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Errors installing WSN

Comments on Errors installing WSN


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Posted Apr 10, 2008 - 4:58 AM:


My site had been using wsn links for years, including modified templates.We ve a db of approx 1300 links, momentarily 3.12.

On installing a new server i thought to install the newest version from scratch, hoping importing/transporting dbases was easy.

At first, difficulty with a line
You seem to be trying to use an english-only language file with multilingual templates.
WSN Links 4.1.38
was ultimately solved with patience and retry, retry, retry....

Templates were also working fine

Then the empty db had to be filled with the old data. A wizard to import pre 3.xx data was not present, so ultimately chose for flat links file import. Carefully prepared the data in csv, and started importing all to 1 category, hoping to move the links in place later.

Importing went well, moved some links to a category and then that category was not openable any more.

Sever log mentioned somethin like PHP parse error, syntax error, unexpected T_IS_EQUAL in /includes/commonfuncs.php(760) eval'd code on line 184.

Line 184, however, is empty except for a closing "{"

760 showed some eval function, But i m not too good at php, so started reading fora.

Perhaps templates could be the problem, so was mentioned.

Allright, switched template back from my customised, to multilingual. (we 'd always used multilingual (dutch) versions.

And now, The initial error "You seem to be trying to use an english-only language file with multilingual templates.
WSN Links 4.1.38

is back.

What data must i alter in mysql db to put my screen back to normal?

What is the error in commonfuncs.php like?

Please advice, help,

Arien Hilhorst


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Posted Apr 11, 2008 - 1:55 AM:

In WSN Links, there are two types of setups: english-only, and multilingual. An english-only setup uses a language file which will be approximately 50KB in size, normally named languages/default.lng, which is based on /languages/setup/englishonly.lng... and it will also use /templates/default/. A multilingual install will use language files which should be approximately 100KB in size, based on languages/setup/fullenglish.lng, and the template set /templates/multilingual/ (you should delete /templates/default/ if you still have it but are doing a multilingual version).

The message is telling you that you that you're using /templates/multilingual/, but you don't have a valid language file in your /languages/ directory -- the file you have there is the one designed for the /templates/default/ english-only installation, it doesn't allow full translation. Check the size of it. You can copy /languages/setup/fullenglish.lng to /languages/English.lng to recreate the standard multilingual language pack.

What is the error in commonfuncs.php like?

It's probably a template conditional or template PHP issue since it's happening where the templates are evaluated, but it's unlike any template error I've seen in years... they all show a few lines of context with a description of the parse error these days (except yours, it seems).

A wizard to import pre 3.xx data was not present

That's because you can upgrade. If you want a fresh install, you can still upgrade a copy of the old version and then copy it over directly after upgrading.

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Posted Apr 11, 2008 - 3:10 AM:

Problem in upgrading was that 3.x didnt work on php5... Thats why i chose a fresh install.. THe old copied version didnt work at all on php5, and i read the issue you saying it had to do with php5. ("cannot access empty value" in several scripts)

Do you mean I can use the 3 databases behind 4.x? I fear this is not the case.... There are far more dbs in 4.x than in 3.x..

Ow, i didnt mention the php5 issue? Could that be the problem?

I gonna sort out the lang problem. thanks!


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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Apr 13, 2008 - 3:44 AM:

The first step of the upgrade instructions is to overwrite all the files, so by the time you actually run upgrade.php it's fully PHP 5 compatible, regardless of problems with the old files that used to be there. The upgrade process transforms the database for you, the 4.1.38 upgrade.php should still be able to transform a 3.x database.
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