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simple html help needed
with admin panel

Comments on simple html help needed

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Posted Aug 25, 2008 - 9:18 AM:

Ok, maybe I'm having a mental block, but I work on one monitor sometimes that I use in portrait mode, basically a wide screen that I flip on it's side.

In any case when I work on that monitor some of the admin pages do not fit on my screen and I cannot get the left-right scrollbar to show up at the bottom of the main frame. Here is how I changed the frameset template and maybe someone can figure out what I'm doing wrong.

<frameset frameborder="1" border="1" cols="15%,*">
<frame src="https://www.webmastersite.net/forums/{DIRURL}/{ADMINDIR}/index.php?show=menu" name="frameleft">
<frame src="https://www.webmastersite.net/forums/{DIRURL}/{ADMINDIR}/index.php?show=main" name="frameright" scrolling="auto">

The only changes I made was in the first line cols="15%,*" from cols="15%,85%", I've also tried cols="15%,auto". I've added the scrolling="auto", and have trid scrolling="yes". None of these changes have worked. Any ideas?

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Posted Aug 26, 2008 - 3:54 PM:

Due to internet explorer bugs, scrolling is disabled in the admin stylesheet. Remove the html {} bit.
Forum Regular

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Joined: Apr 03, 2007
Location: NY & PA

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Posted Aug 26, 2008 - 7:27 PM:

Got it, thanks!
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