I would like people to be able to sponsor categories. This would allow an advertiser to upload a banner, make a payment for either x number of impressions or for x number of days. It would be nice to allow upto x number of banners in rotation.
For example, under the insurance category, I may have 3 companies who wish to advertise.
It'd also be good to be able to make each category available at a difference price since so many categories have a lot of competition for advertising and some will not have so much.
I too am seeking ways to have Category Sponsorship enabled ...
for the "immediate now" this is what I am working on .. and what I am hoping to have it looking like when I end up...
Main Page ( Just as it is now ...) - shows all Cats listed: ( Top Level Categories) [i.e. - One of these Categories would be Travel] [- there would be no Category Sponsorship - at least at this time shown on this screen/main page]
So were are at
For my use I am calling this level "0"
When clicking on the Travel Category - it brings up
example: Travel
For my use I am calling this level "1"
- and this is how things work now ...
What I would like to be able to add is [ a specified _ _ _ pixels x _ _ _ pixels image/banner ] in this level "1" Directory>Travel
This image/banner area would Say/Show something to the effect of:
The presenting sponsor's image/information etc. or however it could best be used. example: Travel - Presented by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Company etc...
And also an optional area below the specified _ _ _ pixels x _ _ _ pixels image/banner area
Stating - Presented by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Company etc... ...and then a insert of their Company Logo etc.
I would have each of these image/banner areas be able to be used as hyperlinks to the sponsoring company (opening in a new window) ================= Then Drilling down another level ( first sub-category level)( For my use I am calling this level "2")
say to a Sub Cat Called "Accommodation"
So now were at Directory>Travel>Accommodation
I could repeat the same process ....
and again if I had level "3" Categories
example: Directory>Travel>Accommodation>Resorts or Directory>Travel>Accommodation>Hostels
I believe this would give some great revenue opportunities ...
The "Gate Keeper Level" - [Level 1] provides a great opportunity for a company/organization wishing broad exposure "to all" - or wishing to be "top of mind" for consumers etc. in say the Travel Category. And has a very valuable location.
or .. possibly they might wish to be "closer" to the final destination - [Resorts] [Level 3]
This is also a very valuable location as it has become a highly targeted area .... I would expect to set the variable rates according to location/demand etc.
Maybe there already is a good way to do this ... and I just haven't discovered this yet ...
"Thanks all" for taking the time to read this ..
If you have input - on this ---- or if I haven't described what I was thinking in a clear way - please post - or feel free to PM me if you have ideas etc. on this ....
Paul ..Look forward to your future developments
...you asked for some feedback etc. hope this helps - if there is a better place - or more productive area to have this posted in ... I know you will move it there ..
This is what I am using for the time being to get a "Featured Category"
This presents itself - before the normal category presentation of links in Category etc.
The code I am using is as follows
See "Presented by Attachment"
For Visual Example: Please see the featured Presenter screenshot Attachment
This is for two different categories - so I have a featured presenter status for 2 different categories ....
The images are stored in a separate folder outside of WSN Links ... on my own server - or if it works �" source it direct from the Sponsor's web site ..
The images are "clickable" to allow immediate transfer to the presenting sponsor's website of choice ...
Using this method you would need to do the same for each Category that is sponsored - either using a custom image that I have created etc.[to fit within the specific amount of pixel area that I have chosen] - or link directly to an image on the sponsor's server
Yes ..this does takes manual insertion - and this would start adding a great deal of code - as the number of Featured Category presenters increases - and there is no paypal or other integration - but for now - it is working
I have not yet figured out either: 1)- using conditionals or other to see - how to make this less complicated ... ...or 2) maybe looking at something like "adpeeps" to do a "targeted ad area" with a custom size banner etc.
Thought I would present to all - what I am looking for/ what direction I am going in way of presentation/possibilities etc.
Well I guess because, management of members per se is "vague". There is no centralized area to manage individual members with respect to the admin control panel.
Instead of using {CATNAME} - am now using {CATID} instead as the identifier:
Problem was "Multiple Presented By" Categories with similar names would conflict ex: Camping - Camping Spots - Camping Supplies
See attachment for example of what I am now using:
- Have not been able to find a way to repeat a presenter for multiple categories: ( and use less lines ) Ex: I tried - <IF {CATID} is ___ or ___> but that didn't work: So I just resorted to doing a separate statement for each category If anyone has any suggestions - would love to hear them
- Have left an open space on purpose after the last -otherwise- - or if you wanted a remainder of a "site wide" display of a presenter - you could add a presenter info there as well
tradenet wrote: Well I guess because, management of members per se is "vague". There is no centralized area to manage individual members with respect to the admin control panel.
Isn't that what the member search and member list are?
DR wrote: Ex: I tried - <IF {CATID} is ___ or ___> but that didn't work:
Comments on Sponsorship enhancement
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I would like people to be able to sponsor categories. This would allow an advertiser to upload a banner, make a payment for either x number of impressions or for x number of days. It would be nice to allow upto x number of banners in rotation.
For example, under the insurance category, I may have 3 companies who wish to advertise.
