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Suggestion needed
on how to highlight certain links

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Posted Jun 15, 2008 - 10:48 PM:

I'd like to highlight links from contributors to this site. Either by adding an image next to the link or moving them to the top.

I was originally thinking of creating a contributors link type, but some contributors links are also reciprocal links so that wouldn't work. I am now thinking of creating a "Contributors" category and alias any links to this category, this way they could also be reciprocal types if necessary. Following this method would there be a way to add an <IF> statement to the linkbit template that basically says "if this link is part of the contributors category then move to the top"? If this is possible then what would the code be that needs to be added to achieve this result?

If the above is not possible or not feasible do you have any suggestions on how I could get this to work as I described?


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Posted Jun 17, 2008 - 8:34 PM:

"Contributors" sounds to me like a member usergroup. Is there a reason why you'd want one of a member's links to be marked contributor but not others of their links?
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Posted Jun 18, 2008 - 12:59 PM:

I suppose the name "Contributors" is a bit misleading so let me give you some background. My site is for a saltwater e-newsletter/blog so a Contributor to me is someone who has given me something that I can publish. My links directory, http://www.marinefiends.com/wsnlinks/, currently has both regular and reciprocal links. A Contributor right now has a different page on my site that I'd like to replace, adding links to them to the directory. Why do double work, I'm thinking. But, a Contributor can be a regular link or a reciprocal link in addition to being a contributor. I want to highlight them in some way, preferably sorting first, followed by reciprocal, and then regular as well as showing a graphic.

So, a site that is both a reciprocal and contributor, would sort to the top of a category and then display the reciprocal star and a second graphic that I've made. Next in line would be reciprocal links, followed by regular ones.

The problem I have is that I cannot give a link two link types so I'm looking for some work around for that.

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Posted Jun 18, 2008 - 10:06 PM:

That doesn't tell me why you don't do contributors as members. It sounds like they're actual people. If it's people you're dealing with, members seems the obvious way to go.

But, a Contributor can be a regular link or a reciprocal link in addition to being a contributor.

So Contributor is indepedent of the type of link, tied only to the human being -- sounds even more clearly like a member.
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Posted Jun 19, 2008 - 1:27 PM:

Contributors are the sites/links, not the members, at least how I see them. A member can have multiple sites but only one of them might have contributed to my site. For example, I have one member who has 3 sites, 2 are dog related and go into my other pets category, 1 is fish related and both a contributor site and a reciprocal link. The dog sites would be regular links; the fish one is right now a reciprocal, but I have no way to give it credit for also being a contributor. If I create a member type for contributor and make this example member one, how do I then distinguish sites that are not contributors but regular or reciprocal only?

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Posted Jun 21, 2008 - 3:12 AM:

Add a 'contributor' field, make it admin only, fill it in for the desired links, and test for it with a template conditional.
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Posted Jun 27, 2008 - 9:09 AM:

Thank you very much Paul. The custom field was the answer.

I created a custom link field for my contributors, made it admin only, and then added it to the linkbit template via code just like the one you have for the reciprocal links so that a graphic I made is displayed.

It doesn't let me give the contributors any higher ranking in the list of links, but the graphic displayed makes them stand out just the same so I am happy.
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