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Newbie Question: "Embedding" forum
I'm sure this has been answered LOTS of times, but

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Posted Jul 24, 2007 - 6:02 AM:

I need to install the forum inside another page (a typical 3 x 3 table, using the middle for the forum). I am SURE that this is answered somewhere in the forum but I have tried any number of search arguments and can't find it.

Sorry, but what's the answer? Can I "insert" the forum pages into other pages. For example, in a "<TD>" in a table?


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Posted Jul 24, 2007 - 7:48 AM:

Paul will have to answer this as I am not sure.

But I would ask if you really need to do that? The wrapper template is so flexible I am just surprised that anybody would need to do this.

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Posted Jul 24, 2007 - 8:58 AM:

Thanks, Jill,

You may be right but I haven't been able to figure out the wrapper.


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Posted Jul 24, 2007 - 7:24 PM:

The wrapper is the way to do it. <!-- BODY GOES HERE --> is the spot in the wrapper which marks where all the middle content is inserted, just nest that in a table cell.

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Posted Jul 25, 2007 - 5:47 AM:


I looked at the script and what I need to do is just the opposite of <!-- BODY GOES HERE -->

I want to create the "typical" left-side/right-side type of layout with the forum in the middle. Logically speaking, the page that I want would have the forum in the <!-- BODY GOES HERE --> and my stuff around the "outside".


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Posted Jul 26, 2007 - 12:00 AM:

If you want your stuff around the body, put it around <!-- BODY GOES HERE -->. Take the existing wrapper -- Admin -> Customizations -> Templates -> Wrapper -- and type the HTML from your existing site as you want it displayed.

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Posted Jul 26, 2007 - 1:31 PM:


Apologies for being so ignorant about this but I can't figure out what's going on. I tried putting code in the <!-- ... --> and get error messages. I can't find the "Customizations" folder that you are talking about. And, when I do I don't know what I am supposed to do with the wrapper. I have dug through all(?) of the documentation on the web site and can't find anything that addresses the <!-- BODY GOES HERE --> tag. Just point me to it and I will take it from there.


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Posted Jul 26, 2007 - 5:16 PM:

It's already in the template. You can move it around.

Customizations is a menu. When you're logged in at your forum, the bottom of your screen has a link "Admin Panel." Click that. There are a bunch of menus on the left, one being "Customizations" which has an option "Templates" for you to click.

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1 of 1 people found this comment helpful
Posted Jul 26, 2007 - 9:43 PM:

lwoodsinc wrote:

Apologies for being so ignorant about this but I can't figure out what's going on. I tried putting code in the &#60;!-- ... --&#62; and get error messages. I can't find the "Customizations" folder that you are talking about. And, when I do I don't know what I am supposed to do with the wrapper. I have dug through all(?) of the documentation on the web site and can't find anything that addresses the &#60;!-- BODY GOES HERE --&#62; tag. Just point me to it and I will take it from there.


I think I see what you are doing wrong - you are reading it that YOU put your stuff between those comments. But it is the OTHER WAY ROUND.

&#60;!-- BODY GOES HERE --&#62; is the code for the script to put the forum there.

So, You have your template (the wrapper.tpl) and where you want your forum bits to go you put the &#60;!-- BODY GOES HERE --&#62; to let the script know where to put the forum nod

Hope this helps.


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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jul 27, 2007 - 5:03 AM:

You are sooooo right about what I confusion was. By chance I figured this out a few hours ago, but thanks anyway for recognizing my frustration.

This product is very impressive (after you figure out how to use it) but the documentation is very UNimpressive. Digging through all sorts of short notes about diverse subjects doesn't help much---unless you already understand what's going on. Just a simple documentation manual would do a LOT more toward helping people understand the power of this product. Luckily I have a good PHP background so I was able to dig through the code to figure out what was going on, but that shouldn't been necessary. If nothing else it would help people if there were a few "real life" examples of page modification that could be looked at so that a pattern could be established.

(Hope Paul is listening)


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#11 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jul 27, 2007 - 8:53 PM:

There is an introductory PDF manual, but I see it somehow dissapeared from the site. Added the link to it back to the top of the knowledge base.

Having a PHP background is probably bad since it encourages people to make things more complicated. HTML/CSS is all that's needed.
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