I am getting an SQL error that usually only happens when viewing the index.php and not being logged in. I get it both in firefox and IE7. It seems to go away when I am logged in. The last major items that I have done is upgrading from previous versions and added a custom URL field.
On a side note. I have a cron (has worked for a long time with no error) that removes all the images in the gallery every 24 hours. I noticed that if i check the site the next morning those images will still show up unless I log in. Seems possible that this may be related to the SQL error.
Load time so far: 0.02 seconds.
Query 1: SELECT `name`,`content` FROM wsngallery_settings WHERE id>0 ORDER BY id ASC
Number of rows is 502
Load time so far: 0.03 seconds.
Query 2: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsngallery_crons WHERE nextrun < 1221422924
Count is 1
Load time so far: 0.03 seconds.
Query 3: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsngallery_email WHERE timesent=0
Count is 0
Load time so far: 0.04 seconds.
Query 4: SELECT `name`,`value` FROM wsngallery_switches WHERE id>0
Number of rows is 102
Load time so far: 0.04 seconds.
Query 5: SELECT `id`,`type`,`original`,`replacement`,`description`,`originalclose`,`replacementclose`,`sortorder` FROM wsngallery_markup WHERE type='wsncode' ORDER BY sortorder
Number of rows is 26
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Load time so far: 0.05 seconds.
Query 6: SELECT `id`,`title`,`caneditown`,`caneditall`,`canvote`,`isadmin`,`canpost`,`canemail`,`validatecats`,`validatecomments`,`validatelinks`,`validateedits`,`cansubmitlinks`,`cansubmitcategories`,`cansubmitcomments`,`caneditownlinks`,`caneditowncategories`,`caneditowncomments`,`caneditownprofile`,`caneditalllinks`,`caneditallcategories`,`caneditallcomments`,`caneditallprofiles`,`candownloadfiles`,`canupload`,`canviewip`,`limitlinks`,`canemailmembers`,`canusehtml`,`limitlinksdaily`,`canalias`,`cancopy`,`candeleteown`,`candeleteall`,`bytespermem`,`canviewpages`,`candofulledit`,`candeletecategories`,`candeletecomments`,`candeleteowncategories`,`candeleteowncomments`,`candeletemembers`,`candeleteownmembers`,`canaliascategories`,`caneditvotes`,`numaliases`,`canviewvotes`,`canhideownlinks`,`canhideowncategories`,`canhideowncomments`,`canhidealllinks`,`canhideallcategories`,`canhideallcomments`,`canratecomments`,`canpm`,`canim`,`canharddelete`,`limitpms`,`limitpmsdaily`,`canviewdeleted`,`cansubmitpolls`,`candeletepolls`,`candeleteownpolls`,`caneditpolls`,`caneditownpolls`,`attachperpost`,`attachperpm`,`canviewshouts`,`caneditshouts`,`caneditownshouts`,`candeleteshouts`,`candeleteownshouts`,`cansubmitshouts`,`canpollvote`,`customtitle`,`canviewinvisible`,`namestyle`,`canpmimportant`,`canviewmodlog`,`isleader`,`cansubmitquotes`,`validatequotes`,`candeletequotes`,`candeleteownquotes`,`canreport`,`canusesearch`,`attachperlink`,`validateattachments`,`bulkpms`,`issupermod`,`caneditownquotes`,`caneditallquotes`,`canviewchat`,`caneditownevents`,`caneditallevents`,`candeleteownevents`,`candeleteevents`,`cansubmitevents`,`validateevents`,`numinv`,`allowugspec`,`validateemails`,`validatesponsorlinks`,`cansubmittags`,`candeletetags`,`cansubmitfeeds`,`validatefeeds`,`validatefeeditems`,`numaliasestot`,`shoutsperday`,`validatetrader`,`renewdays`,`renewtimes`,`canviewownfulltrc`,`canviewallfulltrc` FROM wsngallery_membergroups WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.06 seconds.
Query 7: SELECT `original`,`replacement`,`description`,`id`,`sortorder` FROM wsngallery_markup WHERE type='smilie' ORDER BY sortorder
Number of rows is 14
Load time so far: 0.06 seconds.
Query 8: SELECT `id`,`to`,`subject`,`message`,`headers`,`replacement`,`mime` FROM wsngallery_email WHERE timesent=0 AND inprogress=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.07 seconds.
Query 9: SELECT `memberid`,`starttime`,`time` FROM wsngallery_sessions WHERE time < 1221422024 AND memberid > 0
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.07 seconds.
