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expire date

Comments on expire date


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Posted Oct 13, 2007 - 12:36 AM:

Is there a way to display the expire date as the actual date? At the moment it shows as numbers. If not is there a "get around" I could possibly do?

Also... what is the correct date format to enter? I put in 31/10/07 and it changed it to 07/10/09

I also hope to use it in a toplist.

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Posted Oct 13, 2007 - 11:38 AM:

According to scripts.webmastersite.net/w...les/link-variables-10.html , use {LINKEXPIREDATE}.

The date format to enter is whatever PHP can make sense of, which may depend on your language's locale set in the language file. For english I believe it looks for american dates, so if you type 1/5/2008 that means January, not May. But unless you like confusion it's better to write out the month name or the three letter abbreviation.

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Posted Oct 15, 2007 - 11:31 AM:

I'm having problems with thhis. It does not like it if I try to put, say, dec/25/2007 or similar using month name, I have to input 12/25/2007. No real hardship, but I need it to display the month because otherwise my visitors will be confused due to the American way of writing it when the rest of the site is in English. Is there any way I can force the display to show Dec/25/2007 ?

Also, if I edit the link I have to reinput the date otherwise it changes it to nonsensical.


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Posted Oct 16, 2007 - 10:06 AM:

Display problem solved.

But I have to reinput date everytime I edit

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Posted Oct 16, 2007 - 2:51 PM:


As far as I know that's not a standard format in any country. You need to write in a conventional format, like December 25, 2007 or Dec 25, 2007 or 12/25/2007 or probably 12-25-2007 or 12-25-07 (haven't tested those last two).

I need it to display the month

The display is unrelated to what you type in. You can pass a custom date format to any template variable as described here: scripts.webmastersite.net/w...stom-date-formats-323.html

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Posted Oct 16, 2007 - 11:46 PM:

Thanks Paul, but you didn't reply to the fact that I have to reinput the date if I ever edit the link.

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Posted Oct 17, 2007 - 11:26 AM:

Well I don't understand that, presumed it must've been because you were typing in the wrong format. Impossible to reproduce so I guess it'd require site inspection.

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Posted Oct 17, 2007 - 11:57 AM:

Paul wrote:
Well I don't understand that, presumed it must've been because you were typing in the wrong format. Impossible to reproduce so I guess it'd require site inspection.

Well, I type the american format - mm/dd/yyyy. For instance if the date is 10/31/2007, when I go to edit it states 1193803200. If I don't input the date again it comes up with something totally different

I have sent you my log in details via support form

[edit] well I would've sent you details via the support form, but I just get a blank page at the moment. Will send to the last email addy that you wrote to me on.

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Posted Oct 17, 2007 - 10:07 PM:

Haven't had a chance to check your site yet, but that sounds like it has to be an old/bad template which is using the wrong template variables there on the edit page -- namely it's using {LINKEXPIRE} (unix timestamp) instead of {LINKEXPIREDATE} like the templates I distribute (at least lately, perhaps it was different in the distant past, I don't recall) have it.

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Posted Oct 18, 2007 - 12:28 AM:

hmm, I have no idea what I did on this one, just checked and you were correct, it was LINKEXPIRE

Weird thing is that I started fresh with templates from 4.1.3. I did move the field in the suggestlink/edit.tpl but lordy knows how I managed to change it!!! [sigh]

thanks Paul - it now shows correctly smiling face
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