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wsnlinks and vBulletin integration
wsnlinks and vBulletin integration

Comments on wsnlinks and vBulletin integration


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 27, 2007

Total Topics: 6
Total Comments: 10
Posted Jan 04, 2008 - 11:14 PM:

I have wsnlinks and I want to integrate with vBulletin.

My vBulletin is already integrated with my amember script via an amember plugin.

My wsnlink will also be linked to my amember site via an amember plugin.

So my wsnlink and vBulletin will be linked to my amember script.

Do I need to use the pre-supplied integration file for vBulletin as you described below?

If you wish to use an existing member database, such as one from a forum, it's simplest to install WSN Links in the same database as the script whose member system you will be using. (It's possible to integrate still while in a different database, by editing the integration file to change the table name to databasename.tablename.)

First go to Admin -> Members -> Settings and check the list of pre-supplied integration files. If the script you need to integrate with is on the list and you have standard prefixes, you can just select it there and you're done.

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Posted Jan 05, 2008 - 4:37 AM:

If the member accounts you want to use are in vbulletin, you should integrate WSN Links into vBulletin. (Unless amember people say differently -- I don't know how their script works.)
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