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Bulk Edit errors
Table '-----_wsnclass.itable' doesn't exist

Comments on Bulk Edit errors

Forum Regular

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Joined: Nov 25, 2003

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Posted Oct 12, 2008 - 7:33 PM:

Tried to bulk edit a category with one item in it.
This category if you need to get in to see it:



An error occoured at www.reellocations.com/dir/b...hp?catid=379&type=bulkedit on 2008-10-13 02:30:18. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given' in /home/-----/public_html/dir/databases/mysqli.php on line 42. Debug info:
`,`unvalidatedcomments`,`actaslink`,`countposts`,`subcatsh tml`,`linksperpage`,`wysihtml`,`numonline`,`sponsorship`,`la stprofileurl`,`defaultnoaccess`,`lastthreadurl`,`lastposturl `,`specialurl`,`invisibleto` FROM wsnclassifieds_categories WHERE id=379

Load time so far: 1.22 seconds.
Query 15: SELECT `id`,`name`,`items`,`comments`,`time`,`usergroup`,`password` ,`ip`,`totalhits`,`totalhitsin`,`email`,`validated`,`templat e`,`language`,`lastattempt`,`allowemail`,`signature`,`avatar name`,`stylesheet`,`allowuseremail`,`albumid`,`failedattempt s`,`totalbytes`,`funds`,`notifyoflinks`,`lastvisit`,`timezon e`,`rating`,`pmfolders`,`notifyofpms`,`acceptpms`,`cookiedur ation`,`banned`,`location`,`homepage`,`occupation`,`bio`,`ai m`,`icq`,`msn`,`yahoo`,`inactive`,`timeonline`,`totalpms`,`b uddies`,`ignored`,`isonline`,`acceptims`,`adminpermissions`, `referrer`,`groupreverttime`,`grouprevertto`,`moderationpm`, `secondarygroups`,`linksperpage`,`commentsperpage`,`shouts`, `customtitle`,`shoutban`,`topicbans`,`forumbans`,`visibility `,`birthdate`,`lastsession`,`interests`,`posteditor`,`foruma ccess`,`pmpopup`,`pmnotify`,`modnotes`,`guestnotes`,`salt`,` lastmodnote`,`newpms`,`imflag`,`orderalbums`,`lastguestnote` ,`autosubscribe`,`notifymethod`,`showavatars`,`showsigs`,`wa rninglevel`,`chatcolor`,`traderrating`,`invitessent`,`valida tedemail`,`calsub`,`macros`,`guestnotify`,`keychecktime`,`no tifykeywords`,`autosubscribepost`,`blogrss`,`positivepct`,`n otifytrader`,`links`,`topics`,`posts`,`inactiveemail`,`fulln ame`,`m_address`,`m_city`,`m_state`,`m_zip`,`m_phone_cell`,` m_phone_home`,`m_phone_work`,`m_assoc`,`m_assoc_other` FROM wsnclassifieds_members WHERE id='1'

Load time so far: 1.23 seconds.
Number of rows is 1

Query 16: SELECT `` FROM itable WHERE 1=1 AND (type='featured') ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,5

Load time so far: 1.25 seconds.
Table 'reelloca_wsnclass.itable' doesn't exist

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Oct 13, 2008 - 4:04 PM:

The problem is with sort of toplist of 5 featured items ordered by newest first which I don't have in my templates. Where do you have this toplist and what's the full toplist content?
Forum Regular

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Nov 25, 2003

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Posted Oct 13, 2008 - 9:12 PM:

Hmmm, sorry about announcing it, and thank you for noticing the issue. I'll look into it and report back.
Forum Regular

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Nov 25, 2003

Total Topics: 70
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Posted Oct 14, 2008 - 11:21 AM:

This is the data in the cell causing the issues (the toplist you requested). It's not a toplist # conflict either, because I changed that and the error remains. It's only visible to admins tho...

<div class="timedSlideshow jdSlideshow" id="mySlideshow"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
countArticle = 0;
var mySlideData = new Array();

<!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 42 -->
<CONFIG>items,time,5,descending,type='featu red',,,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0</CONFIG>
mySlideData[countArt icle++] = new Array(
'<a href="{ITEMDETAILSURL}">{ITEMTITLE}</ a>',
'<a href="{ITEMDETAILSURL}">Click to View Property</a>'
<!-- END TOPLIST 42 -->

<script type="text/javascript">
function startSlideshow() {
var slideshow = new timedSlideShow($('mySlideshow'), mySlideData);



Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Posted Oct 15, 2008 - 9:19 PM:

Conflict with url parameter on that page, will be fixed in next release.
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