It'd also be good to be able to make each category available at a difference price since so many categories have a lot of competition for advertising and some will not have so much.
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Referencing Paul's 4.1 Possibilities Thread:
I too am seeking ways to have Category Sponsorship enabled ...
for the "immediate now"
Main Page ( Just as it is now ...) - shows all Cats listed: ( Top Level Categories) [i.e. - One of these Categories would be Travel]
[- there would be no Category Sponsorship - at least at this time shown on this screen/main page]
So were are at
For my use I am calling this level "0"
When clicking on the Travel Category - it brings up
example: Travel
For my use I am calling this level "1"
- and this is how things work now ...
What I would like to be able to add is [ a specified _ _ _ pixels x _ _ _ pixels image/banner ] in this level "1" Directory>Travel
This image/banner area would Say/Show something to the effect of:
The presenting sponsor's image/information etc. or however it could best be used.
- Presented by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Company etc...
And also an optional area below the specified _ _ _ pixels x _ _ _ pixels image/banner area
Stating - Presented by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Company etc... ...and then a insert of their Company Logo etc.
I would have each of these image/banner areas be able to be used as hyperlinks to the sponsoring company (opening in a new window)
Drilling down another level ( first sub-category level)( For my use I am calling this level "2")
say to a Sub Cat Called "Accommodation"
So now were at Directory>Travel>Accommodation
I could repeat the same process ....
and again if I had level "3" Categories
I believe this would give some great revenue opportunities ...
The "Gate Keeper Level" - [Level 1] provides a great opportunity for a company/organization wishing broad exposure "to all" - or wishing to be "top of mind" for consumers etc. in say the Travel Category. And has a very valuable location.
or .. possibly they might wish to be "closer" to the final destination - [Resorts] [Level 3]
This is also a very valuable location as it has become a highly targeted area .... I would expect to set the variable rates according to location/demand etc.
Maybe there already is a good way to do this ... and I just haven't discovered this yet ...
"Thanks all" for taking the time to read this ..
If you have input - on this ---- or if I haven't described what I was thinking in a clear way - please post - or feel free to PM me if you have ideas etc. on this ....
Paul ..Look forward to your future developments
...you asked for some feedback etc. hope this helps - if there is a better place - or more productive area to have this posted in ... I know you will move it there ..
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Yes category sponsor is what i need....
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This would be great along with added payment gateways. eg. authorize.net
Also, how about PPC bidding?
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This is what I am using for the time being to get a "Featured Category"
This presents itself - before the normal category presentation of links in Category etc.
The code I am using is as follows
See "Presented by Attachment"
For Visual Example: Please see the featured Presenter screenshot Attachment
This is for two different categories - so I have a featured presenter status for 2 different categories ....
The images are stored in a separate folder outside of WSN Links ... on my own server - or if it works �" source it direct from the Sponsor's web site ..
The images are "clickable" to allow immediate transfer to the presenting sponsor's website of choice ...
Using this method you would need to do the same for each Category that is sponsored - either using a custom image that I have created etc.[to fit within the specific amount of pixel area that I have chosen] - or link directly to an image on the sponsor's server
Yes ..this does takes manual insertion - and this would start adding a great deal of code - as the number of Featured Category presenters increases -
and there is no paypal or other integration - but for now - it is working
I have not yet figured out either:
1)- using conditionals or other to see - how to make this less complicated ...
...or 2) maybe looking at something like "adpeeps" to do a "targeted ad area" with a custom size banner etc.
Thought I would present to all - what I am looking for/ what direction I am going in way of presentation/possibilities etc.
Thanks ..
Attached Files:
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Also there seems to be a "lack" of member management within Sponsorship.
ie. there should be a more "central" area to manage members.
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Also there seems to be a "lack" of member management within Sponsorship.
ie. there should be a more "central" area to manage members.
That's vague enough that I have no idea what you mean by "manage members".
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Well I guess because, management of members per se is "vague".
There is no centralized area to manage individual members with respect to the admin control panel.
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Update to Post # 5: Presented By:
Instead of using {CATNAME} - am now using {CATID} instead as the identifier:
Problem was "Multiple Presented By" Categories with similar names would conflict
ex: Camping - Camping Spots - Camping Supplies
See attachment for example of what I am now using:
- Have not been able to find a way to repeat a presenter for multiple categories: ( and use less lines )
Ex: I tried - <IF {CATID} is ___ or ___> but that didn't work:
So I just resorted to doing a separate statement for each category
If anyone has any suggestions - would love to hear them
- Have left an open space on purpose after the last -otherwise-
- or if you wanted a remainder of a "site wide" display of a presenter - you could add a presenter info there as well
Attached Files:
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Well I guess because, management of members per se is "vague".
There is no centralized area to manage individual members with respect to the admin control panel.
Isn't that what the member search and member list are?
Ex: I tried - <IF {CATID} is ___ or ___> but that didn't work:
That's not valid sytax (or rather it's not valid logic, it would logically always evaluate as true if the second blank isn't 0), please read the manual: scripts.webmastersite.net/w...onditionals-syntax-69.html
For a large number of categories it could be better to add a field which you set for those categories.