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Links in emails not working
links in emails are saying no such content exists

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Posted Sep 26, 2007 - 9:11 AM:

When clicking on the links in the email notifications, I am being taken to a page that says "No such content exists. The link you are following seems to have been incorrect." I do not know how many email notifications are being affected but I am seeing it in both the New Link and Link Edited notifications. The problem seems to be with the ampersand html code within the link url. For example, in the email, it appears like this:


which when clicked results in the no such content message mentioned above. But, if I change & to just &, the url works perfectly.


Any idea how I can fix this on my end or is this something I have to wait for you to correct?
Forum Regular

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Posted Sep 26, 2007 - 9:21 AM:

OK, I obviously can't show you what I am seeing because the forum system is converting my code. The link I am getting in my emails looks like this: site url / wsnlinks dir / index.php ? action = displaycat & amp ; catid=60.

Please excuse all the spaces and the butchering of the email url syntax. I couldn't think of any other way to get it to display. After I click on the link in the email and go to the no such content exists page, I change the & amp ; (all together obviously) to just & and the url loads fine.

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Posted Sep 26, 2007 - 11:01 AM:

& a m p ; is required in HTML but it could break a link in a plain text email. I'll add something to the email-sending function to automatically change & a m p ; to &.
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