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Right area still showing - is it in CSS

Comments on Right area still showing - is it in CSS


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Posted Oct 20, 2007 - 11:05 AM:

Paul great job on the new version (4.0.41)!
Although I'm asking the WSN Links community (and Paul) a question about the right side. I commented ot the right side - my page is very narrow and wanted to utilize the space. I did catch everything but as you can see in my example page there still is the right area blank. I've scanned thru the templates and css file but I'm stumped.

Oh and what template is this called in the admin template area?

Thanks everyone.

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Posted Oct 20, 2007 - 5:52 PM:

Normally the right 20% is reserved for the various menus, submission/subscription/online/moderation/etc. If you've removed the whole right div then you want to change the left div from 80% to 100%. See <div style="float: left; width: 80%;"> in the show links in category template.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 23, 2006
Location: Ontario, Canada

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Posted Oct 20, 2007 - 6:53 PM:

Thanks Paul,
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