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Add banners
Count hits to banners

Comments on Add banners


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 06, 2004

Total Topics: 10
Total Comments: 15
Posted Sep 04, 2008 - 12:05 PM:

Some of my links have a separate banner at the top of each page whichn links directly to their site.

What I would like to know is can the link code inclement the number of hits to that site. i.e so every time someone clicks on their nomral link in the general directory and when they click on the banner at the top of the category page this also will increase the number of hits to their site.
Forum Regular

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Nov 27, 2006

Total Topics: 187
Total Comments: 465
Posted Sep 05, 2008 - 12:11 AM:

If you use ... <a href="{TRACKLINKURL}" {EXTERNALLINKS}> ... as part of the html of your banner, it will count each click on the banner towards clicks on the link.
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