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Images not uploading again

Comments on Images not uploading again

Forum Regular

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Posted Sep 02, 2008 - 1:05 PM:

I problem I thought was fixed has started happening again.

If someone attaches images whilst submittimg a link (registering at the same time as submitting), and the links go for verification, the attached images are going missing somewhere between them uploading the image and the link going for verification.

Also, when adding an image by editing a link, when "attach" is clicked, the image uploads and attaches, but they are directed to the category page without being given a chance to upload a second image. In other words clicking attach is submitting the whole form.
Forum Regular

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Posted Sep 02, 2008 - 1:46 PM:

Also, I deleted my unused attachments, it said it had deleted them (there was a whole page of them).

I cjecked by running a check for them again and sure enough it said that there were no unused attachments to see.

However, ten minutes later there was a whole new page of unused attachemnts.. All thumbnails for some reason
Forum Regular

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Posted Sep 03, 2008 - 2:42 PM:

This is now causing mayhem on my site. I don't know if the problem is related to how many links are awaiting validation, I don't see how it could be, but it does seem to start happening when there are two pages of validations waiting to be done (maybe a coincidence)

At the moment though, people are submitting links with images, and when they come to be validated they are gone.
Forum Regular

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Posted Sep 03, 2008 - 8:59 PM:

Just tested this thoroughly and I can confirm that this only happens if a guest submits a link (registration whilst submitting)

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Posted Sep 04, 2008 - 2:22 AM:

Unused attachments mistakenly considers thumbnails unused. Fixed.

If someone attaches images whilst submittimg a link (registering at the same time as submitting), and the links go for verification, the attached images are going missing somewhere between them uploading the image and the link going for verification.

Confirmed and fixed.
Forum Regular

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Posted Sep 05, 2008 - 12:13 AM:

Thanks very much for fixing this Paul

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Posted Sep 05, 2008 - 2:06 AM:

Sorry to hijack this thread....

Jon, been trying to contact you - you are very elusive <G> I replied to your email to me but it was returned. Would be ever so grateful if you could contact me.


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