Surely there must've been some sort of reason why I was using DESCRIP instead of DESCRIPTION, when every other field uses its name directly, but I can't guess what it would've been. Oh well.
Changing descrip to description for both the category import and the links import.
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Comments on Import Bug
Forum Regular
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Oct 18, 2003
Total Topics: 32
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Paul you have a bug on admin-xmlimport.tpl.
You have - Description: <input type="text" name="descriploc" size="5" value="{CATDESCRIPLOC}">
and it should be - Description: <input type="text" name="descriptionloc" size="5" value="{CATDESCRIPTIONLOC}">
Tried to import some categories and it wouldn't import the descriptions and this was the reason why.
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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Surely there must've been some sort of reason why I was using DESCRIP instead of DESCRIPTION, when every other field uses its name directly, but I can't guess what it would've been. Oh well.
Changing descrip to description for both the category import and the links import.