I thought I would wrire a post about my expeince with WSN links recently. I am writing this because I believe the script and the support is second to none, and the developer, Paul, desrves a bit of praise for his work.
Firstly, I have been a long time user of WSN links, mostly I have beuilt a few directories as experimants and left them alone. But now, since the 4.1 series of of the script, WSN inks has become a script in a calss of its own, and the willingness and ability of the developer to add new features and fix bugs is frankly staggering compared with other scripts. What I really like is that Paul obvously has a passion for this, because the price of the script is peanuts when you actually start to realse what it can do.
This is more than a links script. This script can be used for a number of applications, the possibilities are endless, simply because of how versatile Paul has made it. Just about everything is controlable and custmisable.
If you take a look at the site I am working on at the moment, and compare it to the standard setup and template, you can see just how versatile it is http://www.click4localbusiness.co.uk/. My site is very much under development still and I am working on changing my tamplates, so excuse some pages looking very different to others.
At the moment I am working on a seprate advertisers area for the site, and I am ble to do this bacause I can use a completely different template for the mambers area, than for the rest of the site. I am using custom teplates to create several new areas for advertisers, including an area where they can view and edit every part thier listing, without having to even go near the main part of the site. This for me is the most exciting part because I can really control what my advertisers see, and I can put clever sales tactics in place that they will definitely notice and pay attention to.
Toplists make this script powerful. Toplist can be used for hundreds of clever things. I am using them for my advertisers area, but I am also using them to give paid edvertisers extra exposure on the site. When you look at my site you will see several adverts on the right hand side of the page, these are toplists.
I am using three link types, I am offering a free listings, a featured listing, and I also have another link tyoe for supplimental results which I am pulling from DMOZ. I good example of this is... http://www.click4localbusiness.co.uk/photographers/
I'm happy to say I have made about £800 in revenue since launching the site a few days ago, and I am confident I will be sticking at this site and making it into something great.
Anyway, enough about my site.
The script is fantastic and is getting better every few days, becase thats about how often a new version is released. Thats a good thing because upgrading is simple, bugs are fixed fast and new features are regularly added, making functionality even better.
Now one problem for me is that sometimes I got time out and server load errors etc. If you get this, perhaps because you have too many categories, try this.... Open notepad, type in...
data memory_limit = 32M
... and save it as php.ini Upload it to the directory that WSN links is in, and it should override the setting in your servers php.ini file, allowing you more memory usage on he server. Works for me anyway, may vary from server to server.
I have tested thousands of categories with this an not encountered any problems, even with category selector on and set to four levels.
I have just started talking to Rackspace about a dedicated server, because I want to run a network of sites using the same member database, which is also very possible with wsn links.
The only thing I would change about the script is the search functionality. I really wish search results were a bit more relevant with a simple search. It is possible t make search results relevant by creating clever search forms, but I would like to see more attention paid to search results relevancy with this script. Maybe if PHP and Mysql search wont cut it, use a flat file and cgi or XML something. Thats all beyond me though. That would be my one and only complaint with this script, but I dont complain because the script is generally much much better than anything else out there.
Support is second to none here as well. Post a message on the forums and you will get an answer. I have not yet not had one of my problems solved quickly and accurately. I amgine Paul as having a head the size of a truck, because i recon it would take that much space to store as much knowledge about PHP and the "hidden" working of this script.
So anyway, this message is a thank you, to Paul and to other members of this forum who have helped me, and particularly to Paul for his dedication to WSN products, may they long be around and kicking the ass of thier competitors.
Comments on My Opinion if WSN links since 4.1
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I thought I would wrire a post about my expeince with WSN links recently. I am writing this because I believe the script and the support is second to none, and the developer, Paul, desrves a bit of praise for his work.
Firstly, I have been a long time user of WSN links, mostly I have beuilt a few directories as experimants and left them alone. But now, since the 4.1 series of of the script, WSN inks has become a script in a calss of its own, and the willingness and ability of the developer to add new features and fix bugs is frankly staggering compared with other scripts. What I really like is that Paul obvously has a passion for this, because the price of the script is peanuts when you actually start to realse what it can do.
This is more than a links script. This script can be used for a number of applications, the possibilities are endless, simply because of how versatile Paul has made it. Just about everything is controlable and custmisable.
If you take a look at the site I am working on at the moment, and compare it to the standard setup and template, you can see just how versatile it is http://www.click4localbusiness.co.uk/. My site is very much under development still and I am working on changing my tamplates, so excuse some pages looking very different to others.
At the moment I am working on a seprate advertisers area for the site, and I am ble to do this bacause I can use a completely different template for the mambers area, than for the rest of the site. I am using custom teplates to create several new areas for advertisers, including an area where they can view and edit every part thier listing, without having to even go near the main part of the site. This for me is the most exciting part because I can really control what my advertisers see, and I can put clever sales tactics in place that they will definitely notice and pay attention to.
Toplists make this script powerful. Toplist can be used for hundreds of clever things. I am using them for my advertisers area, but I am also using them to give paid edvertisers extra exposure on the site. When you look at my site you will see several adverts on the right hand side of the page, these are toplists.
I am using three link types, I am offering a free listings, a featured listing, and I also have another link tyoe for supplimental results which I am pulling from DMOZ. I good example of this is... http://www.click4localbusiness.co.uk/photographers/
I'm happy to say I have made about £800 in revenue since launching the site a few days ago, and I am confident I will be sticking at this site and making it into something great.
Anyway, enough about my site.
The script is fantastic and is getting better every few days, becase thats about how often a new version is released. Thats a good thing because upgrading is simple, bugs are fixed fast and new features are regularly added, making functionality even better.
Now one problem for me is that sometimes I got time out and server load errors etc. If you get this, perhaps because you have too many categories, try this.... Open notepad, type in...
memory_limit = 32M
... and save it as php.ini Upload it to the directory that WSN links is in, and it should override the setting in your servers php.ini file, allowing you more memory usage on he server. Works for me anyway, may vary from server to server.
I have tested thousands of categories with this an not encountered any problems, even with category selector on and set to four levels.
I have just started talking to Rackspace about a dedicated server, because I want to run a network of sites using the same member database, which is also very possible with wsn links.
The only thing I would change about the script is the search functionality. I really wish search results were a bit more relevant with a simple search. It is possible t make search results relevant by creating clever search forms, but I would like to see more attention paid to search results relevancy with this script. Maybe if PHP and Mysql search wont cut it, use a flat file and cgi or XML something. Thats all beyond me though. That would be my one and only complaint with this script, but I dont complain because the script is generally much much better than anything else out there.
Support is second to none here as well. Post a message on the forums and you will get an answer. I have not yet not had one of my problems solved quickly and accurately. I amgine Paul as having a head the size of a truck, because i recon it would take that much space to store as much knowledge about PHP and the "hidden" working of this script.
So anyway, this message is a thank you, to Paul and to other members of this forum who have helped me, and particularly to Paul for his dedication to WSN products, may they long be around and kicking the ass of thier competitors.
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Yep, I agree
Well done on your new site - nice one.
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Joined: Nov 01, 2004
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I second that on Paul's dedication.