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problems creating categoties

Comments on problems creating categoties


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Posted Feb 26, 2007 - 1:21 PM:

hi paul,
just downloaded and installed the newer wsnfree forum,
so far most everything seems ok but im having trouble creating and keeping categories and forums i create.

for example,
i could create a category called general,then add a subforum called discussions.
then make a second category called testing,with a subforum called admins testing

and what would happen is sometimes i get the "subforums" discussions and admins testing crossing and duplicating into both main categories so id have the "subcategories" in both main categories.like a duplicate entry.
so like admins testing would also end up in the general category.

also after posting a test post to check the youtube code (which works great btw)
it posted ok,but then i tried to create a 3rd new category afterwards and i lost all of them including the video post in the testing forum.
so it went back to the original default category i started with.

i tried a moderater option to clean out some things but i did an error with mysql saying this.

[26-Feb-2007 12:01:04] PHP Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/domain/public_html/projects/wsn1/databases/mysqli.php on line 18

that was the only error messege i seen.
i did try the maitenance options and regenerate everything but it did not help.

i dont think its anything to do with the youtube coding, i had that issue once before but didnt get around to posting about it.


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Posted Feb 26, 2007 - 3:30 PM:

If you're talking about the subforums on main page list, you have to regenerate forums to update it after moving forums.

As for the mysql warning I need either a procedure to reproduce or the debug output.

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Posted Feb 26, 2007 - 4:05 PM:

i may have to try another install,
this one does not seem to have gone to well.

If you're talking about the subforums on main page list, you have to regenerate forums to update it after moving forums.

i did try to regenerate them after adding the new main categories and subforums
but it still just shows the 1 category and subforum.

but if i go into Manage Categories, it shows 2 main categories.
if i go into Bulk Edit Forums it shows 1 forum but nothing i added lol.
ive added a screenshot of what it shows me instead..and i tried to regenerate again as well but no change


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Posted Feb 26, 2007 - 7:26 PM:

hi paul sorry to bump the topic,
ive reinstalled the forum with a new mysql as well but having the same issue with categories.

ive set it up with a few test categories etc,if you go to


and check out test 5 category you can see what i mean.
clicking test5 shows it empty but clicking the
In youtube test
By admin area shows it.

and i did try to regenerate then but got the same thing.

seems to have mysteriously resolved itself,now the post is showing.
(seriously,it did not show before and i did nothing to change it)
i had even tried deleting cookies,refreshing the page etc before
and it did not resolve it.
the post just reappeared on its own.! no clue what happened.



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Posted Feb 28, 2007 - 4:19 PM:

Well I'll need an exact procedure of what to do to reproduce whatever you saw.

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Posted Feb 28, 2007 - 6:02 PM:

hi paul,
sorry thanks for the help anyways.

Well I'll need an exact procedure of what to do to reproduce whatever you saw.

all i can say really is this is the way i did it.

1- remove the default "test category/forum you have after installing the forum.
so you should not have any isted to start with.
2- try to create 3 or more new main categories to put sub forums into.
3- try to post into those sub forums then go back to admin options and try to add a 4th and 5th main category and a new sub.in each and try to post to those as well

thats basically all i tried to do when i lost all but the 1st original new one that i created.
that screenshot i attached here shows the category/forum that was left over after i "lost" the other ones i made.

im at a loss why the post i made disappeared then came back,
like i said i did nothing with it since i posted about it.
i just happened to look a day later and seen it was displaying normally again.

i suppose unless you can regenerate the issue with what i described above,
than there isnt much else i can say at this point unless it happens again.
then ill just repost about it again.
but either way thanks for trying to resolve it.


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