your server and visit it in your web browser.
To be on the safe side, you may want to test your upgrade to see how it goes before committing your busy live website to it. To do this, clone your site and upgrade the clone:
1) In your 5.0 production copy, go to Admin Panel -> Miscellaneous -> Clone Utility. Follow instructions on-screen.
2) In your clone, click the upgrade to 5.1 prompt which appears when you're on the latest 5.0 release.
Please do this -- it will allow me to make things work right for you before you go live. Clone upgrades of actual fully-customized websites should reveal a lot more of the bugs than just playing with a standard new setup. Note that testing clones won't count against your license total.
Upgrade note: after upgrading you'll have to re-create any per-category sponsorships you want through the new interface at Admin -> Settings -> Sponsorship -> Add level.
Template Changes
There are many template changes. That doesn't mean you'll have to use them. If you keep all the old templates without applying changes:
- you'll lack some of the new features
- the style designer won't work with 5.0-based stylesheets (can still edit styles manually)
- you won't be able to rate comments up and down (not sure if there's a way to autofix, but i could autohide?)
Please let me know if anything in 5.0 templates doesn't work. I'm trying to enable old templates to work insofar as is possible.
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Location: England
Total Topics: 391
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WOW! Looking forward to trying this out.
Just tried to upgrade a site. Made a clone but got error messages (.txt file attached). I'm not bothered about the clone as I'm trying it out on a site that is not really active, and besides which I am fully backed up
So I went straight on to upgrade, but got the following errors:
I'll try again later.
Attached Files:
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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This is a consistent error? Maybe there's something about your customer account different from mine which is preventing downloading the new series. I'll try creating another customer account to test.
Update: no problems with another account either.
Usergroup: Customer
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Location: England
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hmm, dunno why I can't upgrade then - I'm still getting that error. I'll try doing a manual upgrade. You know me, if it's gonna go wrong it goes wrong with me
In the meantime I installed a new copy on an unused domain. I like the new Guided Start, but it would be nice to have the choice of guided start or jump right in. Going through the guided start, after submitting Details & Settings I got the error "Error: The file ../templates/admin/.tpl does not exist." Having said that it still accepted the changes made.
(edit) Just submitting new link, click change to WYSIWYG and get the error message " You must select a category before submitting."
(EDIT) OK, upgrade worked now, but it said it wasn't able to run upgrade.php, so I ran that and got the message "No schemas/templateschema.wsn.dist is available. Apparently you were already on this version so there are no template updates to check for. Upgrade complete." Whilst not totally sure I guess it has updated templates as looking via ftp some files are showing they've now been updated, but many haven't.
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Location: England
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Got the following error when trying to edit a link that has a table in it. I am using the default templates.
If you are not the administrator of this site, please report this page to the administrator. If you are the administrator, please pay careful attention: You have a parse error in your template templates/default/edit.tpl (or perhaps in your header or footer) which you need to repair before this page can be displayed correctly. The error is picked up on by php at line 483 of the output.Line #478: </td>
Line #479: </tr>
Line #480: <tr>
Line #481: <td><b>1st</b></td>
Line #483: </tr>
[Load this template in your template editor]
Note that the line of the output is not necessarily the same line number in your template... just look for a similar looking area. The source of your error is probably not on line 483 itself, but most likely a line or two before it. Check your code carefully for syntax mistakes. If you cannot recognize one, copy and paste this output into a thread on the support forum.
Now outputing the page without any conditional or php sections evaluated:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> <script src="" type="text/javascript"> <script src="" type="text/javascript"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> <script type="text/javascript"> $().ready(function() { $("#searchauto").autocomplete("/wsnlinks/auto complete.php?action=searchauto", { width: 250, selectFirst: false }); $("#searchauto").result(function(event, data, formatted) { if (data) $(this).parent().next().find("input").val(data[1]) ; }); $("#ownerid").autocomplete("/wsnlinks/autocom plete.php?action=ownerid", { width: 250, selectFirst: false }); $("#ownerid").result(function(event, data, formatted) { if (data) $(this).parent().next().find("input").val(data[1]) ; }); $('a.ajaxlink').bind('click',function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $.get(this.href,{},function(response) { var parts = response.split('[, ]'); $('#postrating'+parts[0]).html(parts[1]) }) }) }); onload="if(typeof(load) == 'function'){load();}"
onunload="if(typeof(GUnload) == 'function'){GUnload();}">
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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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You can exit the guided start with the exit button. Maybe some other place for it would be more obvious?
Fixed redirect on guided settings submission.
(edit) Just submitting new link, click change to WYSIWYG and get the error message " You must select a category before submitting."
Will check this in the morning.
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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I'm not able to reproduce any incomplete messages on switching editors on the submit link page.
No troubles on editing a comment with a table in it. Do you have the same results on both links and comments? (Pain to try to reproduce links because that editor doesn't have the table option normally.)
Usergroup: Customer
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Location: England
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Sorry, been a bit busy so haven't been looking at the beta. Am setting it up at
Using the default displaylinks.tpl At the top of the page, before the doctype, it gives...
The only toplist there is in the wrapper, producing the menu.
In version 5.1, is there a better way of producing a menu such as I have on this site, ie a list of categories in the wrapper?
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I would love to test this with my wedding site, but the clone util is not working, I just get a blank page, probably because of the huge size of my attachments directory.
Forum Regular
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Joined: Nov 27, 2006
Total Topics: 187
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I managed to clone my wedding site. I get the following error on all but the index page.. Couldn't find and in template!
Also, although the autofill works with Link Titles, it does not seem to work with postcodes
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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babrees - Toplist #1 is reserved for the main index toplist. That shouldn't affect displaylinks, but have you tried with another number or numberless? Or, show me the toplist code.
jayweb - You have a postal database loaded, not just using the web service fallback?
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Location: England
Total Topics: 391
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babrees - Toplist #1 is reserved for the main index toplist. That shouldn't affect displaylinks, but have you tried with another number or numberless? Or, show me the toplist code.
jayweb - You have a postal database loaded, not just using the web service fallback?
I don't use numbers in my toplists. This is the same problem that jayweb is having when he says "I get the following error on all but the index page.. Couldn't find and in template!"
Forum Regular
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Joined: Nov 27, 2006
Total Topics: 187
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Ok, so here is the problem...
I use the folowing unique toplist in my wrapper as naigation. I obviously have a custom category field called onmainmenu
When the above topist is used in the wrapper, all but the home page give the following error. (Taken from the source code)
Forum Regular
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Having used the new 5.1 toplist generator today, I have dscovered a bug...
If I put...
in advanced option, it does not produce this in the top list properly.
I get...
as you can see.. onmainmenu="1" has become onmainmenu=
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Two things I would like to see in the new Tweaks Editor...
Allow spaces in tags
Upper Case the first letter of each word in a link title