Query 10: DELETE FROM wsngallery_sessions WHERE time < 1221422024
Load time so far: 0.07 seconds.
Query 11: SELECT `id`,`url`,`ownerid`,`lastfetched`,`validated`,`catid`,`time`,`title`,`description`,`homepage` FROM wsngallery_xmlfeeds WHERE validated=1 AND lastfetched < 1221379724 ORDER BY lastfetched ASC LIMIT 0,1
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.07 seconds.
Query 12: SELECT `id`,`type`,`objectid`,`filename`,`filetitle`,`filesize`,`width`,`height`,`memberid`,`time`,`deleted`,`field`,`downloads`,`validated`,`ownerip`,`catid`,`importurl` FROM wsngallery_attachments WHERE importurl != '' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.07 seconds.
Query 13: SELECT `id`,`name`,`comments`,`time`,`usergroup`,`password`,`ip`,`totalhits`,`email`,`validated`,`template`,`language`,`totalbytes`,`images`,`lastattempt`,`avatarname`,`allowemail`,`albumid`,`signature`,`failedattempts`,`allowuseremail`,`stylesheet`,`funds`,`totalhitsin`,`notifyoflinks`,`lastvisit`,`timezone`,`links`,`rating`,`pmfolders`,`notifyofpms`,`acceptpms`,`cookieduration`,`banned`,`topics`,`posts`,`location`,`homepage`,`occupation`,`bio`,`aim`,`icq`,`msn`,`yahoo`,`inactive`,`timeonline`,`totalpms`,`buddies`,`ignored`,`isonline`,`acceptims`,`adminpermissions`,`referrer`,`groupreverttime`,`grouprevertto`,`moderationpm`,`secondarygroups`,`linksperpage`,`commentsperpage`,`shouts`,`customtitle`,`shoutban`,`topicbans`,`forumbans`,`visibility`,`birthdate`,`lastsession`,`interests`,`posteditor`,`forumaccess`,`pmpopup`,`pmnotify`,`modnotes`,`guestnotes`,`salt`,`lastmodnote`,`newpms`,`imflag`,`orderalbums`,`lastguestnote`,`autosubscribe`,`notifymethod`,`showavatars`,`showsigs`,`warninglevel`,`chatcolor`,`traderrating`,`invitessent`,`validatedemail`,`newemail`,`calsub`,`macros`,`guestnotify`,`keychecktime`,`notifykeywords`,`positivepct`,`notifytrader` FROM wsngallery_members WHERE banned='' AND notifykeywords != '' AND keychecktime < 1221336524 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.07 seconds.
Query 14: SELECT `id`,`frequency`,`filename`,`nextrun` FROM wsngallery_crons WHERE nextrun < 1221422924 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1
Number of rows is 1
Load time so far: 0.07 seconds.
Query 15: UPDATE wsngallery_crons SET nextrun='1221509324' WHERE id=11
Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Query 16: DELETE FROM wsngallery_links WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Query 17: DELETE FROM WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id>0' at line 1
Query 18: UPDATE wsngallery_categories SET numlinks='0' WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Query 19: UPDATE wsngallery_categories SET linkshere='0' WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Query 20: UPDATE wsngallery_categories SET unvalidatedlinks='0' WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Query 21: UPDATE wsngallery_categories SET totalcomments='0' WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Query 22: UPDATE wsngallery_categories SET unvalidatedcomments='0' WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.
Query 23: UPDATE wsngallery_settings SET content='0' WHERE name='totallinks'
Load time so far: 0.1 seconds.
Query 24: SELECT `id`,`name`,`parent`,`validated`,`description`,`time`,`parentnames`,`parentids`,`numlinks`,`hide`,`lastlinktime`,`custom`,`lastedit`,`moderators`,`headerinfo`,`related`,`numsub`,`isalbum`,`type`,`permissions`,`subscribers`,`subscriber`,`mixtypes`,`orderlinks`,`totalcomments`,`filetitle`,`filename`,`ulsearchmax`,`ulsearchquery`,`ulsearchadult`,`alias`,`catcols`,`linkcols`,`dmozpath`,`sponsorlinks`,`views`,`customwrap`,`deleted`,`reqlinks`,`reqcoms`,`reqlinksdelay`,`priority`,`levelsdeep`,`lastposterid`,`lastpostername`,`lastcommenttime`,`lastthreadid`,`lastthreadtitle`,`linkshere`,`unvalidatedlinks`,`unvalidatedcomments`,`actaslink`,`countposts`,`subcatshtml`,`linksperpage`,`wysihtml`,`numonline`,`sponsorship`,`lastprofileurl`,`lastthreadurl`,`lastposturl`,`defaultnoaccess` FROM wsngallery_categories WHERE id=2
Load time so far: 0.1 seconds.
