If the user enters an invalid e-mail adress into the form, he will be redirected to an error page telling him that the supplied email-adress is invalid (ok). Afterwards, he is redirected to an empty form. The e-mail adress and message he entered previously is no longer present in the form fields.
A CAPTCHA check should be added to this form to prevent spam.
Links to Form "E-Mail Link":
The title of the links which point to this form are taken from the language variable {LANG_GENERAL_EMAIL}. The name of the variable denotes that it is a general purpose variable which could be used anywhere within WSN Links (now or in future releases).
My suggestion is to create a separate language variable for those links. This way, it would be possible to give the links to the "E-Mail Link" form a different name (e.g. "Recommend Link").
I know that it is possible to add custom language variables and I probably will do that. Just wanted to mention it, because other users of WSN Links might have the same desire.
Where should I look for the links to this form. Just searching the templates for {LANG_GENERAL_EMAIL} will probably give me many results. Most of them won't be related to the form "E-Mail Link".
There's already a CAPTCHA for guests unless you've turned it off.
Agreed that the form should reload with an "incomplete" message instead of redirecting and losing data.
If you want separate links with different names, just make them. There's no sense in making everyone do more translation because a very few people will eventually want to save a couple seconds on splitting that text.
Every email.php link in a search of the templates will be related to the form "E-Mail Link". As far as I recall, the link bit and details pages would be the only spots.
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Comments on Email link
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jun 01, 2003
Total Topics: 3
Total Comments: 3
Form "E-Mail Link":
If the user enters an invalid e-mail adress into the form, he will be redirected to an error page telling him that the supplied email-adress is invalid (ok).
Afterwards, he is redirected to an empty form. The e-mail adress and message he entered previously is no longer present in the form fields.
A CAPTCHA check should be added to this form to prevent spam.
Links to Form "E-Mail Link":
The title of the links which point to this form are taken from the language variable {LANG_GENERAL_EMAIL}.
The name of the variable denotes that it is a general purpose variable which could be used anywhere within WSN Links (now or in future releases).
My suggestion is to create a separate language variable for those links.
This way, it would be possible to give the links to the "E-Mail Link" form a different name (e.g. "Recommend Link").
I know that it is possible to add custom language variables and I probably will do that.
Just wanted to mention it, because other users of WSN Links might have the same desire.
Where should I look for the links to this form. Just searching the templates for {LANG_GENERAL_EMAIL} will probably give me many results. Most of them won't be related to the form "E-Mail Link".
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
There's already a CAPTCHA for guests unless you've turned it off.
Agreed that the form should reload with an "incomplete" message instead of redirecting and losing data.
If you want separate links with different names, just make them. There's no sense in making everyone do more translation because a very few people will eventually want to save a couple seconds on splitting that text.
Every email.php link in a search of the templates will be related to the form "E-Mail Link". As far as I recall, the link bit and details pages would be the only spots.