Query 1: SELECT `name`,`content` FROM wsnlinks_settings WHERE id>0 ORDER BY id ASC
Number of rows is 478
Load time so far: 0.06 seconds.
Query 2: SELECT `name`,`value` FROM wsnlinks_switches WHERE id>0
Number of rows is 93
Load time so far: 0.06 seconds.
Query 3: SELECT `id`,`type`,`original`,`replacement`,`description`,`original close`,`replacementclose`,`sortorder` FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='wsncode' ORDER BY sortorder
Query 5: SELECT `original`,`replacement`,`description`,`id`,`sortorder` FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='smilie' ORDER BY sortorder
Number of rows is 14
Load time so far: 0.08 seconds.
Query 6: SELECT `id`,`to`,`subject`,`message`,`headers`,`replacement`,`mime` FROM wsnlinks_email WHERE timesent=0 AND inprogress=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10
Number of rows is 2
Load time so far: 0.08 seconds.
Query 7: UPDATE wsnlinks_email SET inprogress='1' WHERE id=0 OR id=1
Creating link with as id Non-numeric id value given in creating object.
Run the sql query TRUNCATE TABLE {PREFIX}email; on the advanced options page to get rid of it for the moment, but then we need to figure out exactly how you constructed the email.
Also, why are you using the legacy series? It looks like you're a recent customer.
no, What i did was sent an e-mail by sending it to title exactly as and then I put the username. It worked for one member but when I tried for the second it said o emails were sent. And when I tried to resend it did this. I don't know how to run: Run the sql query TRUNCATE TABLE {PREFIX}email; on the advanced options page to get rid of it for the moment, but then we need to figure out exactly how you constructed the email.
Okay, "sending it to title" implies the send emails page "send to link submitters" option with some title typed in -- and I'll guess the "is equal to" condition option -- but what title did you type? And then when and where did you type a username before or after sending the email to link submitters?
Tested sending an email to link submitters in 4.1.75 and didn't get any errors.
I'd assumed from your recent forum registration that your purchase was recent, but I see now it wasn't.
Sorry, you don't have permission to post posts. Log in, or register if you haven't yet.
Comments on Non-numeric id value given in creating
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 03, 2009
Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 17
I was sending an e-mail. Then all of a sudden when you go to my directory it's saying:
Non-numeric id value given in creating object.
WSN Links 4.1.75
And when I run http://behringtheweb.com/directory/index.php?debug=1 it says:
Load time so far: 0.04 seconds.
Query 1: SELECT `name`,`content` FROM wsnlinks_settings WHERE id>0 ORDER BY id ASC
Number of rows is 478
Load time so far: 0.06 seconds.
Query 2: SELECT `name`,`value` FROM wsnlinks_switches WHERE id>0
Number of rows is 93
Load time so far: 0.06 seconds.
Query 3: SELECT `id`,`type`,`original`,`replacement`,`description`,`original close`,`replacementclose`,`sortorder` FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='wsncode' ORDER BY sortorder
Number of rows is 26
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Load time so far: 0.06 seconds.