Query 25: SELECT `id`,`name`,`parent`,`validated`,`description`,`time`,`parentnames`,`parentids`,`numlinks`,`hide`,`lastlinktime`,`custom`,`lastedit`,`moderators`,`headerinfo`,`related`,`numsub`,`isalbum`,`type`,`permissions`,`subscribers`,`subscriber`,`mixtypes`,`orderlinks`,`totalcomments`,`filetitle`,`filename`,`ulsearchmax`,`ulsearchquery`,`ulsearchadult`,`alias`,`catcols`,`linkcols`,`dmozpath`,`sponsorlinks`,`views`,`customwrap`,`deleted`,`reqlinks`,`reqcoms`,`reqlinksdelay`,`priority`,`levelsdeep`,`lastposterid`,`lastpostername`,`lastcommenttime`,`lastthreadid`,`lastthreadtitle`,`linkshere`,`unvalidatedlinks`,`unvalidatedcomments`,`actaslink`,`countposts`,`subcatshtml`,`linksperpage`,`wysihtml`,`numonline`,`sponsorship`,`lastprofileurl`,`lastthreadurl`,`lastposturl`,`defaultnoaccess` FROM wsngallery_categories WHERE parent=2 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND isalbum=0 ORDER BY id DESC,name ASC LIMIT 0,75
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.1 seconds.
Query 26: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsngallery_links WHERE catid=2 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND type='regular' AND effectivetime < 1221422924
Count is 0
Load time so far: 0.1 seconds.
Query 27: SELECT `canviewpages` FROM wsngallery_membergroups WHERE id='1'
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/grabspac/public_html/wsngallery/classes/database.php:249) in /home/grabspac/public_html/wsngallery/includes/commonfuncs.php on line 747
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/grabspac/public_html/wsngallery/classes/database.php:249) in /home/grabspac/public_html/wsngallery/includes/commonfuncs.php on line 751
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/grabspac/public_html/wsngallery/classes/database.php:249) in /home/grabspac/public_html/wsngallery/end.php on line 71
Load time so far: 0.13 seconds.
Query 28: SELECT `id`,`memberid`,`location`,`time`,`ip`,`browser`,`starttime`,`catid`,`threadid`,`areaname`,`lastsearch`,`nopermission`,`inchat`,`name`,`isrobot`,`lastchat`,`groupnamestyle`,`acceptims`,`visibility`,`profileurl` FROM wsngallery_sessions WHERE time > 1221422024 AND (catid=2 AND memberid>0) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,100
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.14 seconds.
Query 29: SELECT `id`,`memberid`,`location`,`time`,`ip`,`browser`,`starttime`,`catid`,`threadid`,`areaname`,`lastsearch`,`nopermission`,`inchat`,`name`,`isrobot`,`lastchat`,`groupnamestyle`,`acceptims`,`visibility`,`profileurl` FROM wsngallery_sessions WHERE ip='' AND memberid=0
Number of rows is 0
Creating online with new as new
Query 30: INSERT INTO wsngallery_sessions(`memberid`,`location`,`time`,`ip`,`browser`,`starttime`,`catid`,`threadid`,`areaname`,`lastsearch`,`nopermission`,`inchat`,`name`,`isrobot`,`lastchat`,`groupnamestyle`,`acceptims`,`visibility`,`profileurl`) VALUES('0','http://grabspace.net/wsngallery/index.php?dorand=1&debug=1','1221422924','','Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)','1221422924','2','0','GrabSpace','','0','0','guest','','','','none','','')
Ok today I got around to grabbing the code for the cron and now I cant even login as admin. One change I made the other day was the option to integrate PHPBB forum database with WSN database (forget the exact name of the option, its towards the bottom of admin panel).
I ran a debug again (shown below). It looks like it is searching for the new phpbb-wsn database but cant find it. Is there anyway to get logged in and try to get rid of this problem?
Load time so far: 0.02 seconds.
Query 1: SELECT `name`,`content` FROM wsngallery_settings WHERE id>0 ORDER BY id ASC
Number of rows is 502
Load time so far: 0.04 seconds.
