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member group revert variables

Comments on member group revert variables

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Posted Jul 31, 2007 - 3:55 PM:


Can you please confirm me,

When working with cache system enabled and member sponsorship enabled, the daily member funds deduction can not be always accurate because we may not reach enought page views per day.

In can work directly with the variables {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTIME} and {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTO} in order to assign directly the time to reversion and membergroup reversion for each member that has payed to be sponsor.

I understand {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTIME} is stated on seconds and it corresponds to the future php time() value that has to be reached for the membergroup to be reverted (it's not seconds over the current php time() variable). Also can you indicate me on wich moment does or at what process this variable is readed checking if it has being reached.

I also understand {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTO} is the number of the usergroup to revert to.

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Posted Aug 01, 2007 - 3:53 AM:

There is a problem if crons don't run, yes. I'm going to have to find some sort of compromise which does email and crons without eliminating the benefit of caching.

{MEMBERGROUPREVERTTIME} does not exist to my knowledge and I've never seen it mentioned anywhere.

The check for expiration is crons/daily.php lines 192-225.

I also understand {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTO} is the number of the usergroup to revert to.

I've never heard of {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTO}. The group being reverted to is based on the setting entered on the sponsorship page and only calculated at reversion time so far as I know.
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Posted Aug 01, 2007 - 6:31 PM:


At Admin -> Add Fields, at the list of current Member Fields you will find:

groupreverttime , grouprevertto

To test them , at editmembers.tpl I have inserted:

MEMBERGROUPREVERTTIME: <input type="text" name="groupreverttime" size="10" value="{MEMBERGROUPREVERTTIME}">
MEMBERGROUPREVERTTO: <input type="text" name="grouprevertto" size="10" value="{MEMBERGROUPREVERTTO}"> <br><br>

And both seems to be working great together (not tested with cache enabled at the moment), {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTIME} is the php time() value for the next reversion and {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTO} is the number of the membergroup to revert to. After the reversion take place {MEMBERGROUPREVERTTIME} takes the value of '0'.

Regardless of the solution you will find to have sponsorship funds daily deduction working with cache enabled,
I believe that we can also work without problems with member sponsorship using these variables when we have cache enabled, noting that at this case we'll be working with fixed date reversion and not daily funds deduction. This is a simmilar situation as working directly with 'expire' variable for links sponsorship. I'm working this way at a cache enabled directory without problems.

I'm doing more trials with these variables woking with cache enabled and I'll comment on my results.

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Posted Aug 02, 2007 - 7:37 AM:

I see groupreverttime shows up in hourly.php to "unsuspend applicable users every hour". This is part of the suspensions system, for suspending bad members for a set period of time. grouprevertto is the usergroup they return to when their suspension is served. If you search the wsnlinks directory for instances of "groupreverttime" or "grouprevertto" you'll see every instance is about suspending members. So that it's working "great" for you at something else is... inexplicable.
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Posted Aug 06, 2007 - 6:49 AM:


Ok now I understand were these variables came from and were are they used, and I have realized we have a wonderful suspend system.

I just would like to use the 'Suspend' system as 'Suspend or Promote' system.

Could it be possible this system to be used also as a Promote System ? For example I can have a user payed to be promoted to a higher usergroup for a six month period, I understand that I can manually use this system to 'Promote' the user to this higher membergroup for 183 days. After the 183 days completed this user will be reverted back to his original lower usergropup. Ok ?

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Posted Aug 07, 2007 - 1:09 PM:

Might work as is, have you tried it?
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Posted Aug 07, 2007 - 4:29 PM:

I find it working perfect.

A) I hope you find it useful so I would like to request for this function to be called 'Suspend/Promote Member' . This is order to be a standar feature for all.

B) Also using this promotion system we'll have cases were the promoted members would like to be promoted to a higher usergroup but before their current usergroup is reverted.

At this moment when we whants to promote this member the current template does not allows us to do it, it only allows us to restore to the original usergroup.

Is it possible the admin-suspend.tpl not to be part of the admin templates but part of the non-admin templates, this in order us to customize it as we need and this not to be lost when uploading all admin templates when upgrade ?

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Posted Aug 10, 2007 - 11:42 AM:

4.1 can update only uncustomized templates automatically so that shouldn't be an issue.

B should go in feature suggestions if you mean they should fall back two steps. Unlikely to be added though.
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