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Stack overflow ate Line 0
thumbnail errot : Stack overflow

Comments on Stack overflow ate Line 0


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Posted Dec 30, 2007 - 9:29 PM:

After updating automoticlly as suggested on the Admin Overview, it added a new feature. Thumbnails.. GREAT! was looking for this mod. Works great, but at times when reloading or returning to a page that has already been viewed I get a windo pop up that there is a "Stack Overflow at Line 0" error as it tries to download thumbnails for each link. I can remove the thumbnails option and i never get the error. I thought it may have been my custon pages, but i reset the site to the default pages and it still shows up. This is a new install as of this afternoon. Still doing adjustments and changes but this is one of the first issues I have seen.

WSN Links 4.1.23

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Posted Dec 31, 2007 - 3:55 AM:

WSN Links doesn't generate popups. I don't see how/why thumbshots would be forcing scripting into the images, all it calls is a single url inside an img tag.

Have a screenshot? Not sure what kind of message you mean. Is it only in a particular web browser?

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Posted Dec 31, 2007 - 4:15 AM:

Sure.. Here is the process done..

I just turned back on the thumbnails.

Select a catagory ( any will do it)
Catagory loads fine. Image #1

Leave the catagory and go back to the main page. Then back into the same catagory. thumbnails will not load..
Hit refresh.. ERROR shows.. See Image #2

After so many errors repeat over and over, one for each thumbnail that doen't load it shows the page again. Missing thumbnails, one for each error shown. Image #3

Off to bed.. I'll leave thumbnails on so you can view them. http://www.automotive-register.com
I did these test with this catatgory http://www.automotive-register.com/air-conditioning/

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Posted Dec 31, 2007 - 4:17 AM:

And for info i tried going back to a default clean stock template and it still does it. so the mods I did to the site are not the issue. Dang, 4:00 AM here bed time.. I'll do a few tests on another machine in a few hours from my office.. Using IE 7 with Vista now.



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Posted Dec 31, 2007 - 4:24 AM:

Just noticed it seems to happen only when your reloading the same thumbnail image. I can view a catagory once just fine,. click any of the detail pages for a link and i get the error again when it tries to load the thumbnail for the detail page that was just loaded from the catagory page.

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Posted Dec 31, 2007 - 9:07 AM:

Can confirm I get the same error on XP with IE6 on a differant machine.

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Posted Jan 01, 2008 - 4:28 AM:

In your screenshot, your status bar says it's waiting for a google ad server. The message looks like what IE does with javascript, and that ad is javascript. Do you see this behavior when viewing my demo? http://www.wsnforum.com/linksuserdemo/

Attempting to test in the WINE version of IE7, but it takes centuries to load a page.

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Posted Jan 01, 2008 - 4:34 AM:

Managed to get IE6 (not 7) running tolerably in WINE, and I don't see any problem following your procedure on my demo. I do see a problem on your site: when I come back to the category the second time the thumbshots are all dead images, but when I refresh once there's no popup error and all but one thumbshot shows up right. That indicates it's something in your HTML or ad code -- probably the ad directly above them which shows as dead to me.

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Posted Jan 01, 2008 - 4:53 AM:

I see www.automotive-register.com...es_default/nothumbshot.png doesn't load in IE 6, I guess because of IE 6's infamous inability to deal with transparent PNGs. Does IE 7 still have that problem? Thought they'd finally fixed it.

That it's loading the nothumbshot image in the first place must be one of IE's non-compliant javascript quirks. The thumbshots always show on revisits in Firefox, Opera, Konqueror, etc. IE judges the size of the image before giving it time to load. I think the only workaround will be to kill the nothumbshot image functionality when IE is detected, but that may not be visually appealing either.

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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 01, 2008 - 1:37 PM:

OK going here in IE 7

I get all images the first load and the top two go blank after a reload, But no error.

As I said before I tried a clean install with no mods to the page and I get the error so I can't see it being the ads I've added.

Right now im at a loss sad

Also wish some of the PR rateing would update, I feel its not working also, and no the server isn't blocked, I used a test script to test

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#11 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 01, 2008 - 1:43 PM:

Ok good news and bad smiling face

Its not MY site its in WSN or at least IE

Just got the error on the demo site, attached image..
Running Vista and IE 7

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#12 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 03, 2008 - 12:33 PM:

The sum of everything related to thumbshots in the script is this img tag:
<img src="http://open.thumbshots.org/image.pxf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.link.com%2F" border="0" alt="Thumbnails by Thumbshots.org" onload="if (this.width<50) this.src='http://www.directory.com/templates/images_default/nothumbshot.png';" />

Every other browser written in the last 15 years can handle it without problem, but I know IE has a reputation for randomly breaking. Google brings up a lot of mentions of the problem: www.google.com/search?hl=en...flow+at+line+0&btnG=Search

I'll add an option for you to use {LINKTHUMBSHOT[1]} to eliminate the javascript, though that will leave broken images for sites that doen't have thumbshots.

You can regenerate the pagerank, but you're 99% sure to be banned for that. You can use the $autopagerank tweak to get slower, random updates: scripts.webmastersite.net/w...s/google-pagerank-343.html . Of course that still increases your risk of being banned.

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#13 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 13, 2008 - 11:07 AM:

Added autodetection code to kill the default thumbnail feature for Internet Explorer viewers.
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