Query 2: SELECT `name`,`value` FROM wsngallery_switches WHERE id>0
Number of rows is 102
Load time so far: 0.04 seconds.
Query 3: SELECT `id`,`type`,`original`,`replacement`,`description`,`originalclose`,`replacementclose`,`sortorder` FROM wsngallery_markup WHERE type='wsncode' ORDER BY sortorder
Number of rows is 26
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Creating markup with Array as row
Query 4: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Getting field list for table wsngallery_members: id,name,comments,time,usergroup,password,ip,totalhits,email,validated,template,language,totalbytes,images,lastattempt,avatarname,allowemail,albumid,signature,failedattempts,allowuseremail,stylesheet,funds,totalhitsin,notifyoflinks,lastvisit,timezone,links,rating,pmfolders,notifyofpms,acceptpms,cookieduration,banned,topics,posts,location,homepage,occupation,bio,aim,icq,msn,yahoo,inactive,timeonline,totalpms,buddies,ignored,isonline,acceptims,adminpermissions,referrer,groupreverttime,grouprevertto,moderationpm,secondarygroups,linksperpage,commentsperpage,shouts,customtitle,shoutban,topicbans,forumbans,visibility,birthdate,lastsession,interests,posteditor,forumaccess,pmpopup,pmnotify,modnotes,guestnotes,salt,lastmodnote,newpms,imflag,orderalbums,lastguestnote,autosubscribe,notifymethod,showavatars,showsigs,warninglevel,chatcolor,traderrating,invitessent,validatedemail,newemail,calsub,macros,guestnotify,keychecktime,notifykeywords,positivepct,notifytrader
Load time so far: 0.05 seconds.
Query 5: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Getting field list for table wsngallery_members: id,name,comments,time,usergroup,password,ip,totalhits,email,validated,template,language,totalbytes,images,lastattempt,avatarname,allowemail,albumid,signature,failedattempts,allowuseremail,stylesheet,funds,totalhitsin,notifyoflinks,lastvisit,timezone,links,rating,pmfolders,notifyofpms,acceptpms,cookieduration,banned,topics,posts,location,homepage,occupation,bio,aim,icq,msn,yahoo,inactive,timeonline,totalpms,buddies,ignored,isonline,acceptims,adminpermissions,referrer,groupreverttime,grouprevertto,moderationpm,secondarygroups,linksperpage,commentsperpage,shouts,customtitle,shoutban,topicbans,forumbans,visibility,birthdate,lastsession,interests,posteditor,forumaccess,pmpopup,pmnotify,modnotes,guestnotes,salt,lastmodnote,newpms,imflag,orderalbums,lastguestnote,autosubscribe,notifymethod,showavatars,showsigs,warninglevel,chatcolor,traderrating,invitessent,validatedemail,newemail,calsub,macros,guestnotify,keychecktime,notifykeywords,positivepct,notifytrader
Load time so far: 0.05 seconds.
Query 6: SHOW COLUMNS FROM phpbb_users
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/grabspac/public_html/wsngallery/databases/mysql.php on line 27
Getting field list for table phpbb_users:
Load time so far: 0.07 seconds.
