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Cats not all showing on a Mac

Comments on Cats not all showing on a Mac


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Posted Jul 10, 2007 - 3:21 AM:

Somebody with a Mac has just advised me that they do not see all the categories in the cat selector when submitting a link. These definitely show on a pc in ie but he sent me a graphic image (when I insisted they were there!) showing the drop down cat selector was missing a large number of cats.

edit: He's just come back to me and says that he CAN see them all in the drop-down category selector on home page.

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Posted Jul 11, 2007 - 2:10 AM:

A Mac is hardware, like Dell or HP or Gateway, so it's irrelivant. What browser is he using? Most likely it's a user account or cookie issue though.

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Posted Jul 11, 2007 - 9:49 AM:

I asked him what browser he was using and he replied

I was using Safari.

Just tried it with Explorer (still on a Mac) and the dropdown revealed a narrow column - the full height of my screen but with no text. When I moused over it,each (empty) line highlighted in turn but as I said, no text - and if I tried to select a random choice, nothing appeared in the box.

Then I tried with Sea Monkey (Mozilla) and the full menu appeared - with all the breeds including BC (hurray) - but I couldn't click on anything to select it.

These varying results suggest it's not cookies?

Any ideas?

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Posted Jul 13, 2007 - 8:44 AM:

I can't seem to register on your site, don't get the email. Probably something about the account, will try another email later. Anyhow I don't see anything unusual on my sites at suggest.php?action=addlink when using konqueror (same rendering engine as safari) so it must be a template customization you have.

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Posted Jul 13, 2007 - 9:45 AM:

Paul wrote:
I can't seem to register on your site, don't get the email. Probably something about the account, will try another email later. Anyhow I don't see anything unusual on my sites at suggest.php?action=addlink when using konqueror (same rendering engine as safari) so it must be a template customization you have.

I authorised your account and the email log says that it sent you notification that it was approved.

Am attaching my suggestlink.tpl. I have not altered the category section at all.

Attached Files:

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Posted Jul 13, 2007 - 10:09 AM:

Got the approved email.

I see the problem now, the first category listed is - Beacurean. The HTML all looks normal when I view the source though, and that option's html is the same as all the others, so I can't see why it would choose to start there.

Could it relate to your flash applet? That causes 60% of the screen to be hidden for me in Opera, making the submission page unuseable, though I don't see obvious effects in Konqueror.

The next step would be to go through making all your HTML valid, you have 28 errors.

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Posted Jul 13, 2007 - 11:14 PM:

Paul wrote:
I see the problem now, the first category listed is - Beacurean. The HTML all looks normal when I view the source though, and that option's html is the same as all the others, so I can't see why it would choose to start there.

oh gosh - I am extremely red-faced. I just registered as a new member and could see all the cats listed BUT the majority were in bold italic - that's when it hit me - the cats for dog breeds - only a specific member group can submit to those. Those that you can see, you actually shouldn't! Put it down to working on too many sites at once + being a dumb blonde! So sorry to waste your time Paul.

But it is odd that you can't see them but I can, albeit they are italic bold.

Paul wrote:
Could it relate to your flash applet? That causes 60% of the screen to be hidden for me in Opera, making the submission page unuseable, though I don't see obvious effects in Konqueror.

CRIKEY! It's actually a javascript and I have removed it now.

Paul wrote:
The next step would be to go through making all your HTML valid, you have 28 errors

hmm - thanks I will have to go through it with a fine tooth comb


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Posted Jul 14, 2007 - 8:01 AM:

Paul wrote:

Could it relate to your flash applet? That causes 60% of the screen to be hidden for me in Opera, making the submission page unuseable, though I don't see obvious effects in Konqueror.

Strange - I just downloaded Opera and that javascript works fine in it - I reinstalled it at http://www.thedogscene.co.uk/ and it works fine. Perhaps you have an older version of Opera? The latest that I just downloaded is 9.21


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Posted Jul 14, 2007 - 9:31 AM:

In the top right corner you have a flash applet where it says "Click Here". Flash 9 for Linux in Opera (I'm also on 9.21) is unstable, tends to freeze things or turn gray a lot, though I haven't seen it cover the screen like that before. I see now it doesn't cover up the screen until I click the Flash area, I must've done it without noticing on that page before. Anyhow since it's Flash related it's OS-specific, the Windows and OS X versions of Flash are more compatible with Opera and more stable in general.

I suppose the gray area I see in Konqueror probably isn't what you intend either, though it's harmless. I believe there's some sort of long-standing issue where flash objects can't be made transparent properly under X-Windows (I recall a bug report thread where Mozilla blamed Xorg which blamed Flash which blamed Mozilla etc), though the only example I've seen before is a menu that got hidden behind a flash object.

I guess KHTML (Konqueror/Safari) doesn't support empty <optgroup>s in selectors, while other browsers do... that'd explain not being able to see categories you can't submit to in it. A quick google suggests I should try <option distabled="disabled"> instead, will see if that helps.

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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jul 14, 2007 - 10:00 AM:

<option disabled="disabled"> doesn't seem to work at all, it allows selecting the category as normal.
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