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NOFOLLOW for Non-Reciprocation
Setting NOFOLLOW attribute when no reciprocation.

Comments on NOFOLLOW for Non-Reciprocation

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Location: Haifa, Israel

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Posted Jun 24, 2009 - 3:05 AM:


I would like to allow every quality and theme-related site to submit a link to my directory.

All links are considered "reciprocating", but there are ramifications for not detecting a link back:

1. None-reciprocating links are sorted in a secondary position (via Importance Formula);

2. None-reciprocating linkshave the NOFOLLOW attribute included in their hypertext syntex.

What is the best practice to accomplish rule #2?

Thanks again, Paul, for your outstanding product and service.


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Posted Jun 24, 2009 - 10:04 PM:

1. You'll really need to have the regular/reciprocal distinction. They can look exactly the same and you can choose to mix link types so they sort togeather. Incorporating type into the importance formula will be tricky, probably requires adding a pseudomethod ( scripts.webmastersite.net/w...emplate_variables-432.html )

2. In the link bit and details templates, as well as the main index toplist and any other toplists, next to {EXTERNALLINKS}, insert <IF {LINKTYPE} is regular> rel="nofollow"</IF>. It'd be nice if it could be placed in the external links appendage itself (on the template settings page) but I'm pretty sure conditionals won't work there (though you can try it).

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