Table 'grabspac_wsn.phpbb_users' doesn't exist
Query 7: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 8: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `comments` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 9: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 10: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `ip` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 11: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 12: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `totalhits` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 13: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 14: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `validated` INT NOT NULL default '1'
Query 15: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 16: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `template` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 17: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 18: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `language` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 19: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 20: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `totalbytes` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 21: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 22: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `images` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 23: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 24: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `lastattempt` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 25: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 26: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `avatarname` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 27: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 28: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `allowemail` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 29: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 30: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `albumid` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 31: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 32: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `signature` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 33: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 34: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `failedattempts` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 35: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 36: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `allowuseremail` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 37: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 38: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `stylesheet` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 39: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 40: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `funds` double
Query 41: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 42: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `totalhitsin` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 43: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 44: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `notifyoflinks` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 45: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 46: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `lastvisit` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 47: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 48: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `timezone` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 49: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 50: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `links` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 51: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 52: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `rating` double
Query 53: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 54: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `pmfolders` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 55: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 56: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `notifyofpms` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 57: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 58: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `acceptpms` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 59: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 60: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `cookieduration` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 61: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 62: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `banned` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 63: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 64: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `topics` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 65: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 66: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `posts` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 67: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 68: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `location` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 69: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 70: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `homepage` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 71: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 72: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `occupation` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 73: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 74: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `bio` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 75: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 76: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `aim` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 77: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 78: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `icq` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 79: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 80: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `msn` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 81: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 82: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `yahoo` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 83: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 84: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `inactive` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 85: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 86: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `timeonline` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 87: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 88: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `totalpms` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 89: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 90: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `buddies` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 91: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 92: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `ignored` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 93: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 94: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `isonline` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 95: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 96: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `acceptims` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 97: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 98: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `adminpermissions` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 99: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 100: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `referrer` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 101: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 102: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `groupreverttime` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 103: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 104: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `grouprevertto` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 105: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 106: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `moderationpm` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 107: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 108: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `secondarygroups` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 109: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 110: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `linksperpage` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 111: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 112: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `commentsperpage` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 113: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 114: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `shouts` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 115: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 116: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `customtitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 117: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 118: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `shoutban` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 119: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 120: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `topicbans` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 121: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 122: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `forumbans` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 123: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 124: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `visibility` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 125: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 126: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `birthdate` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 127: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 128: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `lastsession` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 129: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 130: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `interests` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 131: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 132: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `posteditor` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 133: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 134: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `forumaccess` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 135: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 136: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `pmpopup` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 137: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 138: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `pmnotify` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 139: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 140: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `modnotes` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 141: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 142: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `guestnotes` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 143: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 144: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `salt` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 145: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 146: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `lastmodnote` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 147: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 148: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `newpms` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 149: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 150: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `imflag` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 151: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 152: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `orderalbums` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 153: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 154: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `lastguestnote` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 155: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 156: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `autosubscribe` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 157: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 158: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `notifymethod` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 159: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 160: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `showavatars` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 161: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 162: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `showsigs` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 163: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 164: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `warninglevel` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 165: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 166: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `chatcolor` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 167: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 168: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `traderrating` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 169: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 170: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `invitessent` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 171: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 172: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `validatedemail` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 173: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 174: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `newemail` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 175: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 176: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `calsub` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 177: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 178: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `macros` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 179: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 180: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `guestnotify` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 181: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 182: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `keychecktime` INT NOT NULL default '0'
Query 183: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 184: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `notifykeywords` varchar(255) NOT NULL
Query 185: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 186: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `positivepct` float NOT NULL default '0'
Query 187: SHOW COLUMNS FROM wsngallery_members
Query 188: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `notifytrader` varchar(10) NOT NULL
Query 189: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `user_id` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 190: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `username` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 191: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `user_regdate` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 192: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `user_level` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 193: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `user_password` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 194: ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `user_email` TEXT NOT NULL
Query 195: SHOW COLUMNS FROM phpbb_users
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/grabspac/public_html/wsngallery/databases/mysql.php on line 27
Getting field list for table phpbb_users:
Load time so far: 0.28 seconds.
Table 'grabspac_wsn.phpbb_users' doesn't exist
Load time so far: 0.28 seconds.
Table 'grabspac_wsn.phpbb_users' doesn't exist
Query 196: SELECT `id`,`title`,`caneditown`,`caneditall`,`canvote`,`isadmin`,`canpost`,`canemail`,`validatecats`,`validatecomments`,`validatelinks`,`validateedits`,`cansubmitlinks`,`cansubmitcategories`,`cansubmitcomments`,`caneditownlinks`,`caneditowncategories`,`caneditowncomments`,`caneditownprofile`,`caneditalllinks`,`caneditallcategories`,`caneditallcomments`,`caneditallprofiles`,`candownloadfiles`,`canupload`,`canviewip`,`limitlinks`,`canemailmembers`,`canusehtml`,`limitlinksdaily`,`canalias`,`cancopy`,`candeleteown`,`candeleteall`,`bytespermem`,`canviewpages`,`candofulledit`,`candeletecategories`,`candeletecomments`,`candeleteowncategories`,`candeleteowncomments`,`candeletemembers`,`candeleteownmembers`,`canaliascategories`,`caneditvotes`,`numaliases`,`canviewvotes`,`canhideownlinks`,`canhideowncategories`,`canhideowncomments`,`canhidealllinks`,`canhideallcategories`,`canhideallcomments`,`canratecomments`,`canpm`,`canim`,`canharddelete`,`limitpms`,`limitpmsdaily`,`canviewdeleted`,`cansubmitpolls`,`candeletepolls`,`candeleteownpolls`,`caneditpolls`,`caneditownpolls`,`attachperpost`,`attachperpm`,`canviewshouts`,`caneditshouts`,`caneditownshouts`,`candeleteshouts`,`candeleteownshouts`,`cansubmitshouts`,`canpollvote`,`customtitle`,`canviewinvisible`,`namestyle`,`canpmimportant`,`canviewmodlog`,`isleader`,`cansubmitquotes`,`validatequotes`,`candeletequotes`,`candeleteownquotes`,`canreport`,`canusesearch`,`attachperlink`,`validateattachments`,`bulkpms`,`issupermod`,`caneditownquotes`,`caneditallquotes`,`canviewchat`,`caneditownevents`,`caneditallevents`,`candeleteownevents`,`candeleteevents`,`cansubmitevents`,`validateevents`,`numinv`,`allowugspec`,`validateemails`,`validatesponsorlinks`,`cansubmittags`,`candeletetags`,`cansubmitfeeds`,`validatefeeds`,`validatefeeditems`,`numaliasestot`,`shoutsperday`,`validatetrader`,`renewdays`,`renewtimes`,`canviewownfulltrc`,`canviewallfulltrc` FROM wsngallery_membergroups WHERE id>0
Load time so far: 0.3 seconds.
