I'd like my main index page to show the current time in New York City, and have been looking through the template variables for a way to do it. I've found plenty of date/time and formatting options for link variables, but I haven't found any just for the current date. Is there a way to do this with template variables or should I use PHP instead?
Comments on Current time in EST on main index page?
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Joined: Sep 27, 2004
Location: New York City
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I'd like my main index page to show the current time in New York City, and have been looking through the template variables for a way to do it. I've found plenty of date/time and formatting options for link variables, but I haven't found any just for the current date. Is there a way to do this with template variables or should I use PHP instead?
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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That'd require php. To use the current WSN default/profile timezone, where the format comes from http://www.php.net/strftime