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Edit text in main/index page
How to edit/change index/main template

Comments on Edit text in main/index page


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 06, 2007

Total Topics: 1
Total Comments: 1
Posted Aug 07, 2007 - 3:30 PM:

Having just bought the licence I would now like to add my own URLS alongside the 'powered by' links at the footer.
I have opened just about every tpl/file that I can think it could be but am unable to find where to make the changes.
Obviously this is going to be required for the major part of changes I wish to make so it is rather important
All help gladly received

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
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Posted Aug 09, 2007 - 3:50 PM:

There is no "powered by" link in the paid version, so you must not have uploaded it. Download the script and read readme.html for instructions on upgrading from the preview edition.

The footer can be found at Admin Panel -> Customizations -> Templates -> Wrapper, or wrapper.tpl.
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