Query 197: SELECT `original`,`replacement`,`description`,`id`,`sortorder` FROM wsngallery_markup WHERE type='smilie' ORDER BY sortorder
Number of rows is 14
Load time so far: 0.3 seconds.
Query 198: SELECT `id`,`to`,`subject`,`message`,`headers`,`replacement`,`mime` FROM wsngallery_email WHERE timesent=0 AND inprogress=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.3 seconds.
Query 199: SELECT `memberid`,`starttime`,`time` FROM wsngallery_sessions WHERE time 0
Number of rows is 2
Load time so far: 0.3 seconds.
Query 200: SELECT `` FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_id='2'
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/grabspac/public_html/wsngallery/databases/mysql.php on line 27
Number of rows is Table 'grabspac_wsn.phpbb_users' doesn't exist
Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /home/grabspac/public_html/wsngallery/classes/member.php on line 2111
This can only mean that the grabspac_wsn.phpbb_users doesn't exist. That's database grabspac_wsn, table phpbb_users. Check for yourself. Can't integrate with something that isn't there.
None of those changed, actually, but it should always have been broken since you have a typo: "comentstable" should be spelled properly as "commentstable". And if you really do have the file starting with "delete" then add the "$db->" in front of it.
Comments on SQL Error
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
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I am getting an SQL error that usually only happens when viewing the index.php and not being logged in. I get it both in firefox and IE7. It seems to go away when I am logged in. The last major items that I have done is upgrading from previous versions and added a custom URL field.
On a side note. I have a cron (has worked for a long time with no error) that removes all the images in the gallery every 24 hours. I noticed that if i check the site the next morning those images will still show up unless I log in. Seems possible that this may be related to the SQL error.
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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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I have a cron (has worked for a long time with no error) that removes all the images in the gallery every 24 hours.
This is the problem: the way it tries to reference one of the tables was applicable to 4.1 but no longer works in 5.0.
I need to see the code to suggest a correction.
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
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Ok today I got around to grabbing the code for the cron and now I cant even login as admin. One change I made the other day was the option to integrate PHPBB forum database with WSN database (forget the exact name of the option, its towards the bottom of admin panel).
I ran a debug again (shown below). It looks like it is searching for the new phpbb-wsn database but cant find it. Is there anyway to get logged in and try to get rid of this problem?
Usergroup: Administrator
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Location: Diamond Springs, California
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Table 'grabspac_wsn.phpbb_users' doesn't exist
This can only mean that the grabspac_wsn.phpbb_users doesn't exist. That's database grabspac_wsn, table phpbb_users. Check for yourself. Can't integrate with something that isn't there.
To undo integration, run the query listed in the troubleshooting section at scripts.webmastersite.net/w...system-integration-75.html
Usergroup: Customer
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Does anyone ever tell you how smart you are? Cause they should. Worked like a charm.
Ok on to my Cron, here is the code
I suppose the tables have changed a bit?
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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Did you miss the $db-> start when copying?
None of those changed, actually, but it should always have been broken since you have a typo: "comentstable" should be spelled properly as "commentstable". And if you really do have the file starting with "delete" then add the "$db->" in front of it.
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
Total Topics: 4
Total Comments: 12
I miscopied the code, but you are right there was a typo with the commentstable. I believe that fixed it. No problems so far.