Just installed fresh copy on my local. going to the front end I received error below. On refreshing it disappeared. Haven't seen it since so don't know if it is important or just a minor glitch at that time?
An error occoured at http://localhost/Free Web Bargains/index.php on 2008-08-23 08:44:06. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'mysqli_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given' in C:wampwwwmy folderdatabasesmysqli.php on line 45. Debug info: oupreverttime < 1219481046
Load time so far: 0.18 seconds.
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.18 seconds.
Query 22: UPDATE wsnlinks_settings SET content='1219481046' WHERE name='resettime'
Query 23: SELECT `id`,`name`,`links`,`comments`,`time`,`usergroup`,`password` ,`ip`,`totalhits`,`totalhitsin`,`email`,`validated`,`templat e`,`language`,`lastattempt`,`allowemail`,`signature`,`avatar name`,`stylesheet`,`allowuseremail`,`albumid`,`failedattempt s`,`totalbytes`,`funds`,`notifyoflinks`,`lastvisit`,`timezon e`,`rating`,`pmfolders`,`notifyofpms`,`acceptpms`,`cookiedur ation`,`banned`,`location`,`homepage`,`occupation`,`bio`,`ai m`,`icq`,`msn`,`yahoo`,`inactive`,`timeonline`,`totalpms`,`b uddies`,`ignored`,`isonline`,`acceptims`,`adminpermissions`, `referrer`,`groupreverttime`,`grouprevertto`,`moderationpm`, `secondarygroups`,`linksperpage`,`commentsperpage`,`shouts`, `customtitle`,`shoutban`,`topicbans`,`forumbans`,`visibility `,`birthdate`,`lastsession`,`interests`,`posteditor`,`foruma ccess`,`pmpopup`,`pmnotify`,`modnotes`,`guestnotes`,`salt`,` lastmodnote`,`newpms`,`imflag`,`orderalbums`,`lastguestnote` ,`autosubscribe`,`notifymethod`,`showavatars`,`showsigs`,`wa rninglevel`,`topics`,`posts`,`chatcolor`,`traderrating`,`inv itessent`,`validatedemail`,`calsub`,`macros`,`guestnotify`,` keychecktime`,`notifykeywords`,`autosubscribepost`,`blogrss` ,`positivepct`,`notifytrader`,`inactiveemail` FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE notifymethod = 'digest' AND banned ='' AND id > 1 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10
Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
Number of rows is 0
Query 24: SELECT `id` FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE {validated}=1 ORDER BY id DESC
Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '}=1 ORDER BY id DESC' at line 1
Comments on error - #2
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Location: England
Total Topics: 391
Total Comments: 1303
Just installed fresh copy on my local. going to the front end I received error below. On refreshing it disappeared. Haven't seen it since so don't know if it is important or just a minor glitch at that time?
An error occoured at http://localhost/Free Web Bargains/index.php on 2008-08-23 08:44:06. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'mysqli_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given' in C:wampwwwmy folderdatabasesmysqli.php on line 45. Debug info:
oupreverttime < 1219481046
Load time so far: 0.18 seconds.
Number of rows is 0
Load time so far: 0.18 seconds.
Query 22: UPDATE wsnlinks_settings SET content='1219481046' WHERE name='resettime'
Query 23: SELECT `id`,`name`,`links`,`comments`,`time`,`usergroup`,`password` ,`ip`,`totalhits`,`totalhitsin`,`email`,`validated`,`templat e`,`language`,`lastattempt`,`allowemail`,`signature`,`avatar name`,`stylesheet`,`allowuseremail`,`albumid`,`failedattempt s`,`totalbytes`,`funds`,`notifyoflinks`,`lastvisit`,`timezon e`,`rating`,`pmfolders`,`notifyofpms`,`acceptpms`,`cookiedur ation`,`banned`,`location`,`homepage`,`occupation`,`bio`,`ai m`,`icq`,`msn`,`yahoo`,`inactive`,`timeonline`,`totalpms`,`b uddies`,`ignored`,`isonline`,`acceptims`,`adminpermissions`, `referrer`,`groupreverttime`,`grouprevertto`,`moderationpm`, `secondarygroups`,`linksperpage`,`commentsperpage`,`shouts`, `customtitle`,`shoutban`,`topicbans`,`forumbans`,`visibility `,`birthdate`,`lastsession`,`interests`,`posteditor`,`foruma ccess`,`pmpopup`,`pmnotify`,`modnotes`,`guestnotes`,`salt`,` lastmodnote`,`newpms`,`imflag`,`orderalbums`,`lastguestnote` ,`autosubscribe`,`notifymethod`,`showavatars`,`showsigs`,`wa rninglevel`,`topics`,`posts`,`chatcolor`,`traderrating`,`inv itessent`,`validatedemail`,`calsub`,`macros`,`guestnotify`,` keychecktime`,`notifykeywords`,`autosubscribepost`,`blogrss` ,`positivepct`,`notifytrader`,`inactiveemail` FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE notifymethod = 'digest' AND banned ='' AND id > 1 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10
Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
Number of rows is 0
Query 24: SELECT `id` FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE {validated}=1 ORDER BY id DESC
Load time so far: 0.19 seconds.
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '}=1 ORDER BY id DESC' at line 1
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
I've seen this also, fixed.