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Missing lang file?

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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 16, 2006

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Posted Feb 21, 2009 - 7:11 PM:

Moved servers, was running a really old version and it was giving white pages when trying to view links. Deciding to upgrade to the latest, followed the instructions, then:

Error: The file languages/setup/englishonly.lng does not exist.

It does exist. In that location, and in the "languages/" folder as well. this is located in the root of the installation: /links/languages and /links/languages/setup
Permissions all the way from 644 to 777 tried, uploaded in forced BIN and ASCII. No change.

Now, suddenly, I can't log into the admin area. I get the log in screen, then a blank white page except for "Error: The file ../languages/setup/englishonly.lng does not exist." at the top. I can visit the frames, just not the entire frameset.

Any help?

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Posted Feb 21, 2009 - 7:20 PM:

All righty then.
Posted this, went back to check things, and could get in without issue. No errors, all happy as a clam. I'm absolutely baffled as to why, however.

Well, 90% happy.
The language file was still screwed up, needing me to convert from DOS to UNIX breaks (in the archive with DOS line breaks), and then uploading via SCP before it would finally work. WS_FTP right out of the box failed with default, forced BIN and forced ASCII. Weird.

In addition, the htaccess file had an odd line in it:
RewriteBase /410/wsnlinks/

Until I commented that and added a new line pointing to my own dir, everything was failing to find anything, including "admin". Is this in there by error or have I missed some instructions?

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Posted Feb 22, 2009 - 10:36 AM:

Please specify the version you were upgrading from.

As far as the .htaccess file, go to Admin -> Settings -> SEO and submit the page to get it recreated. It's recreated automatically on upgrade these days, but not back in the 4.1 series.

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Posted Feb 22, 2009 - 12:21 PM:

Paul wrote:
Please specify the version you were upgrading from.

3xx...as I said it was really old. This is an upgrade to the 4.1 series (4.1.74), BTW, not the 5 branch.

As far as the .htaccess file, go to Admin -> Settings -> SEO and submit the page to get it recreated. It's recreated automatically on upgrade these days, but not back in the 4.1 series.

Just did so, and got an internal server error when it was done. Had to reupload the htaccess.txt and manually edit that one line to get back in.
Looking forward to that being automated with upgrades. sad
Maybe it's just me, but this is starting to feel kind of fragile. Might be a result of how old the previous version was, and that this isn't the latest version in use, however.

The uses I have for this are rather simple, and don't involve members and any of the bells and/or whistles of the entire script. I just have a simple links directory with it (2 in fact, as I own three licenses from when you offered 3 for one deals), and would prefer it did only that, with visitors suggesting, and admins adding.
Don't suppose you offer a version that's "lighter" than this one, do you? nod

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Posted Feb 27, 2009 - 10:25 PM:

Just to add to this, my script has stopped functioning again. It displays the category links, but clicking on them does nothing at all but refresh to the page you're on already. It was working, now it isn't. No update, no PHP changes...just fell down again.

How incredibly annoying.

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Posted Feb 28, 2009 - 2:35 PM:

bear wrote:
Just did so, and got an internal server error when it was done.

You must have an illegal or empty value in your selections on that SEO page. I've seen a blank category rewrite scheme on a 3.x upgrade once. {CATREWRITEPATH}/{PAGE}.html is the standard value.

Maybe it's just me, but this is starting to feel kind of fragile.

You were running a 3 year old long-compromised version. Naturally the upgrade from there doesn't get tested often. There very little point in me bothering to make upgrades smoother for sites likely under the control of hackers anyway... you didn't care enough about your site to keep it safe, so it stands to reason there's nothing important on the site and upgrade problems aren't a big deal either.

The uses I have for this are rather simple, and don't involve members and any of the bells and/or whistles of the entire script.

Go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Switches and turn everything off.

Just to add to this, my script has stopped functioning again. It displays the category links, but clicking on them does nothing at all but refresh to the page you're on already

I presume this simply means that you have URL rewriting on but have deleted or reverted your .htaccess, so that there's no way to load the requested URLs.

Usergroup: Customer
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Posted Feb 28, 2009 - 3:46 PM:

Paul wrote:
You were running a 3 year old long-compromised version. Naturally the upgrade from there doesn't get tested often.

Fair enough. But after the upgrade, shouldn't it get a bit smoother?

Paul wrote:
... you didn't care enough about your site to keep it safe, so it stands to reason there's nothing important on the site and upgrade problems aren't a big deal either.

Do you feel I deserve that public derision because I came to the site I bought this from for help with a problematic upgrade? Interesting approach: insult the customer so they stop bugging you with problems (and payments).
It sounds as though you don't want me as a customer, so I'll go looking for a replacement rather than continue to bother you. My three licenses and those of a few folks I've sent here won't be missed when we all move on, I'm sure. Hopefully my licenses won't be disabled and will continue to work while I look.
Sorry this is ending on such a sour note, but I tend not to continue to do business with those that intentionally insult me. Good luck, Paul.

Usergroup: Administrator
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Posted Mar 02, 2009 - 1:36 AM:

But after the upgrade, shouldn't it get a bit smoother?

Once it's successfully completed, of course. It obviously hasn't been successfully completed yet. We can work on actually completing it by having you follow the advice I gave in my previous post and respond to it, or you can just sit around complaining pointlessly.

I have no problem with you personally of course, not knowing you, so I suggest you reconsider being so touchy. Like anyone who takes any pride whatsoever in what they do, however, I do get exasperated by people refusing to apply critical upgrades for three years after I told them it was absolutely essential for the safety of their website, their data, and any visitors to their website. If your site is popular, you could well have cost your visitors millions of dollars in malware problems, and removed from the major search engines for it. If you do care about your website, you need to heed the lesson. If you don't, then it doesn't matter if I say you don't.

Since it sounds like your install needs only about 5 seconds to make it perfectly functional again now, I'd be happy to qualify it as a free upgrade instead of a repair and do it for you myself:
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