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Reciprocal link checker

Comments on Reciprocal link checker


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 06, 2004

Total Topics: 10
Total Comments: 15
Posted Sep 04, 2008 - 3:12 AM:

When I use the Reciprocal link checker (Check Validity) it produces the following error message:-

An error occoured at http://www.gardenbuildings.com/directory/admin/ch... on 2008-09-04 08:04:08. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'Missing argument 2 for objectreplacements(), called in /home/gardscom/public_html/directory/admin/checkone.php on line 6 and defined' in /home/gardscom/public_html/directory/includes/objectfunction s.php on line 191.bug: object isn't really an object, it's''

This is when you go to a link and click on Edit and then reciprocal link checker and also when you go to validate a link

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Posted Sep 05, 2008 - 8:50 AM:

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