Query 4: SELECT `id`,`title`,`caneditown`,`caneditall`,`canvote`,`isadmin`,` canpost`,`canemail`,`validatecats`,`validatecomments`,`valid atelinks`,`validateedits`,`cansubmitlinks`,`cansubmitcategor ies`,`cansubmitcomments`,`caneditownlinks`,`caneditowncatego ries`,`caneditowncomments`,`caneditownprofile`,`caneditallli nks`,`caneditallcategories`,`caneditallcomments`,`caneditall profiles`,`candownloadfiles`,`canupload`,`canviewip`,`limitl inks`,`canemailmembers`,`canusehtml`,`limitlinksdaily`,`cana lias`,`cancopy`,`candeleteown`,`candeleteall`,`candofulledit `,`candeletecategories`,`candeletecomments`,`candeleteowncat egories`,`candeleteowncomments`,`candeletemembers`,`candelet eownmembers`,`canaliascategories`,`canviewpages`,`caneditvot es`,`numaliases`,`canviewvotes`,`canhideownlinks`,`canhideow ncategories`,`canhideowncomments`,`canhidealllinks`,`canhide allcategories`,`canhideallcomments`,`canratecomments`,`bytes permem`,`canpm`,`canim`,`canharddelete`,`limitpms`,`limitpms daily`,`canviewdeleted`,`cansubmitpolls`,`candeletepolls`,`c andeleteownpolls`,`caneditpolls`,`caneditownpolls`,`attachpe rpost`,`attachperpm`,`canviewshouts`,`caneditshouts`,`canedi townshouts`,`candeleteshouts`,`candeleteownshouts`,`cansubmi tshouts`,`canpollvote`,`customtitle`,`canviewinvisible`,`nam estyle`,`canpmimportant`,`canviewmodlog`,`isleader`,`cansubm itquotes`,`validatequotes`,`candeletequotes`,`candeleteownqu otes`,`canreport`,`canusesearch`,`attachperlink`,`validateat tachments`,`caneditownquotes`,`caneditallquotes`,`canviewcha t`,`caneditownevents`,`caneditallevents`,`candeleteownevents `,`candeleteevents`,`cansubmitevents`,`validateevents`,`bulk pms`,`issupermod`,`numinv`,`allowugspec`,`validateemails`,`v alidatesponsorlinks`,`cansubmittags`,`candeletetags`,`cansub mitfeeds`,`validatefeeds`,`validatefeeditems`,`numaliasestot `,`shoutsperday`,`validatetrader`,`renewdays`,`renewtimes`,` canviewownfulltrc`,`canviewallfulltrc` FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.08 seconds.
Query 5: SELECT `original`,`replacement`,`description`,`id`,`sortorder` FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='smilie' ORDER BY sortorder
Number of rows is 14
Load time so far: 0.08 seconds.
Query 6: SELECT `id`,`to`,`subject`,`message`,`headers`,`replacement`,`mime` FROM wsnlinks_email WHERE timesent=0 AND inprogress=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10
Number of rows is 2
Load time so far: 0.08 seconds.
Query 7: UPDATE wsnlinks_email SET inprogress='1' WHERE id=0 OR id=1
Creating link with as id
Non-numeric id value given in creating object.
WSN Links 4.1.75
I don't know what this means or how to fix it.
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Were you sending bulk emails to link owners?
Run the sql query
on the advanced options page to get rid of it for the moment, but then we need to figure out exactly how you constructed the email.
Also, why are you using the legacy series? It looks like you're a recent customer.
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 03, 2009
Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 17
What i did was sent an e-mail by sending it to title exactly as and then I put the username. It worked for one member but when I tried for the second it said o emails were sent. And when I tried to resend it did this. I don't know how to run:
Run the sql query
on the advanced options page to get rid of it for the moment, but then we need to figure out exactly how you constructed the email.
and I don't know how to get there
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 03, 2009
Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 17
I tried going to http://behringtheweb.com/directory/admin/advanced.php but the page refreshes to behringtheweb.com/directory...n.php?context=advanced.php and says: Non-numeric id value given in creating object.
WSN Links 4.1.75
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 03, 2009
Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 17
ok I got it fixed for now
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
So was the email the problem or did you do something else besides the query to fix it?
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 03, 2009
Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 17
no it was the e-mail. That was th problem. The query fixed it. That's the first time I ever seen it. I am scared to try and recreate it.
Also the reason I am using a legacy veersion is because I haven't paid the 39 yet for the 5.0 license. I plan on doing this next month.
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Okay, "sending it to title" implies the send emails page "send to link submitters" option with some title typed in -- and I'll guess the "is equal to" condition option -- but what title did you type? And then when and where did you type a username before or after sending the email to link submitters?
Tested sending an email to link submitters in 4.1.75 and didn't get any errors.
I'd assumed from your recent forum registration that your purchase was recent, but I see now it wasn't.