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Single link with mass user input
Custom work or there is a way?

Comments on Single link with mass user input

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Posted Feb 25, 2008 - 3:14 AM:

Hey Paul and fellow WSN fans!

I want to create a directory where each link has a PRICE attribute and registered users can make virtual donations towards that link. No payment needs to be processed, but each 'contribution' must be associated with that link, so if I want, I can list all the contributors and their pledges.

I didn't want to use the comment system associated with a link, just for submission of dollar amount pledges for that link (would be a waste and I want the link commenting system intact). Ideally, a separate table should store information about the LINK, the CONTRIBUTOR MEMBER ID, the PLEDGE AMOUNT, and PLEDGE DATE. Then simply query/display all the pledges for that link when somebody views a link. A separate setting must also be in place for the admin, to manually disable pledge submissions for a link if needed.

So can something like this be done in WSN right now? Or is it custom work? If so, can you send me a private quote please?


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Posted Feb 26, 2008 - 5:02 PM:

No payment needs to be processed

This doesn't make sense. How can you store data associated with a payment that isn't processed?

If you use the sponsorship system then the payments table stores that sort of data, and the funds field stores for the link. Since you don't want to do sponsorship, though, it it'd have to be done all over again as a new non-sponsorship system. Maybe 10 hours.
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Posted Feb 27, 2008 - 3:05 AM:

Hey Paul,

Let me clarify, because you might have misunderstood. smiling face

Linkowner creates a new link. Link has an attribute that stores a number value (dollar). New visitor comes to site. Registers. This member views the link, sees that the link is dollar value is 100. This member wants to contribute/make a pledge towards this link. Member inputs 10 dollars into a field and submits. We need to do/know the following about this 10 dollar:
- if the pledging member logs into his account/views a new page on his profile, he sees that he pledged 10 dollars to link X, on date Y
- he can see all other pledges he made, and a sum of all pledges
- Linkowner and public can see all pledge amounts and usernames of those pledge submitters, when viewing that link. the results shown are cutoff as per explained below.
- total of the pledges is also shown for that link, BUT only upto the amount of the original value (100 dollars). so if 10 people pledged 10 dollars and I view this link, I see that the link's value is 100 dollars, and below it I see 10 pledges at 10 dollars each, totaling 100 dollars. IF another person makes a pledge towards that link, their pledge gets submitted and stored, BUT is not displayed on the link view detail page.

- admin needs the ability to disable submission of pledges after the value amount has been met, or let people still post pledges (but following the above process of hiding these additional pledges)
- admin needs to be able to contact those people who have submitted pledges which are displayed (accepted)
- admin needs to be able to contact those people who have submitted pledges, but aren't displayed (they are overflow)
- admin needs to contact both types Accepted and Overflow pledges members for that link

The idea is a site where people can post a link, put a value to it and other people making pledges towards that link.
I need simple solution, so if for example cutting the number of pledges off when displaying them on the link details, is done by simple PHP math functions in the templates, and not by admin features or programming, then that's cool. smiling face

This will be a beta site anyways, and I just need this pledging feature to be there for now. Later on, other features will have to be implemented, but not for another 6 months probably. smiling face

Please look at this again Paul and let me know. smiling face


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Mar 04, 2008 - 6:00 PM:

There's nothing simple about it. It requires storing a list of pledges in a database table, then querying them for the link and member in various places, then include a system for hiding or disabling after certain totals and so on and on as you'd said, all in a different way from the sponsorship system. With your clarification, I revise the estimate to 15 to 20 hours. It's practically as complex as the original sposorship system was which was developed over years.
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