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Integration things again

Comments on Integration things again


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#16 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Sep 30, 2007 - 12:20 AM:

I'm not bothered about all the other integration stuff, it's just the login/passwords. Yup, it is possible to have "auto login" checked by default for phpBB, however I choose not to currently. I'll let other people decide if they want their cookies to hang around for ever or not.

It's probably highly dodgy but is there any reason I can't include the phpBB file that has the cookie creation routine and then just call it from wsnlinks?

I'll keep an eye out for 4.1.4 coming soon.

btw, I had a cookie yesterday and it has someones hair in it sad I'm starting to get cookie nightmares!

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#17 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 01, 2007 - 12:09 AM:

Maybe as part of this, can we have something like {INTEGRATED} that can be used in the templates, if {INTEGRATED} then a link to register on the integrated site can be displayed else display wsnlinks registration. That means we wouldn't actually have to change the templates.

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#18 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 01, 2007 - 1:52 AM:

nelgin wrote:
It's probably highly dodgy but is there any reason I can't include the phpBB file that has the cookie creation routine and then just call it from wsnlinks?

That'll help you if you're lucky enough to find that the phpBB file doesn't have any function names which conflict with WSN function names.

nelgin wrote:
Maybe as part of this, can we have something like {INTEGRATED} that can be used in the templates, if {INTEGRATED} then a link to register on the integrated site can be displayed else display wsnlinks registration. That means we wouldn't actually have to change the templates.

Not necessary, simply type $registrationurl = 'whateverurl'; in the integration file (has worked since 4.0 but I see I had the text about it in the wrong section of the article).

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#19 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 06, 2007 - 12:14 PM:

I've found a website that gives details on how to integrate phpBB login in 3 easy steps. Add 5 lines of code, change the login link, change the logout link. You're done. The only problem is that some of the phpBB functions do clash with WSNLinks. This makes me wonder, why don't php developers use some sort of prefix for their functions so they don't clash. For example, WSNLinks has a redirect functions, as does phpBB. Would it be so bad to have phpbb_redirect and wsn_redirect ?

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#20 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 06, 2007 - 4:02 PM:

The final word on this - can't be done. Well, it can, but not as easily as the documentation makes out.

To properly do it you have to do a lot of things
Make sure the user exists
make sure the user isn't banned
make sure the user is active

Otherwise people who are banned via phpBB can still login via WSNLinks if all you do is create cookies.

This www.phpbb.com/kb/article/ph...e04011565dbf9af28ed8c6ae09 shows how you can EASILY integrate phpBB login mechanism with any other system, however it depends on including quite a few files and there are functions that clash with WSNLinks.

If I gave you a list of functions that were causing problems and/or made the changes and gave you diff files, would you be willing to change WSNLinks so allow the phpBB integration?


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#21 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 07, 2007 - 3:31 AM:

If your script has no banned field to integrate, but instead uses a banned usergroup, you need to map that group appropiately onto a banned WSN usergroup (or the guest usergroup) with $group6 = 1; or the like as described in the knowledge base. What "active" means I can't guess.

I don't believe the linked page instructions would be useful at all. It doesn't make WSN Links aware of a login. The instructions are useful if you're building a new page which doesn't currently have a member system and can thus just use phpbb.

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#22 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 08, 2007 - 9:57 AM:

There is no ban field or ban group. There is a ban table that keeps a list of emails, ip addresses, usernames and userids that have been banned.

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#23 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 08, 2007 - 12:42 PM:

Then phpbb bans are unlikely to ever be supported unless someone cares enough to pay for it.

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#24 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 08, 2007 - 10:57 PM:

One of the reasons I paid for wsnlinks was because of the tauted "phpBB integration" - I'm bitterly disappointed.
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